Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 2/5 wk 6



  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    I had trouble moving around yesterday I was so sore. So tomorrow I will do it again, try to give my body time to recover have not worked out in a while, but even sore it feels soooo good. I will keep at it on level 1 for a while and only 3 days a week. Did really good on calories this week end.

    Well back to work, will check in later. :bigsmile:
  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey Peppers,

    I am a little ocd about things (obsesive compulsive) and I tend to do things in Monday's are beginning days for me.
    Today I am going to start exercising (like I have been saying I would do since joining mfp in january) and my goal is to workout for 30 minutes 5 days a week.

    Have a great Monday everyone. :smile:

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Mornng all!
    Well I had my oldest throwing up all day yesterday so needless to say I stayed home for most of super bowl! which turned out to be a good thing! I didnt get to injest most of the junk that was served! But I had a friend that made Jeager-bomb cupcakes so i had 2 of those!. Some nasty stomach thing is going around and getting all the kidos:(
    My mother is comming tomorrow for a week.....I am nervous and a little excited. Been cleaning the crap out of the house. I wish that I was comfortable around her, or even that we got along....maybe this time will be different...LETS HOPE!
    Hope to get to the gym later, if not then to get some serious walking in:) Plan on introducing my mom to the gym while she is here too:) That will be a first for her! excited about that!
    The workers are here all week to work on my roof :( from like 6 am to 6 pm...... not thrilled about taht
    GAOLS for today:
    ~Get everything in the house finished
    ~Get water in
    ~Get in some good movement!
    Take a relaxing bath! (ME TIME)
    ~And love my kids
    Ill check in later! Hope this monday goes well for everyone!
  • jacque509
    Happy Monday all!!!
    Got home from San Antonio just in time to watch the Game. Yay Saints!! Well where do I start. Well before I even left town Friday I had a car hit me from behind, lost the confirmation info for hotel, ds got into a altercation at school. Basically he got suker punch and now suspended for a day because he hit back. San Antonio was fun. Walked all over the river walk both days. up and down stairs all weekend at the Alamodome for the competition. So no organize exercise but got a lot of walking and stairs in. Now food wise was the pits! Ate way to much junk and sugar to do any good for anybody. To afraid to look at scale to see the damage, maybe tomorrow. So now I been to my first competition and feel like a pro. DD team won 3rd place she pissed but I thought wow at least you placed. So in 2 weeks were off to Dallas for the NCA nationals and yeah this will be bigger and badder. Hoped too be more prpared this time. So was unable to get out of bed to go to the gym this morning, plan to walk to car tonight and get back on track. hope everyone has a goos week!!!
  • n2dfire
    n2dfire Posts: 140 Member
    hey all hope all had a good sb sunday WHO DAT any how i did alright i had one micholob ultra some dip okay maybe too much dip and a small bowl of chili but should be okay since I transitioned right back into eating healthy today so all and all we should be goo cant wait till fri to see everyones sucess
  • jacque509
    Ok got on the scale today, none to happy I really blew it over the weekend. 4 pound gain agh!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad: So got to work on this a little harder. Brought lunch today but cuppard is low so eating the crap. Waiting for payday to buy the healthy food.
    log in today
    make smart choices on food
    Hope everyone has a good tuesday
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Well I did exercise this morning, 30 day shred for 15 min. I am going to do this (but the full 20 mins) on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's, until I can keep up with her.

    Have a busy day, will check back later. :bigsmile:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Had some goodies over the weekend. I am going to workout hard today and hope that will help. Have a good day everyone!
  • angiemcnett
    It felt really good to get a long swim in today. I was hoping to get 2 swims in today but the weather was yucky here so my husband didn't want me to drive in the snow. Oh well, hopefully on Thursday I can get 2 long swims in. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great night!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mental roller coaster again, since Sunday...has to be hormonal....I am so tired of this high and low funk.....I am exhausted from nothing physical ( altho it feels that way ). It just seems to be getting worse and worse the last few months here. not sure what to do anymore...... swear I only have maybe one good a week a month. def not feeling like me anymore.

    just wanted to pop in and say hi, have a good one gang.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    hey, this has to be very short... my lights are dimming. May lose electric soon. Heavy constant snow.
    Talk when I can get back on.

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Using the Philadelphia airport snow fall as reported on the local news

    Over the weekend - 28.5" of snow, this current snow 15.8" That's over 44" of snow. More snow expected Sunday night.

    And the local news stated there are still folks w/o power as of last Saturday's storm. And news just stated it could be a few more days before they get power.

    To the south of me, Delaware is in a 2nd day of State of Emergency.

    I must state I'm VERY THANKFUL I haven't lost power during this time. However, the possibility still exists as icy power lines droop down and/or the icy trees above the power lines droop down on the lines.

    Take care everyone. If you're in a need for some snow, feel free to take what you need from my yard. FREE!
  • n2dfire
    n2dfire Posts: 140 Member
    Hey all haven't forgotten bout y'all been a crazy few days ready for weigh in tomorrow hope we all have big losses see y'all tomorrow
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hello Peppers

    Sorry I have been MIA .... been busy busy busy .... hope everyone is doing good .... and good luck on the weigh in tomorrow ...i have an appt next wed. to hopefully get this damn cast off of me ....its DRVING ME NUTS lol
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi everyone.....hope all is going well for the SHGP's. still in my funk, altho today started out better than the last 3. food has been very, very bad and I just can't seem to, so, out of control. I am still searching for answers and it kinda bothers me that I post what I do. I mean, this should be a positive place...and I drop in and dump it all out. I am sorry for doing will try harder to lose the negativity.....

    Barb ~ my oh my! enough snow for you....I was watching it on the news last nite and I kept telling my dh how pretty it was and I wanted to be there.....(um, I kinda love the snow:bigsmile: ).... I do hope that you are doing ok and staying safe and warm. It is pretty scary all the things that have happened to folks in weather's wrath. do take care!

    Megan ~ gosh, time for the cast to come off? that has gone pretty fast! I am excited for you as well! I bet you can't wait!

    Mike ~ sounds like you have been a busy dad. Hope your week is going good too!

    Cindy ~ how is the Shred going? are you past the sore stage yet? I am not looking forward to that...I know I was pretty bad the first 3 days...You'll get better with each passing day....stronger and endurance! good job and keep at it!

    Miss V ~ hope all the sickness is improving your way. We have had some 24-48 hr flu gunk going around. I think it is mostly fever, tummy stuff. And, I am praying for you to have a good visit while your mom is there. I know how tough it can be with the relatives. That is so cool of you to take her to the gym! wishin' you the best girly! will be nice to have the roof done too! hope you have managed thru all the pounding!

    Christy ~ are you doing well with your exercise goals? hardest part is just getting started! I know you can do it!

    Jacque ~ my goodness...sorry all the bad stuff going on...cept the dd placing 3rd. ** congrats **!! glad to see you push ahead and get back on track here. you are such a strong woman Jacque....I admire you!

    Angie ~ you're doing so great with the swimming! I am happy it is working out for you and you are benefiting well! You are doing so wonderful during your pregnancy!!

    Lynnette ~ glad to have you back here!

    Well, have a great nite team! Here's to a loss at the scale 2morrow, and if not, don't fret, there's plenty of time and we will win this battle one day! I believe in all of you!!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Running in to say hi! i have been MIA sorry, my mom is here which is good.....but BAD.....
    I have gotten the tummy crap, and now today my hubby was home sick with it......
    Just hanging in here....will write in tomorrow when i weigh in
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I know it's early yet, but here's the link for Friday Feb 12th.