Moms, how much did you gain during pregnancy?

Just curious. I've read between 25 and 35 is recommended. But I want to know what actually happens. I'm not pregnant, nor trying to become pregnant. Just curious. :smile:


  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    I gained forty with my twins and thirty with my third baby. Twins went only 37 weeks. Both times starting from a healthy weight.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm 20 weeks, and I've gained 21 lbs.

    It varies. Every pregnancy and woman is different.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Too much. 50+ both times. I had tons of swelling, too, though. I was left with about 15 pounds to work off on my own when all was said and done.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I gained 65. Wish I was kidding. It was all gone in the first 3 months. Still not kidding. I'm a freak of nature.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    I gained 20lbs during pregnancy... and 30lbs AFTER LOL... seriously. I was 270 (ALREADY overweight) before conception, around 300 +/- after, and about 320 a few months after that lol
    And that is why I'm here. I want to have another baby, but NOT before I lose this damned weight!
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    43 with my first
    19 with my second
    40 with my third

    Lost it all tho and more. I weigh less now than I did in highschool.
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    I GAINED tons of weight when prego. 1st=130 to 180 so a gain of 50lbs(35wks), 2nd=135 to 180 a gain of 45lbs(36wks), 3rd= 160 to 210 a gain of 50lbs(35wks) which is y I got tubes tied and am now on
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    50 lbs with the first 20 with the last
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    23 with the first baby, 18 with the second.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    24 lbs with my first
    18 lbs with my second

    all gone within a month of delivery.

    I can't blame any of my weight issues on pregnancy - they were all caused by emotional eating stemming from depression after my father died.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    65 with my one and only son.....I had a lot to loose afterward and I was on bed rest my entire pregnancy.....
  • determined_01
    20 lbs...According to the charts I weighed in at 186 and topped at 206 but I feel like I was in the 160's at the start not 180's. Nonetheless that weight is gone and I'm charging forward : )
  • _CiaoParis
    Before pregnancy: 102 lbs
    During pregnancy: 131 lbs (the highest i got)
  • Tyeckia
    Tyeckia Posts: 19 Member
    60+ with my first child
    About 25 with my second

    The first one, I had a lot of fluid......after I had him, 20 lbs was gone instantly.......I lost 20 more and had about 20 more to work off.........

    My second, I was already overweight, so I guess that's why I didn't gain as much........started at 185
    I started at 142 with my first.....
  • GwennyH
    GwennyH Posts: 80 Member
    With each child, I gained around 30 pounds, then lost almost all of it fairly easily within a few months after delivery, but then re-gained about 10 lbs (each child) when I stopped nursing them but didn't stop eating like I was pregnant/nursing! Repeat that for 3 kids within 6 years and it slowly sneaks up on you! And it all could have been prevented with just a little more attention and effort with each pregnancy. But I honestly just didn't have the extra attention/effort to give at the time... some super moms can pull it off, balancing it all, not me. I'm just starting to lose the extra 30 lbs now that the youngest is 3 and a bit more self-entertaining and the older two are in school. Now is my time, better late than never!
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Well, with this one and the pregnancy before, I didn't know I was pregnant until about 4 months along. I don't get morning sickness and for both I hadn't had my TOM for at least 4 months before conception, so the 2 biggest signs of pregnancy, I didn't have. I was actually in the processes of losing weight when I got pregnant with both as well. Since I found out I was pregnant with this one, I have gained almost 10 pounds, but I'm in my 2nd Trimester. I will probably gain close to 10 more before it's over with, but most of that will be baby and fluids which will be expelled when I have her. With the girl I had last year, I think I gained close to 25 pounds from the time I learned I was pregnant to when I had her.

    With both of my boys, I think I gained 20 pounds or so with each of them. I was already overweight when they were conceived.

    You usually gain most of your weight the end of the 2nd Trimester through the entire 3rd Trimester. The 1st has minimal weight gain, generally speaking. But like someone else said, each person, and each pregnancy, are different.
  • dmzf
    dmzf Posts: 47 Member
    Yikes! I gained 40lbs and now weigh less than I did when I got pregers (2 1/2 years later.). Trying for number 2 & super scared of weight gain again. I was really sick with my pregnancy and gave myself permission to eat anything that comforted me. Woopsie, dont recommend that, lol.
  • Emtabo01
    50 exactly with both kids, lost all of it and more by BFing for a year.
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    I gained 15 lbs. Not much I realize but I got so into eating healthy I was eating better then I ever had before. I actually ended up weighing less after having her then before I got pregnant...(sounds weird right?)

    Now however I am 50lbs heavier then when I was 8 months pregnant. DEPRESSING....oh lord why did I go there.....:(
  • henryandrewmom
    henryandrewmom Posts: 25 Member
    I gained 57 pounds with my son (YIKES!). He is 16 months old. I have lost all of that, but was overweight when I got pregnant, so I am trying to lose some more. I was pre-pregnancy weight on his 1 year birthday, but after I quit breastfeeding, I gained 10 pounds back, because I was eating like a horse when it was no longer necessary. :-)