Fibromyalgia and Weight Loss - Need Support!

I'd love to find some friends to help me on my journey that have Fibromyalgia or other medical issues that make things in life a little bit more difficult. I have been struggling with headaches since 2008 and for the past few years joint pain. I just recently started a new job in Feb and got medical benefits back and have found a WONDERFUL new doctor that diagnosed me with Fibro but isn't done trying to figure out what is wrong with me medically. But I am in pain ALL the time which makes exercise difficult. I try to eat healthy but I seem to be always hungry when I do and the healthy eating alone doesn't seem to put up any results. I am hoping to find some friends that have similar medical issues that are trying to lose weight so we can go on this journey together. I have tried to lose over the past couple of years, and instead of losing I have gained and weigh more then I ever have at a little over 250. Send me a msg or request if you think we can help each other.


  • karabff
    I have been struggling with fibro for almost 5 yrs-it took everything, my career, lifestyle all of it -10 days ago I said enough I am getting my life back! I started walking everyday an doing about 10 min of lite I will be honest my pain has increased..but I figured that going into this as I put on 100 pds over this 5 yr period an was pretty much bed ridden..I sent out a similar request for others with fibro an have found lots of support an many stories that exercise does help-I literally take one step at a mentally I am doing feel free to add me as a friend..we can do this together!!!!
  • skheather
    skheather Posts: 42 Member
    Can't sy I have lost a lot of weight, but I have learned to live with fibromyalgia. I try to keep busy and not think about the pain. Sometimes I need to take it easy for a day or two when it really flares. Mostly I think that exercise helps me by loosening up my muscles. When I eat healthy, I feel better ...but I guess that is true for anybody. Feel free to add me as a friend . I would be glad to share my experience and try to encourage you.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    i also have fibro, anyone is free to add me.
  • freenewme
    freenewme Posts: 62 Member
    i don't have fibro but i do have chronic back pain from 2 bulging disks and spinal stenosis (nearing of my spinal canal) and now a cyst on my spine so i am in pain a lot and find exercising hard and painful. add me if want. :)
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    I can relate !!1
  • lisadiane41
    I know what it is like to have medical issues. I suffer from terrible migraines and about 6 years ago was diagnosed with MS. So I am on a lot of medication. Exercise helps a lot because my body gets stiff from the MS. Are you on any medication for your migraines? I have been for years. Since I have had them since I was 15 years old and now I am 43. Hang in there it does get better. And eating healthy helps and losing weight is good for any medical condition. :flowerforyou:
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    I have fibro and more...I've lost some weight, but more importantly lost many inches and gained muscle, stamina, endurance, healthy, better sleep, less pain, and more.

    Read my profile if you like and feel free to ask questions.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    My friend has fibromyalgia and has been struggling with weight loss for years now. She maintained a healthy 1500 cal diet and exercised regularly but her medication prevented her from losing weight. She started the Cambridge diet under the supervision of her doctor two weeks ago (against my advice) and has lost 13lb so far. I'm happy she is losing weight as she was desperately unhappy and worried about her health (she's around 5' tall and weighed around 250lb), but if you can offer any other aids to weight loss that don't involve a very low calorie diet, I'd love to hear it to pass on to her, as I don't think it's safe or healthy to be eating 400 cals a day - even if it is working! :huh:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I got relief from my fibro when I went on dessicated thyroid hormone. If you get tested for thyroid issues, make sure your doctor tests free T3 and free T4. Make sure those numbers aren't low. TSH is NOT (I repeat NOT NOT NOT) the end all be all that a lot of doctors like to think it is. If you do get a hypo diagnosis, ask for dessicated thyroid like Armor or ERFA Thyroid from Canada, and demand to be dosed according to symptom relief! :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: I will say, though, that I still have my tenderpoints. It's ok, though. They're a lot better, and they don't hurt unless I bump them.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi. I have had migraines (nasty hormonal ones) once a month for years, but keep that under control with eating better, magnesium everyday & maxalt mlt when I need it. I was diagnosed with fibro last August after I had tried exercising a few & ended up not even able to walk up the steps. They tried me on two different meds & I just didn't want to be on anything for the rest of my life & the side effects were awful. I started MFP in January of this year and began with baby steps walking at the mall in the winter. The pain actually got better -as long as I didn't push myself too hard. I was also doing Bob Harper's Weight Loss Yoga DVD which was so simple and I didn't hurt after doing it! I gradually worked up to walking outside once spring got here and I just finished my first 5K run last Saturday (I even finished 4th in my age bracket). I still get horrible leg pain, I get tired, my arms still ache but I never stop. Once I stop, I can't seem to start again so I do my best to not dwell on how bad I hurt. I still get days when I can't do anything but lay on the couch (and even laying hurts), & I have many sleepless nights (I'm lucky to ever get 4 straight hrs), but I vow to be medicine free for as long as I possibly can -a side from melatonin & zyrtec for my allergies to help me sleep. . I will say this - even though there is no official diagnosis for fibro, the pain is 100% real & indescribable. I wish you luck!
  • LzL1958
    I don't have fibro, but I do have osteoarthritis and spondylolesthisis in my spine. I have 2 degenerated disks and a facet joint that is stuck on stupid that prevents me from moving certain way. Along with that, I have bursitis in my hips and sciatica in both legs and suffer from as much pain in my legs as I do with my spine. Walking for excercise is challenging to say the least. So for now I do what I can and hope I can just make it from my house to the car, or from my desk to the copier, or trying to stand long enough to do a sink full of dishes or fry an egg at the stove without crying. And riding in one of those stupid go carts to do my shopping, not acceptable. I really want to change that.

    Needless to say, I've been working on losing weight, which I've done well up to now, but am now at a stall that is lasting forever. I know it's due to the unwanted sedatary lifestyle I'm forced to endure. Just when I think there is hope that one set of pain gets better, something new pops up. Don't get me wrong. The weight loss is definitely a step in the right direction. I've lost close to 50 lbs since I had gastric sleeve earlier this year. But the inability to excercise to help my weight loss efforts has been more of a challenge than the dieting.

    If there is support that is needed, I'm signing up. Anyone who can help, please keep in touch and help those of us who need the encouragement that there is something out there that can help.


    PS... I don't know how to join as a friend. I'm still sort of new to this sight.
  • grammiejul
    grammiejul Posts: 68 Member
    I have fms too. I was diagnosed about 27 years ago. By making small changes and taking it slow, I've now lost 46 pounds, 36 of it using MFP. I am just now adding a third day of exercise every week. I cannot get over the sense of self and empowerment I have gotten in doing this for the past year! Please, anyone feel free to add me. I love to motivation and support of MFP friends as much as I enjoy giving it.
  • francesmj
    Two things that have helped me tremendously: gentle yoga, and acupuncture. My mother tells me that when she reached menopause, her symptoms all but disappeared. I'm am really, really, really hoping that it will be the same for me.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Join our group

    Also, feel free to friend request me. I've lost over 60 lbs, have another 80 or so to go, and I have Fibromyalgia.

  • MGarcia0504
    MGarcia0504 Posts: 51 Member
    I was diagnosed with fibro about five years ago and have several other health problems. Thanks to all of the medications I am on, my weight is an issue. On the advice of my doctor, I've recently cut meats, sodas, sweet teas and other things of that nature out of my diet and have lost 6 pounds in about 2 weeks. I know I need to start doing some sort of workout but like anyone with fibro, I am a bit scared of the pain that will follow. I know what it's like to push myself and be unable to walk, and as a mother of two, that isn't something I can deal with. I'll send you an add request.
  • stackygrl
    Thanks everybody for the adds and sharing information. I really appreciate all the support. It is def a hard struggle and I am trying to stay positive. Although I haven't worked out much I have been eating beyond great and will continue to take baby steps to better my life. Living with chronic pain is awful and I don't wish this daily pain in anybody.