Starting over on mfp, and starting couch to 5k

I've been on and off myfitnesspal for about a year. I'm tired of the roller coaster and am ready to get it done this time. Also starting the couch to 5k running plan today. Would love to have friends to motivate me to stay on track and kick my a** when I stray :) I'd be happy to do the same lol. Good luck everyone!



  • AlwaysImprovingMe
    Consider yourself added, can always do with a friend who isn't afraid to give me verbal asskicking when I deserve it, I'm also looking at starting c25k this week so would be interesting to compare complaints lol
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    If anyone wants some motivation or tips/advice you can add me :D

    I am always interested in what people up to, I can be a bit weird with eating patterns of too little or just right but bad food, but my training is always solid :)

    If your interested in the running side I can help out, weights slightly but not much as I mostly run... Finished a marathon today and signed up for a 56km ultra as well next year and thinking about a 90km ultra sponsored through work :)

    So yea, I am not looking at people criticising my weird eating patterns, however I am happy to help :D recovery meals I am horrid at, so working to improve that personally...

    Add me if want :)
  • barbydahlzz
    my next run is W4D1 of C25K .... i'm almost dreading it because its a 5 min run.... but gotta do it... running a 5k next saturday... YOU can do this!!
  • m4bz
    m4bz Posts: 4
    Thanks for all the replies! As far as c25k goes, I was REALLY nervous to start running because I'm overweight. After my first run today though, I'm not hurting as badly as I thought I would! I did, however, misread the first week running/walking times and thought it was run 1 minute, walk 3 minutes (instead of 1.5 minutes). But I think it's a good thing. I'll do this for this week, then go with the true week 1 next week. Slow start is better than no start :)
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    I'll add you! It's great you're getting back into the swing of things :)
    And I just completed week 1 of C25K so we'll be able to keep each other motivated with that! :D
  • 05saleengirl
    I've never run before...but sooooo envy the people of ALL shapes and sizeable I see running through my subdivision. So, if they can do it, why can't we?! I'm starting the C25k tonight too. I really want to give it my all. If I am crying would be worth it right lol
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I just finished day one of C25K tonight! I too was a little nervous since I am not a runner. I have an app on my phone that told me when to run and when to walk so it was a no brainer. I'm glad i started since I have been procrastinating for a while.
  • newatbritt
    newatbritt Posts: 23 Member
    Very interested in starting c25k, but afraid that my 228 pounds will not be so nice to my knees, how's it going for everyone?
  • m0ll3pprz
    m0ll3pprz Posts: 193 Member
    Oh my gosh, I want to e a runner too! I added c25k to my ipod a while back but I haven't been making my health/ self a priority! I think that finding your post tonight was the motivation I need. I've been quietly using MFP for months "on and off" and never thought of adding friends until now. I am excited to try the buddy system, I think it will be helpful and fun! Best wishes to all of you!
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    Good morning everybody – I started the couch the 5K program about 12 weeks ago – and I'm running my first 5K this weekend. Believe me when I say this but if I can do it you can do it – my only advice would have been to get outside and run on the track more than the treadmill – it is a completely different experience. Good luck, believe in yourself and stay positive!!
  • DeeDee1066
    DeeDee1066 Posts: 16 Member
    I started my C25K 8 weeks ago at 220 pounds, yes a few aches and pains, but at week 3 I went and had my gait analyzed and bought some good running shoes. that made all the difference in the world. I run on the treadmill twice a week with my 3rd run of the week outdoors because I run early in the morning (like 4:30 am) during the week. My 3rd run is usually the weekend and i run outside. My first 5K is Oct 13th.

    Also, I run slow, but it's all okay, because I am running! I downloaded the app 5K runner from HeavyDutyApps. Their plan is a little different than the original c25k but the end result is the same time of running.

    I started using MFP in mid July and I am amazed at how it has helped me stay on track.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • deldaria
    I've been following the C25K program for about two months. I download the intervals ( which follow the C25K schedule. I love that I don't have to time my runs or track the distance- I just follow the cues on my ipod.

    I am having a lot of trouble with consistency and am still only on week 4 of the program. However, I am getting really strong and can run much faster and further than when I first started.
  • 22harleygirl
    I started c25k back in March and I will be running in my first 5k next month. I loved doing the C25K. It's a fantastic way to get started and once you get started you really want to finish it and move on to the next goal. Good luck and have fun!
  • telizad
    telizad Posts: 38 Member
    Completed W1D1 of C25K yesterday. Was a little apprehensive at first but it felt so great afterwards. Today is my strength training day and tomorrow will be W1D2. Motivation and being accountable helps big time.
  • dominique2118
    I'm a little late, but please feel free to add me. I've graduated from the program, but I was a treadmill runner. I am now running outside, and it's SO HARD! I have also been on a roller coaster ride, and i'm tired of it. So I have been running consistently 3-4 times per week, but this week starts C25K outside :) I also need verbal a**kickings!