Lifting weights, might be a stupid question...



  • jennalor
    jennalor Posts: 84 Member
    Wow thanks for the replies! I'm still pretty new at weight lifting, so just trying to figure things out! I appreciate the info. It makes sense, use it or lose it and I definitely don't want to lose what I have, though the fat can go at any time :bigsmile:

    I also didn't realize about the bone density, unfortunately I'm starting a little late, but better late than never!
  • Nano1360
    Nano1360 Posts: 101 Member
    I actually believe you can build a little muscle even if you are dieting. I had the same misunderstanding at first. I started to work out 3 times a week, after each work out I take a protein shake and a little source of carbohydrate such as banana. It will help for fast muscle absorption after work out. I also take about 135 gram of protein daily (same as my weight). During first two-three months, I did not see any result. I still lose weight each week and I did not see lots of changes in my body, just my body get stronger and I could work with heavier weights. Until last month I start to not lose weight that easily, I did not lose any weight on my scale,I start panicking that maybe I had put myself on starvation, but I had lose huge amount of size and it still continues!
    After 4 Month I can feel my muscle, specially on my biceps, shoulder, and abdomen. The muscle I don't really believe I had or if I had they didn't look like this.
    So, I really do suggest you to do the weight lifting, the least it can do for you as every one mentioned is increasing your power, and it is a really good way to burn calories!!!! your body will burn calories even after 10 hours after your work out.
  • brismom070897
    brismom070897 Posts: 178 Member
  • gothicsquash
    gothicsquash Posts: 1 Member
    So bear with me here. I've been doing a lot of reading, and I keep seeing that its very difficult if not impossible to gain lean muscle mass while eating at a calorie deficit. If that's the case, then whats the point of lifting heavy while trying to lose weight if its not going to do much.
    Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy lifting although I'm very new at it. I was just wondering. :smile:
    Also, if anyone has any books or websites they could recommend I would be very grateful!

    Calories are burned in a muscle tissue only. Neither bones, nor fat or joint tissue are involved in calorie burn. The bigger (and busier) your muscles are, the more energy they spent in a state of rest, just to keep them alive :) and the faster you loose your unwanted weight.