Hey Guys

Hey guys!

I am really having a hard time losing the weight I have put on..Since signing up for myfitnesspal i have put on 1 pound... I need help and encouragement PLEASE!


  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Hi there,

    Dont get discouraged, it does happen. The one pound you gained, how long ago was it when you weighed in? Also you will be fine. The one pound I dont think led to a size up change as far as clothes. Just keep at it and you will get there. What are you currently doing to lose weight? What is your goal?

  • psully1387
    psully1387 Posts: 5 Member
    Don't get too discouraged. Since last summer I am down 37lbs, but it wasn't like I lost every week. I have gained a couple lost a few my way here. When you get really hard on yourself you're more likely to get into a "what's the point?!?" rut. DON'T DO IT. Be loving and kind to yourself...you're working towards a goal and it's not easy. I highly recommend browsing success stories. None of them are without trial and error.
  • meggie2cute
    I work at a desk so I try to do random workouts in the office... silly i know but i saw on tv that any movement is good movement and we have stairs so i will walk up and down a few times just to get my heart pumping... but I weighed my self just this weekend... I was so angry and my pants that used to be big on me are not getting tighter and tighter... i can't even fit into my clothes i wore just a year ago.. its highly discouraging..
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    To get myself started I've cut out bread and potatoes and cakes and crisps, I have the odd thing but I've tried to change my eating habits which has really helped, I also do a workout before work, it does mean getting up an hour earlier but now that i've gotten into it I'm finding it puts me in a much better frame of mind during the day. Try to plan what your going to eat and take things in from home and maybe go for a long walk in your lunch break? Don't get down it will happen and your very welcome to add me and we can encourage each other! I've only been at this a few weeks and I've been told that we all get ups and downs and that's why this place is great as you get so much encouragement and support :D