Did your healthy lifestyle change your TOM cycle? (sorry if

LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been on MFP for 5 months as of yesterday. Eating healthy foods, exercising moderately (I bike about 50 miles a week and run about 8 at this point, so nothing excessive).

Okay, so this may be way TMI, but I've always had a pretty short menstrual cycle. 20-22 days between the 1st day of TOM and the 1st day of my next TOM would be my norm since I was 12 (excluding the times I've taken birth control). I've been off birth control for 17 months now and my cycle had been my normal 20-22 day cycle for 16 months. Then, last month TOM showed up late. Like, so late I peed on a stick to see if I was pregnant late -- 8-9 days later than usual which I know is a completely normal cycle (30 days) for some women, but it's not at all normal for me.

Well, this month, TOM's at it again. It's been 25 days and although I was pretty unjustifiably cranky yesterday, I have no other sign that TOM is imminent. So, before I go through the whole pregnancy freak out again I thought I'd ask some other ladies here if they noticed their cycle change when they got comfortable into their new healthy routine.
It's not like I'm having loads (or any, actually) of unprotected sex, it's just the whole contraceptives being, at best, 99% effective thing that always gets me. And it's not that I would be all that freaked if I was pregnant because I'm stable enough, in my relationship and financially, to handle it, but I'd like to do some things differently if I am. :wink:

So -- anyone else?


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    it's the opposite for me. I used to go every 2-3 months before getting another period. Now that I have been losing weight and eating healthy I am more regular :( I really liked having it every 2-3 months:ohwell: , but I guess this is healthier for me....
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Well- I've been wondering the same thing lately. I am on a pill- but I've been having break through bleeding (extra periods in the middle of my cycle.) So it's kinda the exact opposite of you, but I've been curious if my diet and exercise change is to blame.

    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    actually mine went funny this month too but i put it down to having a real stressy time in my life at the moment. Stress can cause your cycle to go funny. I came on 2 weeks late but I am on the pill so it is weird but then I am at 'that age' when things start to go weird anyway!
    I used to have really weird cycle but I went on the pill to even things out a bit which worked well for me.

    I think any changes in life style can cause your body to do funny things, I would say if you are worried go and have a word with the nurse at your Doctors or your GP. I am sure they would put your mind at rest hun!
    Try not to stress though - it doesnt help!
  • Yes, I usually have a fairly consistent 4 week cycle- but after being on MFP for 2 weeks, i had my period which came 2 weeks early (so two times in four weeks). I spoke with my Gyn and she told me that it's pretty normal for your cycle to be affected when you start with eating differently and with a new exercise regimen....I agree- try not to stress....
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I think losing weight can change your cycles. But it doesn't necessarily. Mine haven't changed. Or rather they didn't change when I lost my weight. They are changing now but that's because I'm finally starting to go through peri-menopause! :laugh:
  • rvkirk
    rvkirk Posts: 37
    All sorts of things can change your cycle, even just being around other women as cycles tend to sync up when women spend time together. If your worried see a doc though to be sure. I feel your frustration though, came off pill in oct and have been all over the place. It can take up to 12 months for your body to readjust, especially if were on the pill for a while.
  • with me, since i started mfp, i have been spotting a few days prior to TOM, nothing much, just a few spots here and there, but it makes TOM feel so much longer since i have the cravings, and aches. :mad:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Mine used to be anywhere from a 31-40 day cycle, but since I became pescetarian a couple months ago and started getting in better shape, I've changed to a 28 day cycle. While I miss having it less often, I definitely don't miss the PMS that's all disappeared! :)
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    My tom has changed Some months I don't have one. I am on the pill and never miss one. Even though I am on the pill I still take a pregnancy test before starting a new pack, you can never be too sure.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Mine has remained the 28 day cycle. No changes for me. I'm not on a pill, It's interesting to see how different things like this are for everyone.
  • Rubes
    Rubes Posts: 28 Member
    The EXACT SAME THING happened to me last fall. I stopped taking the pill in early 2009 and started using myfitnesspal in the summer of 2009. My periods went all over the place and I was often late or early. I had a few freak outs because my husband and I want to wait a while before having kids. I was also under a lot of stress last fall and that might have contributed to my period getting out of whack. Thankfully, they have started to go back to normal and I think my body has adjusted to being off of the pill and loosing weight.

    If you are really worried, the best thing to do would make a visit to your OBGYN.
  • vanessa042
    vanessa042 Posts: 10 Member
    I just got an IUD about two months ago so my cycle is completely out of wack. My period starts a week early than normal and it's lasting 2-3 days longer. It really sucks. So far, my diet hasn't helped regulat it. I know my situation isn't the same, but I really hope dieting helps improve it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well... at least I'm not the only one! :laugh: (misery loves company)

    Of course I would love to have TOM visit less often. I just thought it was weird that I've been pretty consisistent my whole life and then 2 months in a row have a pretty significantly longer cycle. I did notice TOM stayed around an extra day or so last time so I guess that makes up for the few extra days I have in between.
    Monthly pregnancy tests & non-routine doctors visits get expensive (I have a $3000 deductible on my health insurance :indifferent:) and I'm trying not to waste any money. I'll give it a few more days to show up before I make another trip to the pharmacy.
    I'm sure somehow my body is just sabotaging itself, as usual, for the upcoming 3 day weekend (I honestly don't know how it manages to time itself to ruin every single holiday I have from work. :laugh:).
  • katrana
    katrana Posts: 66 Member
    Well I am not sure if this works if you are on the pill because the pill messes with your hormone levels, but it might help someone else at least....

    if you are concerned you might be pregnant a practically free way to tell is to chart your basal body temperature. After you ovulate your body releases progesterone, which will make your body temperature rise a little bit. If you take your temperature first thing in the morning BEFORE you get out of bed/move around, at the same time every day, you will see a little spike in your temperature after ovulation. It will generally come back down either just before or during your period. For me personally it would come down around 12 days after ovulation so I knew to expect my period in the next couple of days. That phase, the "luteal phase" is generally around 10-14 days for most women. If your temperature stays high for 18 days, you should probably take a pregnancy test :P One free tool for this is found at "fertilityfriend" but you can do it yourself with graph paper if you are so inclined :P Basal body temperature thermometers are cheap, usually around $10 at walgreens or other drug stores and the battery should last at least a year.

    I know this because it is how I found out that I am currently pregnant! (about 11 weeks) :P I usually have very odd periods so the only way I could avoid using tons and tons of tests every month was to find another way to track it. As a side note, my temps would usually go from around 96.8 before I ovulated to around 97.1-97.4 after ovulation.

    If anyone would like more information please let me know!
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