Today it's 3 months until xmas! 20lb challenge anyone?



  • I'm in!

    CW 162
    GW 142
  • I'm in.....
    X Today
    X-20 for Christmas
  • Count me in

    starting weight (today 153.8
    Christmas 133!
  • I am in!

    CW: 174

    GW: 154
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I'm in!

    CW: 187
    GW by XMas: 167

    It will be so awesome to end this year almost 43 pounds down!!!
  • colleen722
    colleen722 Posts: 2 Member
    Let's do it! My kids are finally old enough where I won't have all that Halloween Candy laying around. If I can get through that and Thanksgiving with a motivating loss, then maybe I can behave a little better during all the holiday festivities! : D

    Weight: 185
    Target Xmas: 165
  • jessica_120214
    jessica_120214 Posts: 68 Member
    Im in!

    current 164
    Christmas 144

    Goal - 145 :)
  • This is great! I will try my best!

    Today's weight: 162
    Christmas: 142:wink:
  • This looks like a good challenge.

    Currently 200.2 lbs. Would love to be down to 180 by christmas! :love:
  • Im in, would definitely love to lose my last 20 lbs w/ this challenge. After i lost 60 lbs its been hard trying to lose my last 20.

    current weight 135

    Goal weight 115
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    I haven't got another 20lb to lose (I'd look ill at 122 and 5'9") but I'm giving myself until christmas to reach my intial goal and then some. I want to lose 9lbs...

    CW: 142lb
    Christmas GW: 133lb
  • The_Sue
    The_Sue Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in as well!!
    CW 158
    GW 138
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    I would love this! 155 now. What else do we do to get into the challenge?
  • Let's do it!!!

    CW: 275

    Goal: 255
  • rachgarm
    rachgarm Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in!

    current weight 249 (5'9")
    Christmas goal weight 229 (omg that would be a dream!)
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I'm in! 254 today, working towards 234 by Christmas.
  • MzNeecie
    MzNeecie Posts: 107 Member
    yes the last challenge i was in helped me kick start and i lost about five pounds that i had been fighting off for over a month so this would definitely be motivation to keep focused during all the excessive eating holidays!

    CW: 190.0


  • Sign me up. I would love to be under 200 before Christmas!

    CW: 217

    GW: 197

  • 3kidsto35
    3kidsto35 Posts: 1 Member
    Let's do this Ladies :) Color me skinny!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    I will definitely be 20lbs lighter by Christmas! My original goal of 250lbs by Christmas is looking grim but I can definitely do 20lbs ;)

    Today: 291lbs
    Christmas: 271lbs

    HERE I COME!! :D

    Good luck everyone!!