new guy

mrtrt Posts: 17 Member
Hello everyone,

I didn't want to post because i thought it was pretty corny. So i'm going to post anyway, because this year isn't about what i've thought in the past it's about whats ahead. I have been enjoying the Iphone app that goes with this, tracking what you put in your mouth is a great idea and the app really is suprisingly strong, I haven't stumped it yet with anything i've eaten. So if you haven't yet, you need the app. I'm liking the website as well, great recipe ideas, that are really easy, thank god cause turkey sandwhich with tomatoe was going to get old quick.

I'm making great progress so far, I love that if i work out i can eat a little more. I can't beleive i never put that together. My over all goal is to lose 60 to 70 pds, and i've lost 11 so far. So i'm either 1/6 or 1/7 of the way there.

well good luck to everyone else,




  • ddomenosky
    Good for you,

    It does feel kind of corny but at the same time nice to talk to people who working toward the same goals. Welcome and good luck!!
  • dawn675
    dawn675 Posts: 19
    I felt the same way about the exercise. I NEVER put it together that I could eat just a little more if I worked out really well. Some days I don't feel like it but I do just a little even if I'm still below my normal daily amount. I've only been doing this for a few weeks but I feel good. I feel like I'm doing something good!
    Best of luck to you!
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    welcome to the site! good luck :)
  • mrtrt
    mrtrt Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you ladies who can fail with encouragement like that.
  • apldumplin
    apldumplin Posts: 9 Member
    Hello and welcome to the group! I am new,too. So far this group has helped me a lot and I have started making some friends which is always a plus. I know all about weight struggles,been struggling for years..but this year is the year I am going to see my life and weight change dramatically! I have 56 pounds to go...well 55 now since I lost 1 pound. Congratulations on your weightloss,that is awesome! I look forward to cheering you on :smile:

    have a great week! Elaine
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • mrtrt
    mrtrt Posts: 17 Member
    thank you and good luck to you as well. Always look forward and remember where you've been
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome!! Way to go on those 11 #! With an attitude like yours, you can do anything!!
  • Chantelle160
    Hi I am new also, definitally think it's a little corny. I started this adventure just over 3 months ago found this wonderful application on my itouch and have found it very helpful. I'm down 24 pounds so far and have about 40 left to go. Congrats on losing the 11 that is great! Good luck.:)
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I'm new too! I fell off the wagon my first day...but now I'm going strong and plan to continue! Good luck on your journey! I have 40 lbs to lose. I have a blackberry, I wonder if there is an app on there?!?
  • mrtrt
    mrtrt Posts: 17 Member
    Well I keep reading these words of encouragement, and they are appreciated. But after seeing
    of your results, that's very encouraging and gives hope and hope is all ya need sometimes

