Do you save calories for alcohol?

I'm close to being done with sober September and was wondering if anyone has lost weight saving calories for a few drinks at night or on the weekends.



  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If I know I am going to be doing some drinking one night, I will reduce what I eat that day by a bit so I have extra calories.. of course you can always put in a good workout that day as well to gain some extra calories
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Hell yeah!!!!

    I've only just started on here but decided to have one evening a week where I can have a few drinks. I saved my weekly leftover calories and used them for alcohol
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I only have 8lbs left to my goal, so I've opened up my diet a bit. I drink once or twice a week and make sure to plan my calories around it. I will say that when I added alcohol back into my diet, my weight loss did immediately slow down. I'm lucky if I lose 2lbs a month right now.
  • scrapfrfun
    I choose not to drink alcohol, I would rather chew my calories ;)

    That and my husband drinks like a fish and I see how much it changes his personality.
  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    I try to eat a few less calories, throw in an extra walk and I try to find drinks that are lower in calories. I did a shot of Kahlua, a splash of light cream, and coffee on ice, it was only 79 calories but 30g of sugar.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't drink very much, but I did go to a party a while back and saved about 700 calories for food and beer at the party.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I dont do too much exercise in the week but on a weekend I try and do a bit so that I can have a few glasses of wine at the weekend. I dont drink every weekend so it works well for me
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    If I know an occasion for drinking is coming I try to get in a longer workout. Every once in a while I discover I have calories left on a given day for a drink or two.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
  • vqnerdballs
    I definitely have. And as a bonus, when I'm eating leaner stuff during the day, my tolerance is lower so I don't even need to drink as much to get a buzz. Saves money and calories! :)
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I continue to lose weight and still drink once or twice every 2 weeks. That day was planned as a low cal day. The sugar content goes over, but I still lose. It takes longer though. After drinking, for me, its "eat anything" ravenous time. so I account for that too. I may eat fast foods like taco bell chalupa,or fried chicken, white castles etc. then back on track the next day.
    For me, this is a life time journey and if I make it a "diet" I will surely fail as I have in the past. Going out at the times I do is the only thing my husband and I really do to relieve stress and relax listen,sometimes dance to the jukebox and socialize. We walk together etc but as far as really fun,thats what we do. He is retired and I am semi retired so, not really in to the "party scene" we are past that, its just a time of enjoyment for us to see friends talk sports, and forget everyday worries.
    It's nice to be able to still enjoy life and lose weight no matter how long it takes and it makes the journey easier for me.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I'm in a dart league. I drink my dinner on the nights I shoot. I know I"m going to drink, so I just plan accordingly. It's probably not the healthiest way to go about things, but it works for now.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    If I know I'm gonna have a few, I'll reserve calories so I don't go over my goal. So yes, save them! :)