No time for a gym

I don’t really have time to spend hours in a gym. I was wondering if anyone knows of some cheap, good at home equipment to get to help me keep moving forward. I need it to be small as I live in a small 2 bedroom apartment with 2 small girls and my wife. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    Dumbbells. Most versatile piece of gym equipment you can use. There are literally hundreds of moves you can do, and not just with your arms. Legwork can be done too, core work, everything.
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    if you have Wii get a workout game for it....our apartment is a 2 bedroom and not the biggest and there is me, my husband, our son and our cat.
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    how about some fitness zumba? Zumba would probably appeal to your girls, could all do it together!
  • zenschick
    zenschick Posts: 14 Member
    my family uses video games like wii fit and the xbox kinect system. also some tv services that have on demand have fitness stuff like yoga and aerobics
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    Not so much equipment, but maybe take up running outside?
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    Many apartment complexes offer a small gym. If yours has one, use it. If not, go with Wii, P90X, Insanity, or buy some running shoes and hit the pavement.
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    It is free to walk, you can take 20 min and do a body weight workout... I do this when I am pressed for time

    10 jumping jacks
    10 pushups
    10 squats
    10 crunches
    10 burpees

    then I rest for 1 min and repeat the process but do 9 of each, then rest 1 min, do 8 of each... I do them until I have finished 10-1 :) free and takes about 20 min of my day
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    Kettlebells... but really watch your form as you could hurt yourself if not doing proper movements.

    Pick up workout dvds... There are TONS of options... low impact to high intensity.

    Go for walks/runs - couch25k

    pushups, sit-ups - walk to park and start doing pull-ups. You have a ton of variety at your fingertips... just need to get up and move
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    30 Day Shred from youtube- if you stick with it, it DOES work!
  • missfitjunkie
    All of the ideas everyone else has listed are awesome...but to keep some money in your pocket...pull out that laptop, and head to for some bodyrocktv....tons of videos on there that are short, but high intensity!!! let me know if this helps! follow me on ig @missfitjunkie.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You'll get lots of great responses on at home stuff to do, so I am just going to throw a few things out there. First, you do not need to spend hours a day in the gym to get fit. I lost most of my weight running for 30-45 minutes and/or doing exercise videos or lifting at the gym for the same amount of time, 2 to 3 days a week. 30-60 minutes is ideal. Second, some gyms offer child care which is actually fun for the kids. We don't belong to a gym right now and every time we drive by it, my son asks, when can we go there again, it is so fun? Good luck!
  • ReNewYou
    Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. My wife and I walk almost 3 miles a day right now. I am just worried my body will get acclimated to that and the weight will stop coming off. I will definitely use the ideas I got here. It is so great to have so many supportive and helpful people to turn to.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Dumbbells. Most versatile piece of gym equipment you can use. There are literally hundreds of moves you can do, and not just with your arms. Legwork can be done too, core work, everything.

  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm starting the 30 Day Shred this week! I can't wait lol
    It's on YouTube, 27 minutes a day!
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    YouTube has a lot of good videos, and unfortunately, some bad ones.

    You can get some good books on workouts that require little to no equipment and space. Check Amazon.

    One of my current faves:
  • Ivarivdnoe
    Ivarivdnoe Posts: 51 Member
    I thought the same thing, but I have to make time! I am a single mother, I take my daughter with me sometimes. She is 5 yrs old. Even if its for 30 minutes, she will sit and watch, coach, and sometimes I take her to the kiddie area, but most times she will sit and watch everyone. (she likes that better!) After I exercise, I treat her to 30-45 minutes of swimming! I definitely would check that out before investing in any home equipment like dumbbells or sorts that you might outgrow within a couple of months!
  • tequillarose04
    tequillarose04 Posts: 30 Member
    you can always use things around the house as weights.... 5lb bag of sugar, empty milk jugs filled with water and frozen, put books in a bag....just look around and be creative...everyone else had great ideas too
    Happy weightloss!
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    Insanity! It's a dvd that uses only your body weight and it's well worth the price! I've had so much trouble losing weight and this did it for me! In literally a week I saw changes (me and my workout buddy take weekly pictures). This is the best investment of my life :)
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member

    I have used this religiously for the last 4 years. You can work pretty much every area with it and it will fold up and store nicely when you're done. Not bad for $150.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    You don't really need any equipment, your body is enough to start with. Check out the bodyweight training group here. I also recommend Mark Lauren's book, "You Are your own Gym" and the android app (if you have an android phone) of the same name, although both cost money.