Moms, how much did you gain during pregnancy?



  • victoriaannewilliams
  • 2boypeas
    I gained 24 lbs. during first pregnancy, but was put on a low sodium diet at 7 months- I lost 5 lbs. putting my gain at 19lbs. the day I delivered.

    I gained 30 lbs. my second pregnancy.

    Both kids were early.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I gained about 40 with each. With my first, I had a lot of "round ligament pain" and no other real concerns, but I still took it easy (though I didn't go nuts on eating, just no excersise really). I lost 35 of it but it took well over a year. Then I got pregnant again. I gained about 40 again, and the second time I had just about every terrible (but non life threatening) problem in the book. But I still worked out (until about 8 months). My diet stayed close to the same as the first pregnancy. It was MUCH easier to lose the weight the second time though, since I stayed more active. Both were csection babies, too.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    The last time I had my weight checked while pregant I was 211, with a couple weeks til I was due. My starting weight was 155lb and didn't gain much until my second trimester when all I wanted was McDonalds and apples with caramel and M&Ms. So I gained about 56 lb:( A week or so after I got home, and the swelling subsided, I stepped on the scale and I was 189lb. That was in Dec 2007. I am currently 153lb. I slowly lost the weight, mainly through cycles of working out for 4 months and than stopping for 8 months. I started MFP in April at 164lb and have lost 11lb and 17inches. It's taken me a few years to get my mindset to where it is now and to care about my body and health.
  • aleatah
    I am 23 weeks pregnant and haven't gained a pound, in fact I've lost one or 2 since conception. I weighed 172 when I concieved. I visited a dietician and discussed my weight with my doctor. I was told that according to my BMI I only need to gain 10-15 lbs and I expect that will come in the remaining months of my pregnancy.
    I didn't have any morning sickness, have felt amazing throughtout my pregnacy so far and have really told myself that I won't feed myself anything I wouldn't feed my baby; chips, chocolate, etc. I have been eating very balanced meals and fruit is my biggest "craving". I defineitly have NOT been eating for 2; which is such a common misconception! There are not 2 of me...just me and a little 1 pound baby to feed!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I started at 140lbs at 5'9". I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant and have fluctuated between 161-164 the last few days. Overall I've gained more than I would have liked to so far. Most of that was in the first tri - I had morning sickness all day but never threw up and eating was the only thing that made me feel better. On top of that I've been told no exercise other than walking so I haven't been doing my usual workouts. I plan to ramp it up with the walking though and start logging again so I can hopefully reign in my gain.
  • Kikilicious84
    I gained 55 with my first and 50 with my second. I didn't exercise/monitor food with the first and I ran and lifted weights and monitored food and counted cal with the second....still gained 50lbs.

    Every woman is different and I believe those recommended lbs are crap.
  • SavannaN
    I gained about 50 pounds with the twins. They are 4 months now and I only have 4 pounds to go to pre-pregnancy weight. I guess I got lucky, but I still cannot fit into my jeans so I think I look like I weight more than I do. My hips spread big time. But when you have 2 babies down really really low at 20 weeks and then some, its bound to happen. Thats why I was on bed rest for the remainder. Luckily I made it to 36 weeks. Their combined weight was 11.4 pounds, the rest, fluid. In one week time frame during my pregnancy, I gained 10 pounds. All from fluid. It sucked...