Just starting and confused

Hi everyone, I'm 53 years old and I figure it's never to late to try. I'm a bit confused on how this works. I filled out all the stuff, hoping to lose one or two pounds a week. But It said projected weight loss is 0.4 pounds a week , and You should lose 1.8 pounds by October 30th. And Net calories consumed/day 1200 . Now that will just never do . If I don't see at least a pound or two lost a week, I'm afraid I will give up. What can I do to loose at least one pound a week ?


  • Rebecaid
    If you eat 1200 calories per day plus exercise daily you will be much more successful at losing a pound a week. If you stay committed you can lose the weight! Don't give up :smile:
  • BrewerFan2
    Add me and let's start losing weight together. YaY!!
  • nanamendy1
    Oh I'm not giving up. Not this time. I'm just worried that from what it said after I entered my info that I will only loose a pound every two to three weeks and that would be very discouraging to me. A pound a week would be great.
  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    It's probably because you don't have a lot to lose so losing 2lbs a week probably isn't smart because that would take you below 1200 calories per day. Are you adding in some workouts as well? I would get in those 1200 calories and add in some workouts to increase the calories you are burning per day. Maybe start by going walking if you're new to exercise and that will increase the calories you're burning. I wouldn't try to lose more than 1lb per week when you only have about 20lbs to lose.
  • LDragonfly1980
    LDragonfly1980 Posts: 22 Member
    If you open your food diary for us to have a look at, maybe we can be more helpful. Got to settings "Open Diary" :o)
  • nanamendy1
    I recently had back surgery, so for now walking is about all I'm allowed to do except for some mild back exercises they gave me to do. I walk thirty min. in the morn. and thirty min. in the afternoon. Can't do it all at once because my leg and food does not work to good since surgery and by the end of thirty minutes foot can't lift properly. I have 23 pounds to loose at the very least.
  • nanamendy1
    Just started today and so far have not ate anything today. Well coffee , if that counts. So nothing logged in food diary yet.
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    its a pain but you need to do some excercise too...you can't eat less than 1200 as it is not healthy but if 1200 only gives you limited weight loss you'll need to add excerise in too...it's the same for me...just a bit of walking each day can make a difference...best of luck... :-)
  • mlandrethsf
    mlandrethsf Posts: 30 Member
    That's just what the little computer says. Anyone who sticks to a 1200 calories per day diet will likely lose more weight than that. There are some weeks/months where progress can be a little discouraging...It look me a month to lose two lbs...but I try not to let it get me down because no matter how long it takes, the weight has to come off.
    I was at the gym the other day waiting on a machine. One of the guys asked me if I was getting ready for a bikini fashion show...ME! I couldnt believe it. No one would have said that to me a few months ago. Even though it takes me a long time to lose weight, I still consider it worth it.
    Hang in there. You will meet so many great people. One tip that has helped me...I log EVERYTHING. Even when I am bad, I log my mistakes/bad days as well. That way, when I see the calories add up and how much I would weigh if I kept eating like that, it is a huge wake up call. Also, I have found that I dont want to cheat as much anymore because I know I will have to answer to my diary for it and I know that the calories are real and add up!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 53 years old and I figure it's never to late to try. I'm a bit confused on how this works. I filled out all the stuff, hoping to lose one or two pounds a week. But It said projected weight loss is 0.4 pounds a week , and You should lose 1.8 pounds by October 30th. And Net calories consumed/day 1200 . Now that will just never do . If I don't see at least a pound or two lost a week, I'm afraid I will give up. What can I do to loose at least one pound a week ?

    It's never too late! I'm almost 52. I can't tell you what to do, or anyone else what to do, but this worked for me and maybe you will get something out of it or maybe not. But it worked for me after 15 years of failure -->http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout

    Best of luck to you. Just don't give up!
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    Oh I'm not giving up. Not this time. I'm just worried that from what it said after I entered my info that I will only loose a pound every two to three weeks and that would be very discouraging to me. A pound a week would be great.

    I am 41. I only lose about .5 lb a week but I am losing so that's all that matters. I was really down on mysefl that I hadn't reached a "substantial goal" in the year that I have been on MFP actively (Oct 27th will be a year!), but you know what? I am 29 pounds less than I was this time last year.
  • moniraq
    moniraq Posts: 63 Member
    Once you start adding exercise your calorie intake will go up a bit. Just don't eat the extra calories and you should see your weight loss increase. Take it slow and don't get discouraged. It will happen, just keep moving forward!

    P.S. I'll send you a friend request. It's easier when you have some extra cheering from friends!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Does that include exercise? When I couldn't work out due to my knee, my projected weight loss went down, now that I'm starting to workout again, its gone back up.
  • pammybee19
    Hey there! Seeing how your foot is not working as well as it used to, maybe you could incorporate some arm exercises with free weights or swimming. Just a thought. Good luck!
  • asticoral
    MFP is a useful tool to help, not sure what kind of information you put into the settings, but just dealing with 1200 calories a day is fine.
    Divide the 1200 into your preferred eating habit (3 squares a day or smaller meals spaced throughout)
    Use the food pyramid; veggies, fruits, protein then starches.
    Walking your 2 / 30 mins. per day is fantastic! and as you progress in your health I'd ask about water aerobics and swimming, starting slow is totally fine, the goal will be reached :happy:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. The closer you are to goal ... the slower weight loss will be. This is because the smaller you requires less (and less) calories just to maintain your current weight. Be patient. When you lose weight too quickly ... you can actually lose muscle along with the fat.

    If you are exercising .... take MEASUREMENTS .... there will be inches lost ... even if when it's not pounds.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Hang in there - eat a low calorie diet (everyone's is different, my goal is 1370 calories a day). Try to exercise at least a few times a week (anything at all -- walking, running, swimming, a sport , the gym, whatever). Drink plenty of water.

    See what you are losing after a couple of weeks and adjust as needed.

    Good luck to you!