P90x YOGA!!!! HOLY COW!!!

I am an avid runner ( 20-30 miles a week) but have recently aquired a big ol' fat helping of runner's knee. I planned on starting P90x yesterday but even the warm-ups killed my knees.. This morning I was looking through the DVD's and decided that the yoga one would cause the least impact on my knees. I had never tried yoga before because I just thought that it was wierd and kind of a waste of time. (Obviously I was mistaken! :noway: ) I have to say that it was the most crazy intense thing I have ever done. When it was over I was sweating more than I do when I run for a hour. I can't count the times that I fell or collapsed from muscle failure. Luckily I had a very squishy mat!:embarassed: There were even some poses that I physically could not perform, but that gives me a goal to work toward. I can't believe how calm and relaxed I feel now. It was a long 90 minutes but it was seriously worth it. I have never been excited about a workout dvd before. I can't wait until my knees fell well enough to try the other videos. If you have not tried this, you are seriously missing out!!! I wish that I had jumped on the band wagon sooner! For those of you that have done it, how was your experience? I know that yoga is one of those things that you either love or hate. I thought that I would hate it but I was so wrong. Ok, now i'm gonna go wring the 1 1/2 hour's worth of sweat out of my clothes( I know, I know, gross huh!!!:laugh: )


  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I thought the same thing til I couldnt move for 2 days afterwards...It was a definite eye opener
  • ractayjon
    I had this same "aha" moment about yoga a few years back - if you have never tried it you get an image in your head of deep breathing and no "exercise" -- a meditaion of sorts.....and sure there is that kind of yoga...but most is very active and amazing for your muscles and heart.
    Which yoga dvd did you use - Im always looking for good ones that I havent tried and I love the 90 minute versions.
  • blaklex
    I have the P90x Series as well. I tried the yoga and could barely make it through the freakin warm up! I have several beginners yoga dvds that I am currently using. Have you tried the p90x abs yet?
  • largemocha
    I've already done two rounds of the P90X workouts with great results. The yoga was tough at first, but like everything else gets easier the more you do it. There is also the x-stretch workout for a recovery day and the cardio-x that combines yoga, and several other workouts into a 40 minute routine. The cardio-x is alittle lower impact then the other workouts and might not be too bad on your knees. Good luck with the program!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I love the way yoga makes you feel, and as long as my son can leave me alone for 90 minutes so I can actually get "into my zone" it would be great. I made sure I started P90X on a Thursday, so that Yoga would fall on the Sunday with the hopes that he's outside with his buddies!! LOL
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    If you want a great workout, try Bikram Yoga. Its really intense, in a good way! Its 26 postures with 2 breathing poses over a period of an hour and half. What makes it intense is that its done in a HOT and HUMID room. I think its about 44degrees (I'm Canadian) with 50% humidity.

    I love it, when I lived in Vancouver I would go almost every day.
  • becabunny
    I'm curious about what postures it has you follow because it sounds a lot like Bikram. I adore bikram and I am so sad that it isn't offered where I live now. Yoga like that isn't always aimed at conditioning your body from an athlete's perspective and, I very well could be wrong, but the P90x sounds like it could (COULD) be more focused on calorie burn. Yoga is practice, not a workout, as my Bikram instructor said. It betters your mind and body. If you like yoga and would like to use it to rehab your body and better it for your running I would highly reccomend http://video.barnesandnoble.com/DVD/Yoga-Conditioning-for-Athletes-With-Rodney-Yee/Rodney-Yee/e/029956140707/?itm=23&usri=Yoga.

    This is meant for athletes but all of his videos are fabulous.
  • becabunny
    My room was 108 degrees here in TX!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    P90X's Yoga-X is not meant for beginners, nor is it truly a traditional yoga program. Its focus is on flexibility, isometric strengthening, and balance practice. The first half of the disc starts out with the Warrior/vinyasa series, each building upon the previous move. The second half of the disc contains the balance postures and stretches sort of tossed around with each other.

    So when people hear "90 MINUTES OMG!!!!!" they freak out thinking it's the hot sweaty room with chanting and meditation for an hour and a half :)

    I still hate Half Moon.
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I heart yoga!! :flowerforyou: I used to do half marathons/half ironmans, but took a break because I was having knee soreness. I did more cross training and weight lifting for awhile, then last summer I added yoga into the mix...and what a difference! The balancing postures have helped me even out muscles that were imbalanced, I breath more fully when working out, my posture is better, and I love the arm balances! I feel so much more connected to my body, happier, and more fit than ever!! :happy:
  • TonyaJ83
    I'm excited! Day 4 tomorrow on the lean schedule! Last time I attempted P90x, I didn't do the yoga at all. WAY too hard. This time I'm going to try and try and try and just do the darn best I can!