Comfortable weight

Do you have a certain weight that your body seems to just be stuck on... It seems everytime i've lost weight, i always stall on one number! For me it's the 180 mark. I've been loosing weight gradually. No crash diet for me, just changes in my lifestyle and i've lost 32 pounds so far but it seems my body loves to stay around this weight!! Do you have the same problem? If so what do you do in order to get over that plateau? I want to loose another 20 pounds atleast before my wedding next summer but if I stall on this number for too much longer, I don't know if i'll be able to get there (in a healthy way).


  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    Ah sounds too familiar. I always seem to get down to 174 and then its a sudden halt. I would love to lose 20 more pounds before my wedding in July. I just stick with it and try changing up my workouts and playing around with different calorie intakes. I have finally reached 173.6 so I suppose it's slowly working. Best of luck to you. I definitely understand the difficulties.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Many people experience plateaus which is normal. However, open your diary and people might be able to help. No crash diet and lifestyle changes are fine, but it may be time to better hone in on your diet and exercise regimes, but no one can help unless your diary is open.
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
    My diary is open to my friends
  • jencurtlong
    change up your workout routine. I recently started using Jillian Michaels. I alternate between 30D shred, Extreme Shed and Shred (Either level 1 or level 2 - I have yet to do both at once) and No More Trouble Zones. I have consistently increased the weights that I use (about every 2 weeks) and that has made a huge difference. I don't necessarily notice it on the scale but have definitely noticed that my clothes fit differently. Maybe add in some Cardio (Tae Bo or bike riding) and see how it goes. Good luck and keep us posted. Also - I have tried the 6 week body makeover by Michael Thurmond. There are a lot of different choices of foods and you can make it easy or hard depending on your time commitment for cooking. Drink water!!!
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    My diary is open to my friends

    Therefore, the rest of us can't look at it and give any advice.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I hear ya. I started out at 180 pounds and have lost 36 pounds. I seem to have haulted at this weight, which is an awesome goal that I attained, but I really would like to lose another 10 or so pounds. It seems like I just stay right in this area. I do like myself where I am at, but I don't LOVE myself where I am at. I agree that changing up your exercise routine and foods you eat every once in awhile definately helps with getting over the hump, though I have tried that lately and it doesn't seem to be working. I also have 3 boys and 2 of them are very active in sports and right now is crazy busy for us. I am lucky if I get in a 20 min walk every other day or so. So, just keep pushing on and remember to lose your weight the healthy way and not by crash dieting.