hypoglycemic + recovered bulimic healthy eating


I am looking to eat healthy for ME. After reading a few threads here (and being on the planet 28 years), I see this varies wildly for many people.

I am looking to have more of calories to come from protein and fat than typically recommended for weight loss, because too many carbs cause me to crazy with food and alcohol in a blood sugar binge.

If anyone is similar, I'd love to know your story. And what kinds of foods you buy and eat :) I have the luxury of being able to shop at whole foods - which is the best for ME.:flowerforyou:


  • islebutterfly09
    islebutterfly09 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey, I am also a recovered bulimic and I completely understand how hard it can be to figure out what is healthy for YOU. I am still on my journey and finding out what works for me. I have been losing weight recently in a healthy way, and I know that the majority of my calories come from the massive amounts of protein that I eat (because I work out a lot and do weight training) . There still has to be a balance, but it can be your own balance, and I know it took me a lot of trial and error to figure out mine. My suggestion is to just start somewhere you feel is reasonable, and then tweak it from there. Like I know that my body performs better in the gym when I eat higher protein throughout the day, and very small meals 6-8 times per day. I dont always accomplish it, but I know I feel better when I do. I get sick when I eat too much sugar/carbs at a time, so that is one of the reasons for the composition of my meals. ALWAYS mix a protien or fat with a carb, to avoid the bloodsugar spike/ carb cravings/binges. I am at work right now so i can't talk much right now, but friend me and inbox me and we can swap stories if you want :)
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I am carb sensitive. I try to keep them under control but generally fall into potholes along the way, then feel guilty about it. I am making a concerted effort to try harder.

    I think the important part is that you are doing this for YOU! There is no better reason than to make yourself healthy and happy again.

    ETA - recovering from ED as well.. not recovered yet. It is a journey as well.