How do you manage your portion control?

Hi there!

I've been logging my food on here for awhile off and on, but never participated on this side.

Something I struggle with is portion control when I'm by myself at home.

What works for you to make you stop eating out of the dish or stop going into the pantry?


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    This may sound stupid but I turn the light off in my kitchen... eating time is done... also make sure to eat filling foods and put all that your going to eat on a plate, small plates help. Good luck!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • krislew
    krislew Posts: 46 Member
    When I cook dinner I measure out all my food and then I put whatever is left into containers and put it in the fridge before I even sit down to eat.

    Also...brush your teeth right after you eat...
  • skinnyheather
    skinnyheather Posts: 38 Member
    I chew a piece of peppermint gum after I eat... it wipes out the craving to go back for seconds. Also a cup of tea after you eat will really fill you up.
  • sprags
    sprags Posts: 56
    I agree! Also, if you're making more than one portion, split the portions into separate containers before you even eat your meal! That way you know what's for now and what's for later.

    And yes, BRUSH YOUR TEETH! That has been the best! I eat until I'm just full (not stuffed), brush my teeth, and then I get the lovely mint taste (that doesn't taste good with any foods!).

    Best of luck!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    My food scale - I damn near measure's sad - helps!
  • bukozki
    Well, I have the advantage of just cooking for myself. So I sit down and plan my meal in my food diary before I cook it. That way I know how much of everything I'm going to use and how many calories will be going in. I cook one meal at a time and avoid left overs, since they're harder to account for.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I use small bowls/plates (so the portion looks bigger than it really is), and measure everything out as I dish it up. Afterwards, I have hubs put away any leftovers (so I'm not tempted), and sometimes chew a stick of mint gum. The gum not only curbs any sweet tooth I have, but also mint + anything other than chocolate = BLECH!
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Mainly I just don't have anything in the house that I would be tempted to overindulge in. No cookies, candy, chocolate, crackers, chips, ice cream or butter. I do have some bread in the house but keep it in the freezer so that I have to take the time to thaw it in the microwave before I can eat it. I also keep Nature Valley granola bars (190 calories in a package of two) on hand, and I usually have one package a day. I like them but not so much that I keep going back for more. I make lists of things that I like but that have no or very few calories, such as Constant Comment tea with Splenda and lemon juice, canned artichoke quarters in water, asparagus, mushrooms and Dungeness crab, and try to plan meals and snacks around them.
  • Blessed5s
    Do yourself a favor and DON'T eyeball your servings. To get on the right track of eating the correct portions, use a scale, measuring cup or anything else that tells you EXACTLY how much you're eating. You'll notice after a little while that you're retraining your mind to see how much, is too much. Yes, it takes a little bit of work but YOU ARE WORTH the effort. I've become so accustomed to serving myself this way, it's actually quite easy and effortless. It all depends on how badly you want to lose weight and what you're willing to do to accomplish your goals. Good Luck and remember...YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    My food scale - I damn near measure's sad - helps!

    I've had to go out and buy myself a second set of measuring cups and spoons cuz I measure everything, EVERYTHING!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I buy a lot of things already pre-measured. Perdue has pre-portioned chicken breasts that are 140 calories each. I make my chicken and I make enough veggies for me and the kids and there's not usually anything left over. On nights that there is going to be something leftover, I serve up everyone's dish and then I immediately put everything away before I sit down to eat. After we eat, I immediately clean up the kitchen because I know I'm not going to go back in there and dirty something up so that I can have a snack. After a while I just got to the point where I didn't want to snack.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    I measure all of my food before preparing it. I also keep prepared meals in the fridge--the portion is already managed, so it's easy to log on my food diary every time (my tupperwares are only so big, lol).

    I also use 8" diameter salad plates instead of regular 10" dinner plates. It LOOKS like there's tons of food on my plate so I don't feel deprived.

    I don't go back to the pantry to snack because I don't buy snack foods anymore. It's working for me, but I understand it's not for everyone. Give it a try and see what works for you. I have nuts and dried fruit, but no chips, crackers, cookies, etc. I eat apples with peanut butter between breakfast and lunch, or as a "dessert" if I'm short on calories at the end of the day. I also eat pears with natural cheese. My fiance just bought me some dark chocolate covered almonds, but I'm eating those very sparingly! If salty snack foods are your weakness, just don't buy them. You can't eat them if they're not there. At first, I had to talk to foods I knew I shouldn't eat. I had to look at them and say "NO" out loud and think about how much better I would look in my dresses if I didn't indulge in that stupid, empty calorie snack. My coworkers have caught me doing this to pizza and doughnuts. Now they see I've lost almost 20lbs and they're thinking I may be on to something....

    Lastly, I follow my Memere's rule: if you think you're hungry, you're probably just thirsty. Have a cup of hot tea or some water with lemon and wait 20 minutes. If you're still hungry, then go ahead and eat something.

    90% of the time, I'm just thirsty and not interpreting my body correctly. I've started keeping a bag of lemon slices in the fridge at work just to put in my water glass. It's pretty, too--makes you want to drink and enjoy it!

    Good luck!
  • bukozki
    [...]also mint + anything other than chocolate = BLECH!

    I beg to differ. Lamb and goat go deliciously with mint in jelly or just as a seasoning. I also make a ginger-mint couscous.
  • BamaRose0107
    I eat off a smaller plate which makes it easier to control portion. I also do not go back for seconds.