Looking for some supportive weight lost buddies



  • jaimesoo
    jaimesoo Posts: 274 Member
    I am a new mom of 1. I have been down the weightloss journey and am back to almost starting over where i started before now after the baby was born 3 months ago. I would love to help and would love the support as well! Add me if you would like!
  • My name is Morgan. 28 years old with three kids (two boys and a stepdaughter). After my first kid it took 3.5 years to lose MOST of the baby weight, now I'm going on 2.5 years with the second one and actually gained weight :( I would love to help and support. Anyone feel free to add me if you would like.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    My method:
    1) Figured out a plan that covers what I need: 4 meals per day about 3 hours apart starting in the 8 AM hour plus a frozen bedtime snack (currently Jamba sorbet bars), not going over 1350 calories per day
    2) Nothing between meals but water.
  • hi, been on here a while but not added anyone yet, feel free to add me everyone! :) xx
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I just started... I am 36 with 2 kids. I can't imagine how busy you are with 5! Good luck to you. Add me if you would like. My diary is open and I try to log in every day.
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me. You must be busy with 5 kids.... I can't imagine.
  • Nimadi486
    Nimadi486 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi! I'm 28, no kids, but I log exercise and food every single day! Would love more friends, feel free to ad me! :)
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Hello I'm Beckie and have been on here since March and have lost 24 lbs. I don't have any kids, but I have a husky who is as much work as two kids most days LOL! Feel free to add me. Best of luck!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I'm 25 years old trying to lose around 100 lbs. Anyone feel free to add me. I'm on every day.
  • NoMoreFlubbering
    NoMoreFlubbering Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 29, no kids, and have a lot to lose. Add me! Need support and love seeing everyone else's progress.
  • natashalh1998
    natashalh1998 Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me, I log everyday. MFP has been a great tool for my weight loss and the support you get is awesome! Good luck with your goals! :)
  • i'm 46 and stuggle to keep weight off. I do well when i track on WW but don't want to pay their fee. This site is just as good if not better. I'm looking to lose 20 pounds to get under 200. Please feel free to add me.
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi I'm Penny. I am a new member. I am also a bit older (47) but so excited that I found this website. I just love it. I'm willing to be a friend and supporter for anyone if they need it. Thank you for asking. Good luck on your weight loss journey. We CAN and WILL do it!!
  • nurselise
    nurselise Posts: 4 Member
    I am 37 with 3 boys, the youngest is 14 months. Looking to lose the weight I gained with the second one. :wink: I signed up for this in May but have just decided to use it. Please add me as a friend.
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    This is awesome, I was just looking for friends to keep me motivated too... I am going to add this whole list of people :)

    I am 31, 4 kids at home and on week 4 of the Ideal Protein diet (low carb). Have lost 23 lbs since May, and only 11 more until I hit my goal!
  • shannond1102
    shannond1102 Posts: 4 Member
    Would love more motivation!

    I'm 36 years old, with 2 kids. I go up and down with the weight loss motivation, but I'm on a good track and mindset right now.

    I reset my weight loss on here last month to keep track of my current streak so it shows 6 pounds lost, but I've lost about 22 this year. Want to lose another 15 by year end. :)

    My method is just hitting the gym more and logging everything I eat each day. Knowledge is key!.
  • apdumont
    apdumont Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, it would be lovely to have some support. I dragged a few friends into the app but Im the only one using it. I kind of fell off since I didn't have that moral support from the buddies I invited. You may add me if you want that support....
  • kerrylou45
    kerrylou45 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey i'm 33 with five kids too. My oldest is 17 (he's my stepson but lives with us full time) and the youngest and only girl is 3 coming up 4 in December. Feel free to add me and we can help support each other
  • kerrylou45
    kerrylou45 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, it would be lovely to have some support. I dragged a few friends into the app but Im the only one using it. I kind of fell off since I didn't have that moral support from the buddies I invited. You may add me if you want that support....

    Thats what's happened to me too. Having support is so important and when that disappears my weight seems to grow along with it!
  • lefty7714
    lefty7714 Posts: 4 Member
    Please feel free to friend me for support. I've lost up to 56 pounds but currently holding around 52 pounds. I use my fitness pal but also use some other free apps for running/walking. You can friend me at lefty7714.