15 months, 134 pounds lost - at GOAL! (pics included)



  • proudaunt
    bump for later
  • xBeckie_Sx
    u look great...!! you have done so well
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Shannon amazing results. Your success is truly what I want too. God bless you You rock
  • kerrylou45
    kerrylou45 Posts: 60 Member
    amazing!!! inspiring!!
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    I recall being impressed by your one year update. Congrats on a wonderful success story!!!
  • sasssurf
    sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
    Thankyou. Thankyou. Inspiring.
  • Pedalpush
    Pedalpush Posts: 246 Member
    Stunning! I hope you feel as good as you look - how could you not?!

    Thank you for sharing your story in such detail. I wanted to cry. But moreso, I want to follow in your footsteps. I don't have as far to go, but that makes me want it that much more.
  • jenniferrow
    Very moving. Thanks for sharing.
  • gettingfabuless
    Wow you look absolutely amazing! I hope I have the same success one day!
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    Hi, Shannon, thank you so much for posting your progress and congratulations on reaching your goal! This has helped to motivate me more than you could ever know. <3
  • Tanimom
    Tanimom Posts: 29 Member
    The first thing I want to do is thank my MFP friends. I swear, I have the most amazing cheering squad and I could not have done it without them.

    In early June of 2011, this photo of me was taken:


    The next week, I joined a gym and on June 16, 2011, I joined MFP. In the 15 months that have passed since then, I've lost 134 pounds. I have hit my goal!

    That number is almost impossible to comprehend. My BMI has gone from around 44 (morbidly obese) to 24.8 (HEALTHY for the first time in my adult life!). My body fat percentage has gone from 45% to 26% (my goal is below 24%).

    I have always been a mostly healthy eater, but now I eat better than ever (cooking 95% of my own food, reducing processed choices, learning portion size). I actually enjoy exercising and consider it one of the best hours of my day. I've fallen head over heels for running (not literally, thank goodness). I am a regular in the weight room. I am strong, inside and out. I am focused and dedicated.

    People ask me, "are you so happy now that you've hit goal?"

    Well, yes. I am. But it's more complicated than that.

    I'm happy because I have taken charge of my life. I am happy because for some reason, in June of 2011, I decided to take the steps toward change, and something clicked and I never stopped. I am happy because I'm not stuck in some downward spiral, feeling out of control and uncomfortable in my own skin. I am happy because my body no longer holds me back: going on a 20 mile bike ride with my family. returning to the very rustic state park where I broke my ankle 5 years ago and conquering those trails, this time with a 30 pound toddler on my back. shopping for clothes anywhere I want, seeing something I love and thinking "I will try it on" instead of "that will never look nice on me." registering for a 10 mile race. going kayaking for the first time. I am happy that my first response is "I can do that" instead of "I can't..."

    I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I was a beautiful, smart woman then too, with accomplishments and talents. I'm not defined by my body, and I was in no way less deserving or less wonderful than I am now. And you readers out there feeling like you're worthless because of your weight? Stop, right now. Wanting change does not mean you have to hate what or who you are presently. All self-hate will do is get in the way.

    Somehow, during the last 15 months, something incredible has shifted inside of me and I'm confident and strong in a way I didn't think was possible. I didn't realize what was missing until I found it.

    So, I guess what I'm saying is that reaching my goal weight itself has not made me happy. What has made me happy - thrilled, fulfilled, challenged, proud - is the journey to get here. And I have never once used the word journey to describe the process of losing weight, so you know I mean business ;)

    I absolutely love who I have become.

    Weight loss - yay! But I've changed on a more fundamental level than the size of my clothing. That's my success story.

    And now for pics:

    I had lost around 90 pounds when the second photo was taken.

    I was down around 100 pounds between these photos - this was at my first race, a 7k in March (I had just started running in January!)

    Mother's Day 2010 and 2012 - crazy to think that the pants in the "after" pic are way too big now

    Those jeans used to fit. Yep.

    One one of our many hiking trips this summer - one of the most active, outdoorsy, and happy summers of my life.

    This was me Sunday, at goal weight.

    For those of you just starting, I want you to know that this is possible. Your path to health probably won't look just like mine and it might take you longer to reach it, but that's fine. In five years it won't matter how long it took you; all that will matter is that you made lasting changes that you can live with.

    My biggest, #1 tip:
    This does not need to be a miserable experience. In fact, if you make it miserable, I don't see it lasting. Live the healthiest life you can enjoy. For me, an enjoyable life includes chocolate, craft beer, and pizza - not every day, of course, but often enough that I don't feel deprived or like I'm on an endless "diet." I cringe when I see people post that they "cheated" or suggest that anyone who has a slice of cake isn't truly dedicated to losing weight.

    During these last 15 months, I was not perfect, but I never gave up - I never even CONSIDERED giving up....see this blog post of mine for more on "perfection not required" - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ShannonMpls/view/eat-badly-yesterday-skip-a-workout-get-over-it-408173

    For a funnier post with more details, read my one-year success story thread here:

    My blog has a lot more of my thoughts, details on how I achieved my goal, and other ramblings:

    My "How did you do it?" post might be of particular interest for those curious about the details of how I eat and exercise: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ShannonMpls/view/-how-did-you-do-it-262680

    Now that I'm no longer focused on losing scale weight, I'm still committed to body composition and other goals. I will run a 10 mile race in October, and next spring I'll train for a half marathon. I want to improve my 5k pace. I want to do an unassisted pull up. I want to hit the "fitness" body fat range by my 34th birthday. See what I mean? I'm a girl after goals, and nothing is ending now that I've hit my goal weight. It's just time for a shift :)

    Thanks for reading - I'm sorry it's so long! I'm always wordy.

    I'm just grateful that I found MFP. What a difference it's made :)

  • fitnhealthymama2
    fitnhealthymama2 Posts: 33 Member
    You are amazing! I can't wait to catch up on your blog to read about your journey!
  • mrsoz22
    mrsoz22 Posts: 61 Member
    Congratulations, you've been a huge inspiration to me. Your one year success story popped up right around when I joined MFP and it really inspired me and showed me that, just like you, I could do it! You look amazing. :-)
  • srpthlgy
    You're amazing! I love your story and all of your blog posts. Way to kick butt!
  • kittenlynch
    kittenlynch Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just starting and this is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing in such a lovely way.
  • angrybird15
    Amazing! What strength and drive it took for you to make this happen, thanks for sharing your story. Gives me hope!
  • ChelleDJM
    I LOVE everything you said about the journey to get there and how it has made you feel MENTALLY. It's about taking charge of you. I am learning the same thing and it's a rough road, but I am stronger each day I understand what I am doing.

    Great job!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Holy WOW! You look amazing and you FEELING amazing comes through in your post. A huge congrats to you!
  • lostropav
    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Congrats!
  • snarf432
    snarf432 Posts: 91 Member
    Absolutely amazing..THanks for sharing your story!
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