I'm not making excuses but I need help!



  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I walk to work (I live 4 blocks away) and wear my comfy shoes but I carry my work shoes with me. This way I can change whenever I go for my walk at lunchtime or when I have to run errands and put my work shoes back on when I return.
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    You would have plenty of time to exercise if you spent less time in the car.
    So.... cut down on activities for the children, or cut down on the amount of driving to activities yourself by carpooling.

    I don't envy you all, when do you all spend time together?
    Hopefully there is time at the weekend where you can hang out at the park getting in family time and exercise together.
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    I have four kids at home and a very similar schedule (although I am lucky enough to wear comfy shoes under my desk). I finally signed myself up for an excerise bootcamp this summer that was held three days a week during my lunch hour. It was hard on my schedule because an hour workout means a 90 minute lunch considering the travel and changing time! My employer was awesome though and allowed me to take shorter lunch hours the days I wasn't working out to make up the difference in time. Now that I am in a little bit better shape, I go on a 15 minute jog before my shower in the mornings (the kids arent up yet)! I know 15 minutes isnt going to change my life, but it's as much time as I can commit to right now!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Ok, I know a lot of you are going to say that I'm making excuse but I really do struggle with finding time to work out. I think I have the diet part down though. Here is my typical daily schedule. I have 3 kids btw, ages 6, 12, 13.

    Up at 5 am to get ready for work
    6am - wake up oldest son
    6:30am - pack lunches for self and kids, gather sports uniforms for after school practices
    6:55am - out the door
    4:30pm - rush home to fix dinner
    5:00pm - out the door to drop daughter off at cheerleading
    5:30pm - pick oldest son up at soccer
    6:00pm - back home to do homework with 6 year old
    6:45pm - out the door to pick up daughter at cheer then off to Gymnastics
    8Pm - shower the youngest and get him into bed
    9pm - back out the door to pick up daughter from gymnastics
    9:45pm - finally able to take work clothes and shoes off before passing out

    I have no help with running my kids around or doing any of the household chores (dinner, homework, etc) so I'm busy.
    I'm not complaining because this is my life that I chose to live so my kids are active and happy.
    I'm just asking for some tips on exercises I can do quickly throughout the day. I'm aware that walking is good and I would do this on lunch break but in heels and where I work, that doesn't happen.

    Thanks in advance.

    You've gotten a lot of replies and I did not read them, but I am going to throw in some questions/suggestions based on the times you have listed.

    The first hole I see in your schedule is from 6 to 6:55. You wake up your oldest son between 6 and 6:30 and then pack lunches, etc.? What do you actually do between 6 and 6:30? If at all possible, I would suggest getting the lunches and sports stuff ready the night before. Have the kids help and/or do it for themselves. You want them to be responsible adults someday, right? As far as restructuring the morning, wake up at 5 since you are already used to that and workout for 30 minutes or so. Shower. Then wake up your son. Finish getting yourself ready for the day. Make sure everyone has their stuff and get out the door!

    The second hole I see is from 8 until 9. My 6 year old son takes a shower by himself now. Could your oldest son monitor the time that the younger son is in the shower and help to get the water adjusted and/or turned off? You could workout then and take a quick shower and head to pick up your daughter.

    Other suggestions...start taking advantage of carpools for sports stuff. Definitely try to get more stuff ready the night before and involve the kids! And PLEASE take 5 minutes when you get home to get out of your work clothes! Take advantage of crock pot meals and freezer meals too!
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I didn't read all the responses, so this may have been covered. Why can't you get the 13 or 12 year old to start helping with some of these things? Like bathing the youngest and household cleaning.
  • Wow, you are a busy mom!! You could use your lunch break to get in some walking. Just leave a pair of shoes & a few pairs of socks in your car, then you have them there. I normally eat my lunch at my desk and continue working, then when it's my lunch break time, I just go get my tennis shoes on and take a walk for about 50 min. I agree with the folks who mentioned the 30 day shred, it's only a little over 20 min, and if you could wake up just a little earlier you could squeeze that in. But I totally understand that is easier said than done. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    PS, yes the only way I have time to exercise is by enlisting the help of my 12 year old. She makes her own lunches for school and helps everyone get breakfast while I get ready for work. She even helps me remember my breakfast shake for the commute into town. I see lots of people have suggested having your oldest children help out more... I know from experience that there is only so much you can ask of an active tween/teen before you feel guilty for pushing responsibility on them, but they do benefit from you working out! Your endorphins alone will make you a happier mom!
  • :happy:
    Amazing how harsh people can be! You are running a house and trying to bring up 3 kids - and from what you say, you are not being lazy about it. You deserve a medal, not criticism. I'm assuming that you are a single parent. Perhaps you could do something whilst the children are at their clubs. You could also try combining fun family time with activity at weekends. That way you all benefit in many ways - walk to the park together and try hoops, soccer, baseball. If the kids are not used to it they might object at first but the more laughter there is, the more they will like it. Getting less sleep and driving yourself into the ground will not help you or the kids and may result in low mood and extra eating. Take care of yourself and be kind.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I haven't read the whole way through the thread but you sound like a brilliant mom. You put your kids before yourself. Maybe have a little chat with the older 2 and see if they can lend more of a hand. I've just the two, but my oldest is 5 and loves making her own breakfast (usually porridge which I put in little pots for her, she adds the milk, fruit and microwaves). Could the older 2 wake themselves up and get their own breakfast and lunches. I know at this age I got myself up, washed dressed and prepared for school. That might free up enough time to stick in a dvd, or allow you to sleep a little later leaving you more energy to work out at night when they are all settled.

    Good luck
  • I'll just chime in with everyone else and agree on most points. I, too, am confused as to how your kids' activities are every single night. That seems excessive. I'm not a mom, though.

    You can definitely fit in a workout on your lunch break, and eat at your desk. I do this when I have something going on at night and can't fit the gym in. Preparing meals ahead would also help, as well as crock pot stuff. There's someone on the Food Network called Robin Miller, who is a busy mom and preps many of her meals for the week on Sunday. Maybe her recipes/cookbooks would help.

    I'll also agree with others that I think you could make more time for yourself in the morning. I have thick and unruly hair, and I wear a full face of makeup and a suit to work everyday, and eat breakfast at my apartment, and all of that doesn't take me 90 minutes. Can you maybe shower at night and straighten your hair in the morning? Or just do a pony/french twist on mornings you work out?

    Just some thoughts...I definitely think you could squeeze in a few workouts a week.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I only read the first page of replies so forgive me if I repeat what anyone else has already said.

    I do agree with the whole "you have to make the time" part but, I admit, its very easy for someone like me to say that because I have help whereas it seems you don't.

    But there are times when it is up to me to shuttle the kids here and there and still get a workout in and I just fit it in where I can. I've gotten up at 5am on a Saturday morning before to go to the gym because I knew I had other things do to that day and I didn't want to miss out on getting my run in.

    If you could wake up just 30 minutes earlier, then you can do one of Jillian Michaels DVD's. They're a GREAT workout and most of them are about 25 minutes long. I do one every morning. I have my workout clothes ready the night before to save time. I also try and get my lunch together the night before as well. Its really all about planning and I KNOW waking up early is hard...believe me I do...but the first week is the hardest. You'll find if you keep with it, it'll become easier to do it over time. I wake up at 5am every morning so I can workout before I have to wake my daughter up. And most nights, I am lucky to be in bed by 10:30.

    Good luck...hope you find something that works for you! :smile:
  • dedarlin
    dedarlin Posts: 41 Member
    Mother of 5 here, and hubby is a paramedic, so i don't get much help either...i feel your pain. my gym happens to have a great kid center and reasonable hours, so that is my solution, but i have a couple of ideas for you. 1)HIIT if you can manage a gym or a jog 2-3x a week for 20-30mins, and 2)TABATA workokuts! youtube is a great source for these (i like Brad Gouthro Fitness and Bexlife) they are 4 minute workouts, work up to 3 rounds...you can fit this in when you're dropping off/picking up kids (this might be a good time for a few laps around the park or gym too?). my biggest piece of advice though would be to BE SUPER PREPARED! i always keep a loaded gym bag in my car just in case i happen to get 30 minutes i didnt know i had :)) good luck!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    - Your 12 and 13 year olds should pack their own lunches now, and while they're at it, pack a lunch for the 6 year old too. Have them do this at night until they get the routine of it down. When they can do it quickly, then they can make their lunches in the morning if they prefer.
    - Your 6 year old can wash on their own now, surely.

    I strongly suggest getting a Leslie Sansone DVD. I love her 5 mile Fat Burning DVD...the miles are 12 minutes each. You can do all 5 at one time or just do one at a time, 2 at a time, whatever. You can find just 12 minutes a day, right? Do that one mile a day on the days you have a hectic schedule. On your off days or days your schedule isn't so tight, do more.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Wow!! Most explosive thread I've seen so far!!! People really getting worked up about this!!

    You said it yourself. You need help.

    One man said it right: "if you don't take care of yourself, nobody else will."

    Do your kids a favor and give them some responsibilities. They need to be helping you--for their sake.

    Also, you do not need a heavy exercise program. Start with 10 minutes worth of stretching before bed and 5 min. when you get up.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. That's what other people are for.
  • patuleka
    patuleka Posts: 8 Member
    I work out at my lunch time. Gym is very closed to my office.
    But when I worked in a different company - I used to drive to the gym. workout like crazy, and pick up my daughter from daycare.
    Weekends...got up at 7 am to go to the gym and come back to take care of my family. I have two kids and a husband (so 3 kids!) and never stop working out for the last 20 years......
    You can probably buy a eliptical machine, and exercise while watching TV. or buy a dvd like Insanity or Zumba or something like that and do 30 minutes a day.....There are a lot of ideas. You need to put you first.
    Good luck!
  • effcla
    effcla Posts: 33 Member
    I'm amazed at all you do trying to raise 3 kids without help.

    Someone mentioned having your daughter only have one activity but seeing she is in gymnastics and cheer it would appear she needs one to succeed in the other. I was curious though as to when your daughter gets her homework done since she doesn't get home until 9 pm.

    Not sure if this is doable for you but one of my co-workers walks laps in the office during her lunch hour. We have a big office and the way the cubicles are set up, it's easy to walk her laps for 15 minutes before she eats her lunch. We also have a very relaxed dress code (most people wear jeans and khakis to work every day and in the summer time - shorts. So getting a little sweaty isn't a big deal for her.)

    Since it appears you are a single mom, I agree with the others that suggest your children should be helping you out. You don't want to make them slaves but it is certainly reasonable to assign them chores like loading and unloading the dishwasher and keeping the common areas, as well as their rooms, picked up. They should be able to get you at least 10 - 15 minutes (which usually turns into 30) to do a quick exercise DVD 3 days a week. They are old enough to understand you need help and why.

    Finally, I also agree with some who said your rest is as important as fitting in exercise. If you wear yourself out and get sick, what will you do then? Of course exercise is important and healthy and all that but getting rest and eating right are just as important.

    Good luck.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Saw this online today and thought of your shortage of time:
    and that it would be a good workout for me, too:-)
  • jenebeyer
    jenebeyer Posts: 5 Member
    It's probably already on here, but I didn't take the time to read all replies.
    You need to do some prep work to free up time!
    Take a weekend day or Friday evening and make meals ahead of time that can be frozen, that would free up about 20-30 min. at dinner time to get in a quick workout at home - you could do Jillica's workout twice!
    Also, prep the kid's lunches, uniforms, etc. the night before - boom! probably 20 minutes freed up.
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    I have a very similar schedule as you. When I first started out, like you, I got my food choices under control. Then I knew I had to fit in some type of exercise, so I started looking for dynamic workouts that would allow me to burn 300-400 calories in less than 30 mins. My choices were Kettlebells (20lbs) and stationary bike (18mph under tension). There are several great KB workouts on YouTube so check them out...if done correctly you can burn 20 calories a min...FOR REAL. I highly suggest them, and the best part you get your strength and cardio training all in one.

    Like I said, my schedule is like yours, If I can find 15 mins you can. Its up to you. The key is find that small block of time, give it all you got, sweat like mad, and burn those calories. You can do it. :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    why are your older kids not packing their own lunches and getting their own stuff together for sports? having them pack their own lunches at night would save you time that you can do you stuff in the morning. even if you werent pressed for time, honestly that's the type of stuff they should be doing for themselves anyway.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    There are a lot of great suggestions posted for you ... some jerks, but a lot of helpful information.

    I have an active teen. I can get in 30 push ups while coffee is brewing. Lunges happen during b'fast or homework. I found that I could do squat sets while brushing my teeth and 30 dips before I started the shower for the day ...

    If you really want it, it can happen.

    eating at a deficit WILL give you a smaller version of the body that you currently have. Strength training (even body weight) will give you definition. It's up to you which you prefer and then make it happen.

    Everyone has a schedule much like your own. We all need to find the time. You are worth it to make the time, in how ever small increments.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I don't have kids, but I was raised by a single mom and the four of us were making our own lunches and bathing was monitered by the older ones when we were younger. I wonder if you could combine a couple areas like bring your 6 year old to the soccer practice and maybe walk while he works on homework then head home. 3 times a week doing 20 min of cardio will be a great benefit. Maybe do some jillian on the weekends and once a week or so. Her 20 minute daily shred will work up quite a sweat. Good luck and I hope you find a solution and I applaud your dedication to your kids. I still don't really comprehend how my mom did it, but you should be proud that you are making the effort with your hands so full.
  • ohmyshysamantha
    ohmyshysamantha Posts: 138 Member
    I would say a few things here.

    Bring some tennis shoes with you and go for a walk during your lunch break.
    If you pack lunches and get everything together the night before that is 20+ minutes you would have in the morning to exercise.
    Your oldest son is 13? Have him set an alarm and wake himself up in the mornings. Which gives you more time in the morning to exercise. If you cant find a couple minutes a day to exercise then you should either wake up earlier or go to bed later, or perhaps delegate some tasks to your older kids, have them help get things together for the day or help with youngest childs homework, or find a ride with a friend to their sports. (I know when I was going from cheer to gymnastics alot of girls on my squad were also in my class)
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    I am not a single mom but as an Army wife, I spend a lot of time alone in areas with no support.

    What about the 8-9pm? My kids shower in like 5 min. He goes to bed and then you have.. 45 min?? What about Saturday or Sunday? Family walks/hikes?

    And unless there are reasons for so much homework and the time spent on it, 45 min of hw can't be daily. Fridays you should have off there (I work in a school) but during week, have him do it next to you while you do free weights. I do a video while kids do homework and will jog in place while I stand next to them and help.
  • I adopted a very low carb diet and I have lost 50 lbs in 3 months without much exercise. I am busy, so exercise alone wasn't doing it for me, whereas with a low carb diet the pounds have fallen off. I do exercise, but I don't rely on it for weight loss.
  • citygirl04
    citygirl04 Posts: 286 Member
    Maybe delegate some stuff to the older kids when they're home. :)
  • Yip sounds pretty similar I have 5 kids and work fulltime with no family or anything around to help - so like some others I pack some walking gear and get changed at work and go out for a walk in my lunch break 3 times a week, I have crosstrainer at home which helps so I use this for small amounts of time but frequently I do 20mins in the morning before I start raising kids from beds and I do it for 5-10mins bursts throughout the night in between everything else I do all my lunches at night and I also prepare dinner for the next night that night as one of my children has a medical condition and I have treatments to run with him every morning so that takes up a bit - IT IS REALLY HARD when you are a busy mum I do get it and its I guess just finding ways of doing it taht fits in with your lifestyle - HOWEVER I think if you can't get the exercise in as much as it is a help the food is 80% of it so if you can get this down packed I think you should be fine - GOOD LUCK :):)
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Have you thought of making up a batch of premade lunches for week on a weekend? You could stash some in the fridge and the freezer and pull when needed. That may add an extra 30 minutes to your mornings for workout.
    Perhaps you could make up some chicken and cut and portion it out, make up some sandwiches like peanut butter and jelly for the kids and some salads or chili for you. You could also make up a batch lasagna and portion that out for grab and go during the week as well.
    I didn't have kids but I used to buy a whole loaf of bread and make the whole loaf into peanut butter sandwiches to grab for work. It was totally cheap and convenient.
  • ltowns11
    ltowns11 Posts: 134 Member
    Between 8 & 9pm you give your six year old a bath maybe make it a quick bath 15min and workout for 30min leaving you 15 min before you have to be out the door again. Also unless your 6 year old is getting extremely dirty daily; truly a 6 year old should not require a daily shower in fact that could be rather drying to the child's skin (fyi I am a family practitioner).

    I am a busy working mother as well and yes our schedule can be very grueling, we just have to be creative. :-)!

    Way to be proactive in finding ways to incoporate excercise into your life!! Diet is important but excersice is equally as important in cardiovascular health and fitness. I am sure you have heard of individuals who are skinny fat...these people although thin are equally as unhealthy as a person who is overweight. Diet AND Excersice are equally important for over all good health. If apperance is the main focus then diet alone would work, however if health, longevity and quality of life is key for you (as I am sure it is as you need to be there for your babies) excersice and diet are must together!
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Much of your day is centered around your kids. This means you're a mom who cares, which is good. However, I think your kids could take on more responsiblities to help you out. You children can definitely pack thier own lunches. Even the 6 year old. Or they can choose to buy a lunch. This would give you time to work out in the mornings. And other than the 6 year old, you do not need to wake your children up, they can do this on their own. Also a walking lunch sounds like an excellent destressor for your busy day. While the kids are at practice you can also be exercising while you wait. I know my parents were very into the self-reliance and early responsibility, and it made me no worse for wear and I became a much more responsbile child/teenage/adult because of it. Ex: I did my own laundry in kindergarten. I had my own footstool to get to the washer. (I was supervised until they knew i could do it safely) Yes I washed my colors with my whites. But as a six year old I knew how to work a washing machine and dryer, fold my clothes, and put them away. It also gave my a huge sense of pride. By the second grade I could cook family meals. (Supervised until safe, probably age 10?) It gave me a huge sense of pride and it helped my both my parents who worked more than full time spend more quality time with me because I was self- reliant and helped with family duties. My younger brother was raised much the same way.