Today it's 3 months until xmas! 20lb challenge anyone?



  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Perfect plan and right in line with my goals!

    CW: 197
    Christmas GW: 177
  • 200 and 180 by christmas- Im in
  • chrise2
    chrise2 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in CW 198 178 by Christmas!
  • ravenwcatz
    ravenwcatz Posts: 105 Member
    Can I shoot for 15? 20 overshoots my goal by about 2 or three pounds, and I'm not 100% sold that I want to hit 115 anyway, so...

    CW: 132
    GW: 117

  • Tiffikat
    Tiffikat Posts: 47 Member
    Count me in.

    CW - 168
    GW - 148
  • Lupuschamp
    Lupuschamp Posts: 22 Member
    I'm definitely keen to do this!

    SW 158

    GW 138

    Have come so close to that weight before, but never quite made it! x
  • NorthwestPA
    NorthwestPA Posts: 63 Member
    CW 179
    GW 159

    Count me in
  • I'm in....

    CW: 194
    GW: 174
  • Letty_c
    Letty_c Posts: 278 Member
    I'm in!!

    CW: 215

    Christmas goal: 195
  • I m in as well. it s time for me to get serious about this and I ll need motivation.

    CW: 216

    that would be awesome for Christmas, I have not been under 200 in a long time.
  • I'm in!

    CW 194

    TW 174

    What now?
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey, let's do it!!

    CW: 173
    GW: 153

    My ultimate goal weight is anything under 155... anything under that is a miracle! I've posted on my profile that my new goal is to hit my ultimate goal weight by my 25th bday which is the end of January. If I'm not able to hit this NUMERIC goal by Christmas, I won't be devastated. I average a loss of about 3-5lb loss per month, but now that my husband and I have decided to quit drinking, I'm hoping that makes a significant change in my metabolism!
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Current: 203lb
    Target by Christmas: 183lb

    Long term goal: 150lb
  • sarahjuneblanke
    sarahjuneblanke Posts: 46 Member
    current :168

    goal: 115

    by christmas: 148

    Im down!
  • I'll try my best!
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Can we start a group for everyone that wants to do this with us?
  • ljc73
    ljc73 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in because I'm exactly 20 lbs from my goal!

    CW: 145
    GW: 125
  • Sounds great! Current 160 Goal is 130, weight by Christmas would be 140 lbs. Lets do this weight loss thing!!!
  • I'm in...
    CW: 161
    GW: 141
  • me too
  • I'm in

    GW by Christmas:149 :)
  • I'm in!

    CW: 229
    GW: 209 or UNDER

    My birthday is on 12/18 as well so I'd LOVE to look better by #32!~
  • MemoirsOfaDame
    MemoirsOfaDame Posts: 74 Member
    Count Me In ! !!

    CW: 173 lbs

    Xmas: 153 lbs

    I Definitly can use this for alot of motivation :) , Wishing Everyone GOOD LUCK
  • God bless your efforts everyone! I'm already on 2 different forums that deal with this.
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    YAY I'm in!! CW : 148 Goal by Christmas: 128

    LETS DO THIS PEOPLE!! Feel free to add me & we can keep each other motivated & accountable !
  • danijolson
    danijolson Posts: 32 Member

    Current weight: 177

    Target weight: 157

    This is the first time Ive joined a challenge on here like this, do we just keep checking in with our weights or how does this work as far as weigh-in's or specifics? Or is it just the honor system to see where were at 3 months from now?
  • jenbehe
    jenbehe Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in!

    CW: 197
    GW for xmas: 177

    Here we go! :)
  • I am in! Sounds like motivation to me.

    CW 197
    Goal Weight by Christmas 177
  • juliebruceames
    juliebruceames Posts: 13 Member
    Great Idea! I would like to do this as well.

    CW 226
    GW 206, but under 200 would be an awesome present to myself. :) Let's do this!
  • Woo, I'm in.
    Though I may need some motivation.

    CW: 226
    Christmas goal: 206....but I'd prefer 199