Women getting healthy before getting pregnant?

My husband and I have made the decision to try to start a family. Not pregnant yet, but it could certainly happen any month now. I definitely want to get my health in check before a baby gets here. I know being healthier will make for an easier pregnancy, not to mention keeping up with the needs of a baby/toddler/child.

Any other women out there juggling health and fitness with pregnancy or trying to conceive?


  • AndreaNoel
    AndreaNoel Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations on this wonderful decision!! I am not pregnant at the moment but we will be trying for our second in the next year or so. We have an 8 month old now and I have recently lost the 45 lbs I gained during pregnancy. I worked extremely hard to lose around 5-8 lbs before I got pregnant. I did a cleanse the month before we conceived (technically we only "tried" for one month before getting pregnant). The cleanse included eating only fresh fruits and vegetables all day, every day, except for one meal. The "cheat meal" had to include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I lost 5 pounds in no time, my skin looked better, I lost belly bloat, and I had more energy to work out. I really think it was worth it and it started me out on a healthy track once I got pregnant. If you have questions on what I did (or did not do) please feel free to contact me. I love to hear women trying to get healthy before pregnancy, because pregnancy really does a number on the body AND breastfeeding (if you choose to do so) really does a number on you too. Good luck and best wishes to you!
  • erinvdubb11
    That is the exact situation I am in. Good to know I am not the only one. I am getting fit so when we start trying to conceive in about 6 months to a year, I am fit and healthy and can run around with our baby and not be winded.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    Part of my journey is including a gym routine called crossfit. I have been doing it 4 times a week for about 3 1/2 months. But I didn't lose any weight until I joined this a little more than a week ago.

    It would be so great if I could lose some of this belly weight. 2 1/2 years ago when I got married, I was about 180lbs - sounds like a lot, but I am almost 5'10", so 180 is ideal in my eyes for my frame. I was a comfortable size 8/10.

    Currently I am trying to eat as balanced as possible without depriving myself.

    @AndreaNoel - it only took one month?
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I'm getting my bc out at the end of October/beginning of November..and will be trying for a baby..not actively at first since I would like to lose more weight before getting pregnant, but if I do get pregnant, I'll continue being as healthy as I can.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I've been overweight every time I have conceived. While it's not horrible, it would've definitely been easier, I think, had I not been.

    That being said, don't be afraid to get pregnant if you are overweight. Obese, maybe, but just overweight, you'll be surprised at just how much of that gets converted to food for baby. Eat healthy, take daily walks, and you will come out of it much healthier than when you got pregnant.

    I'm pregnant with my 4th now. I track my calories, just to make sure I'm getting enough calories to support my darling. I also want to make sure it's basically balanced. I log my walking, which I've been trying to do lately. Wii Fit Plus has some good, low low impact cardio that can be done. But so long as you're doing something, it's alot better than nothing.

    I did indulge, and still do, any cravings I have while pregnant. Just in smaller portions (hopefully). If I'm craving something, that generally means I have, unwittingly, deprived my body of something. I actually lost weight during my 1st trimester of both of my last 2 pregnancies. I actually was 3 pounds within my goal weight when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter last year. I was 4 months along when I found out.
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    Sigh.. only been married 2 months and I already have baby on the brain... but no way I'd convince hubby to go for it. Not for at least 3 or 4 year. Good luck to you all <3
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Hi there!

    I lost 42 lbs before becoming pregnant, and I think learning how to control my eating and getting a large portion of my excess weight off was a huge help!

    Good job for planning ahead for the best for you and your baby.

    Good luck!
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    The catalyst that started my weight loss :)
  • McFelix57
    McFelix57 Posts: 28 Member
    Knowing that my husband and I would be trying to get pregnant in the not so distant future is what motivated me to lose 30+ lbs. I've kept it off for about a year and a half, but would still like to lose a little more. (Like you I am 5'10" - currently about 175, would like to get to 160 or 165). I am also a CrossFitter - typically go 4x per week. I hope to continue CrossFit during pregnancy, but I will just have to wait and see how that goes when I finally do get pregnant (been trying for almost a year).
  • dwtc
    dwtc Posts: 2
    Same here! We aren't going to try for another 2 years or so but I figure if I start now, I'll be in the swing of things by the time we start trying! Wish the best for you all!
  • Kari_L_Moore
    Kari_L_Moore Posts: 18 Member
    I'm starting to get healthy now so when we want to start our family in the next year or two I will (hopefully) have an easier time getting pregnant and have a healthier pregnancy. I also wanted to make sure I could pass on healthy habits to my children so that they won't end up with type 2 diabetes (which runs in my family). Keep it up ladies!
  • Caguppie
    Caguppie Posts: 53 Member
    you can join groups of women ttc on here. i just joined - need to lose weight as it may have played a role in my first pregnancy ending in miscarriage. no to scare you. i just found out i have some insulin resistance so i'm cutting waaaaay back on sugar and workin on my health so i can ttc again soon.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    I am! I am not married or engaged however and my time to have children is probably pretty far off. My boyfriend and I just aren't ready for marriage or kids yet, but we both know it's in our cards in the future, so I might as well get healthy now so that everything goes easier *fingers crossed* in the future. I want to be a good mother and a great example to my children and I believe that starts well before you give birth.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    My husband and I are still debating whether or not we want to try, but we have to decide soon because we're not young. I decided to get healthy before we even try. I have two overweight friends that had miscarriages this year and I don't want that to happen to me.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My husband and I are still debating whether or not we want to try, but we have to decide soon because we're not young. I decided to get healthy before we even try. I have two overweight friends that had miscarriages this year and I don't want that to happen to me.

    Unfortunately, a miscarriage can happen at any size, and it sucks. Good for you for wanting to reduce your risk though.
  • jacbrogdon
    I am so excited I found this. I have been trying to eat better and do little things to help, but nothing seems to work. We will be trying next month and I am hoping that this helps me learn to eat better by seeing what I am eating and looking at a day at a time:)