is anyone else just trying to lose a little bit of weight?

Hi guys-- I'm fairly new (so feel free to friend me) & I've seen so many inspirational stories of people losing 100s of pounds.. but I'm only looking to lose around 10-15. Anyone else out there?? Are you having difficulty? My calorie goal is 1200 per day, & I set my lifestyle to "sedentary" because I work a desk job (therefore, I've been logging simple activities such as walking)

Just looking for motivation/tips :) Thanks!


  • katwal87
    katwal87 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello, yes I started with a goal of about 14lbs, I have lost 7lb so far (in roughly a month). MFP put my calories at 1200 a day but I worked out my BMR and TDEE and adjusted my goal to 1311 from this so that I am at a 20% calorie reduction. Being fairly close to goal now it seems to be slowing down. I need more motivation to exercise - I am a lazy so-and-so!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    when i originally joined i had 18lbs to lose, which i did, maintained for a while (9months ish) and now i am trying to lose a couple of honeymoon pounds and reduce my bodyfat % further.

    there is a 'not so heavy' group around here somewhere too!
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Very similar you you, I'm only trying to lose 2 kilos (lost 1 already). I've been warned that 1200 kcals is too little and can cause losing muscle... Anyway, feel free to add me if you want. :) And good luck!
  • minus15pounds
    Me too! Trying to lose 15 pounds and its so hard! I've never had any weight issues before so this is fairly new to me. MFP has set a 1240 calories per day goal for me, and for the past two days, I've been under.
    I've been trying different diet and exercise routines for the past 3-4 months but nothing seems to be having much of an impact. I joined MFP so I could keep track of what I was doing and what I needed to do lose that weight.

    Adding you as a friend!
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    Hi, I've got 12lbs to go. A year ago it would have been more but I wasn't introduced to MFP until August. My goal is to reach 125lbs or 120lbs depending on where my lovehandles are when I reach it. My other goal is to tone up and lose inches (or to reach a size 3/4). Feel free to add me and I wish you luck on your weight loss!
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks guys! It's good to know there are others with a similiar goal. I lost 3 pounds right away, but my weight seems to be staying put for now (although I noticed less flab in some areas, yay..haha) 1200 calories is hard on some days! I'm pretty good when I plan meals by myself, but eating with friends/family/boyfriend/ANYONE else sort of derails me. I think I should just try to get more exercise into my routine :)
  • WillardsMommy1
    I only have like 10 I want to lose. I've recently decided that I am not weighing myself every week, i'm just going by how I feel! I think maybe when we get so close to our goal weight the scale doesn't want to show any progress? I had been doing GREAT for like a month, my clothes were fitting, I was working out a ton, eating REALLY clean, and feeling like I was making progress, I got on the scale and NOTHING. I was so disappointed I convinced myself I was in "starvation mode" even though I dont' believe in it, and had an AWFUL weekend. I know i really wasn't in starvation mode though, because I had lost inches. Clothes that hadn't fit in a year were fitting. So I decided I'm not going to torture myself like that anymore, I'm just going to eat at my goal, exercise a lot, incorporate some strength training, and hopefully my clothes will continue to tell me I'm doing good! I will keep my scale check ins to 2x a month instead of once a week and not take that number too seriously.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    If you are starving, you can up your intake, but particularly if you are sedentary, need to add some exercise, especially if you want to firm up. Also, if you log your exercise, beware of the numbers MFP gives you for burn. Notoriously inaccurate. If you care enough to know what you burn, I'd recommend a HRM or one of the other devices--fitbit, BodyMedia fit, etc., but if you are only trying to do something short term, those are likely too expensive. I'm small, so my burn is tiny even on heavy workout days, but since I'm trying to maintain after a 40 lb loss, I can eat a lot more than 1200 calories. If you decide to increase your calories, go slowly, maybe 100 more per day per week (1300 next week, 1400 the next) until you aren't starving anymore.

    Otherwise, might want to open your diary for better advice--it might be what you are eating rather than how much.

    Good luck! You have taken a great first step by joining.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I want to lose anywhere up to 10 lbs. Well, really, I want to lose whatever fat that is left on me that totally obscures my super-cool delts and makes my thighs look huge. I've been at it for the past 20-25 years, and did not know it. Well, I did not have cool delts, but I always had un-cool thighs.

    As a girl I thought I wanted to be thinner (see thighs). Buzz. WRONG.

    What I wanted to be was FIRMER (again, see thighs, now, closing to 40, see belly too). Buzzinga! Firmer, not thinner. Folks see that you are in a normal weight range, they think you ain't got no problems. Buzz. WRONG. Firmer is not self-indulgence. It's health and vibrancy, and being the Ageless Goddess.

    My first priority is to stretch every day. Stretching is absolutely crucial and easily falls by the way side. BAD.

    Calories, I need to be below 1,600 on the training days, below 1,300 on non-training days, and once a week I really gotta drop to about 1,000, but I am voracious, so I mostly don't do it.

    Training, I gotta lift heavy and keep cardio short and HARD. And, of course, I need to walk in the great urban outdoors or swim and relax in the steam room for as many hours as I possibly can.

    Above all, I gotta start sleeping more. Hard order. Family, work, all the stuff. Still, gotta work myself up to 8 hours one of this days.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I'm on my last 5-10lbs to lose. I hit my original goal weight a few weeks ago, but want to go a bit past it. Hopefully by Christmas I'll be where I want to be, I"m not really in a big hurry. I know if I quit sneaking chips/pop/candy I would get there far faster.
  • lmhdimare
    Wow, great to hear that there are other people out there like me. I used to be a very happy and fit 125 and Whammo! 5 years at 4 pounds per year and I have teetered on the edge of 150! Scary to see that in print. I'm 5'4", not a huge frame and a pear shape, which stows the weight in the places you just don't want it! As with others of you, I have a day job sitting on my fanny and with work, family and running kids around there is not much time for working out. I miss it, but 5am just seems an impossible goal to achieve for when I can work out. Need a solid 8+ hours sleep or immediately catch whatever cold is hanging around. As with my mother, my knees are starting to bother me and I see her rheumatoid arthritis looming over my head. Good inspiration to lose! Like many of you, I don't need to be skinny, but heading on the down side of 45 I'd like to be firm and fit. Thanks MissKitty9 for starting this Message and I'd be happy to 'friend' any and all of you, as I need all the help I can get and would love to help pump up others. This is my 2nd try with MFP after a false start in early September. Friend warned me that its the toughest month of the year to try to start anything and that October 1, after all has settled down is much easier. so I've decided to start planning now.

    Good luck to all!
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    I need to lose 13 lbs of baby weight and then I would like to lose an additional 10 lbs to be at my ideal weight. It's been a slow process which is good. Losing weight slowly is a good thing. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I've only got about 7lbs left to lose, everyone feel free to add me! Already lost 53! x
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Back-of-a-postage-stamp calculation says I've got maybe 3lbs to lose.
    Very similar you you, I'm only trying to lose 2 kilos (lost 1 already). I've been warned that 1200 kcals is too little and can cause losing muscle... Anyway, feel free to add me if you want. :) And good luck!

    Google "adaptive thermogenisis". If you're slim already, you're going down the same path that I did (see my profile) and in for some frustrating times with few "wtf?" moments. Avoid the hassle/timewasting and stay motivated by eating more.
  • archilichus
    archilichus Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am like you, just trying to loose 10 pounds and finding it really difficult for some reason. I am gaining weight, slowly, instead of loosing it! This has never happened to me before so I am perplexed and confused. I'm still plugging away because I know the exercise and dietary changes are good for me anyway. We just have to stay motivated!
  • shirin8
    shirin8 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there,

    I have another 7 lbs to lose to get to my ultimate goal of 125lbs. After losing 60 lbs (from my highest at 192lbs the day I delivered my third child 1 year ago), the last few have been really tough. All the advice you have gotten is great. For me, I just try to cook as much as possible (Cooking Light has amazing cookbooks) and exercise at least 4 days a week (Chalean Extreme and Insanity). I wish I could sleep more but it's tough with 3 kids 3 and under and a dual income household (DH and I both have heavy jobs). Feel free to add me and good luck with your journey!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Hi there, I'm trying to lose 10 pounds and every single day is a challenge. I'm also diabetic, which makes things ridiculously slow going, but I'm plugging away! Feel free to add me :)
  • lizchristine
    lizchristine Posts: 42 Member
    My original goal when I started MFP was to lose 5 pounds. I'm a shorty so those pounds come off slowly. I'm 5'1" and I was worried that my BMI was 25 (on the edge of being overweight) -- I'd like my BMI to be more like 23 or 22. The good news is that I am three pounds away from my goal and then I may set a new one then.

    Feel free to friend me if you are in the same boat!! I do believe that losing smaller amounts of weight can be just as challenging as larger amounts. It takes the same amount of dedication.
  • Debtastic12
    Hello, I am like you, just trying to loose 10 pounds and finding it really difficult for some reason. I am gaining weight, slowly, instead of loosing it! This has never happened to me before so I am perplexed and confused. I'm still plugging away because I know the exercise and dietary changes are good for me anyway. We just have to stay motivated!

    Ditto. Same old 10lb but nothing is shifting and scales keep going up a few pounds then down 1 or 2, its a cruel world and hard to stay motivated as i often find myself wondering why put myself through this week after week :sad:
  • JonieB
    JonieB Posts: 67 Member
    I have probably about 10 lbs or so that I would like to lose. More importantly I have no desire to be "skinny". My goal is to be fit and fabulous. For one thing my husband isn't into skinny girls and with my body type I have never been and I will never be skinny without being unhealthy. I was on 1200 calories and lost 10 lbs very quickly. Since then I have gained and lost the same 4 lbs over and over for about 6 weeks. I have slowly increased my calories to around 1500 on workout days and about 1350 on non-workout days. I have also just started the BeFit 90 day challenge and I am looking forward to seeing some great changes in my body by christmas. I am always looking for new MFP friends. :)