30 Day Shred pain- what to do?

Okay guys. Help me out. My calves are still hurting too much to do the 30 Day Shred today. I don't know what I did to them for them to hurt like this for so long, but apparently I did something. So my question: Should I just wait for them to feel better and then continue where I was with 30DS, or should I wait for them to feel better and then just cut my losses and start a different program? I don't know if 30DS is for me, if it causes pain like this. I haven't done it since Monday and my calves are STILL in a lot of pain. I can barely even walk down the stairs. What would you do if you were me?

**I was planning on doing 6 Week 6 Pack after 30DS. Maybe wait until my calves are healed up or whatever and then just start 6W6P instead? I really don't know what to do.


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    When I did it, I had never exercised in my life. Yes, it caused unbelievable soreness. Most people tend to agree that the first 3 days are the hardest. After that, the pain goes away. I personally just pushed through but everyone has different opinions on the subject so I would do what you're more comfortable doing.
  • ghostpixie
    ghostpixie Posts: 148 Member
    I should also mention that I'm through with 7 days of the Shred. The next time I do it (if I do) will be day 8 for me. Forgot to mention that D:
  • jennyrae75
    jennyrae75 Posts: 11 Member
    Usually the third day is the worst for pain when doing new work outs. I would keep going but maybe substitute a different exercise into the ones that cause the most pain in your calves. You will get there. Good luck!
  • sherry1214
    sherry1214 Posts: 3 Member
    Is this the Jillian Micheals work out?
  • ghostpixie
    ghostpixie Posts: 148 Member
    Is this the Jillian Micheals work out?
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I should also mention that I'm through with 7 days of the Shred. The next time I do it (if I do) will be day 8 for me. Forgot to mention that D:
    Jillian does not recommend working out every day of the week, but instead that you take one or two rest days every week. Your muscles need the rest.
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    Depends on the type of pain, if its just muscle pain then push through it, your muscles are just getting torn down and rebuildling stronger. If its tendon pain, joint pain, pulled muscle, etc I'd lay off and let it heal. When i started barefoot running i had terrible calf pain and even got posterior shin splints (never new that existed!) from the added stress to my lower leg bones, so be careful.
  • ghostpixie
    ghostpixie Posts: 148 Member
    Depends on the type of pain, if its just muscle pain then push through it, your muscles are just getting torn down and rebuildling stronger. If its tendon pain, joint pain, pulled muscle, etc I'd lay off and let it heal. When i started barefoot running i had terrible calf pain and even got posterior shin splints (never new that existed!) from the added stress to my lower leg bones, so be careful.
    But how do I know which type of pain it is? Sorry if I seem dumb :x
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    Thats kind of hard to explain, you said its your calves right? so if the pain happens when you use your muscle and is localized to the large muscle i'd say its muslce pain and you can try stretching, using a rolling pin on it is awesome. if its a tendon thats harder to explain... but from the sounds of it its muscle pain... Personally if its that bad i'd take off a couple days and see if it feels better, if its just sore muslces a couple days should show a lot of improvement.

    totally try using a rolling pin on it though!
  • calichica35
    calichica35 Posts: 229 Member
    I did 30 day shred and had some great success in reducing my measurements. At first I experienced a lot of muscle soreness because I wasn't used to working those muscles. After about 3 days I could barely sit down unassisted!! I gave my body a 24 hour rest and then picked it back up again and worked through what was left of the soreness. Eventually the post-workout soreness will go away as you get stronger. Another idea is to continue the workouts but don't use weights or go as hard until your muscles have recovered. '

    Good luck!! I also recommend you mix your daily workout program up with some of her other workouts. I think the best DVD she has is Ripped in 30. I also like her Killer Buns and Thighs and Shred it with Weights (which uses a kettlebell) to add some variety.
  • ghostpixie
    ghostpixie Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    I also love ripped in 30.