Profile Pics



  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    But if I don't hide, there won't be any fun in finding me
  • erinfog
    erinfog Posts: 95 Member
    i just started using my actual picture for no reason in particular. i like walruses and elephant seals so those were my other pictures. :)
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I have an actual picture of me and my username is my actual name. Erienne isn't a very common name so if someone really wanted to find me, havnig first name last initial and picture they could haha. Woops. But I don't hide because the whole reason I'm here is to get real with myself and when I'm being held accuontable I do my best. So I keep everything open so that I'm more motivated to do the work so I'm not embarrased of myself everyday anymore.
  • nikkinoonarr
    I perfer to keep my identity safe and sound. My boss and coworker roam these areas.

    what do you got to hide you're just losing weight? lol

    A lot.

    A lot...


    ooooh now we are all interested in you and your elusive ways!
  • lila1980
    lila1980 Posts: 63 Member
    I hid for a bit in the beginning, but then I thought "What's the point?"

    I'm in better shape and more confident than I have been in a decade.

    My username is a function of my real name, and actually a nickname I've had since grade school. My real name is Lisa, and my last name starts with "La", and I went to school with about 4 other Lisa's (it was a popular name in the 80's). So Lila was born. 1980 is my birth year.
  • misslegz
    misslegz Posts: 196 Member
    Nope I don't hide at all. We have all worked damn hard to be where we are today. There is no shame is letting others see us and show how great we feel....within good taste!!

    I love seeing everyone's pics....this website has some amazing and beautiful people!! Such inspiration!!

    I think you can figure out my username....kind of gotten that nickname so I went with it!

  • way2shy
    way2shy Posts: 20 Member
    Yes I hide, I do love my bears though (Lily the Black Bear)
    My name speaks for itself and I'm afraid I would scare someone with my picture. LOL I will get there soon just getting more comfy with this site.
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I just took mine randomly and got complimented so I used it, I dont like any pictures of me personally but its me so I just go with it lol
  • xuntitledx
    Im Isaac, and I've always used me as a pic.
  • Cae_Troi
    Cae_Troi Posts: 66 Member
    I'm Cae and I don't hide. I feel that the judgment from others that will see me, give me enough motivation to change who I am and what I look like.