How does MyFitnessPal help you loose weight?



  • hmb63383
    I am brutally honest with myself! I love this site because I can log in everything I eat and drink. I also log my exercising. It has also helped me find great low cal recipes. Logging in recipes I cook for dinner for my family helps to determine how many calories are in a meal that I otherwise would have just dished up and ate without thinking! I look at food much differently now!

    The phone app is a wonderful tool too! When I am out and about I can scan foods, or just log them from my phone. You can also log exercise and water intake from the app too!

    I have not lost many pounds yet but am losing inches like crazy. Just started strength training! Loving life! I hope it works great for you too!
  • mum2littledove
    mum2littledove Posts: 53 Member
    For many folks, weight gain happens in the shadows. Weight gain are the mystery calories. That second, or third helping at the all you can eat buffet. The cinammon role, or sweet coffee drink you mindless consume at the mall. The pizza, wings, chips and beer you mindless shovel in while watching a ball game.

    MFP sets a bar and forces you to account for what you eat. Sure you can cheat, but at least you are aware that you are cheating. In addition to forcing you to cut back or eliminate some high calorie foods, in some cases, it will force you to cut back when you dindulge in, say, fast food. If you have a 1,500 calorie limit, you might choose a 350 calorie single burger and a side salad, rather than an 800 or 1,000 calorie gut buster, along with large fries and a coke, which would put you over for the entire day.

    These are very wise words that sum it up perfectly!
  • DDsMrs
    DDsMrs Posts: 107 Member
    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    Until I joined MFP and began logging my foods and exercise I thought I was doing everything right. I ate healthy and exercised regularly but I was gaining weight, or if I was lucky staying at the same weight. Sure every now and then I'd go down a couple pounds but they always came back and I didn't know why.

    MFP has helped me by making me more aware of my body and what it actually needs. I know what I am ingesting each day, how many calories are burned with exercise, and it also gives me a goal driven plan to stick with each day. I no longer have to guess so long as I am honest and dedicated to logging in daily. I plan ahead, make healthy food choices, and workout more because its WORKING! The 25 lbs I've lost in the last 12 months I don't miss for one second and I have MFP and my supportive friends to thank. 10 more to go!!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Knowledge is power.

    Easier to see cause and effect when you're absolutely honest with yourself as to what you're eating.
    Some people are all about "accountablity" and leave their food diaries open so others can comment on it.

    Personally, I like to keep my diary private.
    People here have so many different eating strategies and I think I would have a hard time sorting it all out all if it was directed personally to me.

    I do come to the boards to check out others opinions and when I respond I find I AM very opinionated. I think most of my posts are really just me figuring things out for myself.

    Now, I know not every choice I make is not the "best" choice, (but I'm doing better than I was when I started.)
    but now it's a choice, because I have a clearer understanding of what I put into my body.
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    MFP has helped me lose weight in two ways:1) The logging in of calorie intake which has made me accountable about my eating habits and change them for the better. Not only have I been eating fewer calories and smaller portions, I've been gradually eating better and cleaner as well. There's something about seeing what you're really eating that puts a new perspective on things. Interestingly, for those who have lost weight and continue to maintain their goal weight, their success rate is higher than those who do not log in their foods; 2) MFP friends have provided me with some amazing support and sound advice when asked. I've kept my friends list small: People who started at around the same time as I did, have similar goals and/or take the same approach (I'm a Slow & Steady advocate as opposed to a Fast & Furious burner.) MFP friends, though virtual, understand probably better than many of your friends or family will/do about your particular situation because they're doing it too.

    All that said, you really can only get out of MFP what you put into it. If you're not honest or realistic, if you don't log in your foods and/or take advantage of the support system it offers, you're probably not going to benefit as much as someone who does :-)
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    The main thing about MFP that helped me is making me realize how much calories some foods have.

    After starting here I have learned that I burned more than I have imagined. But I have also learned that althought in some days I was eating few calories, in others I would have eaten in my afternoon snack at work a bag of almonds having the calories equal to those needed in a whole day.
    It is still very hard for me to weight those nuts every day and eat only 15-25 grams. :lol: But it is also for my own good. Not talking about butter.

    I was also surprised to see how few calories workout cuts. I imagined that my 30 minutes aerobic dance would burn at least 1000 calories; not true.

    There are others sites for tracking calory intake, but MFP is so easy to use... it maked me kind of addicted to weight foods, but I only started for a few weeks and it helped me.

    I have the feeling that I am in charge. I can choose what to eat, but I know when to stop.
  • Cgrnlaw
    Cgrnlaw Posts: 84 Member
    It keeps me in line
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    The awesome friends I have for their honesty.
    Their comments and suggestions.
    The detailed nutrition charts.