In my 40's & trying again!

Hi Everyone! I tried this site before and I lost 20 lbs and then I gave up and gained it all back plus some extra. I need to lose about 100 lbs. I wanted to try the Body by Vi but it's too expensive so I am doing whey protein shakes instead (1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch and then dinner). I'm on my 2nd day and so far so good (except right now I am starving!). Any support would be appreciated!!


  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    Hey! I'm 42, feel free to add me. I don't do shakes unless I'm in a rush. I may start adding one a day to get my protein up.
  • Glad to see you're back. I love that you're not giving up. Yea we all have fallen off the bandwagon before, but it just makes us stronger for the other times we try. I'll add you so we can help each other out. I'll be supportive for you and you can be supportive for me. Together we'll reach our goals. Can't wait!!
  • JPZ98
    JPZ98 Posts: 70 Member
    I would love to help you on your journey. Add me if you like.
  • welcome back! add me if you'd like.
  • bchgrl8
    bchgrl8 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi..I'm 42 and tried my fair share as well. This time around it seems a lot harder to do though...damn age!!! I think for me, I finally figured out it's really all about calories in and calories burned...this site is great for that!! Good luck to you!!!! :smile:
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    I am right there with you. I'm 42 and did this about a year ago and lost 20 lbs then quit and gained it back. Now I'm losing again and am back. So far I'm down 21 lbs this time. Feel free to add me....I can use all of the motivation I can get too! Best of luck :)
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I just turned 42 yesterday. I've had my fair share of slip ups! In fact, I've recently re-gained all the weight I lost earlier this year. Determined to get going in the right direction! Add me if you like!:flowerforyou:
  • aksanford
    aksanford Posts: 1 Member
    I have a very similar situation. I am 40 and I lost 30 lbs. using this website 2 years ago but then changed jobs, got out of my healthy habits and gained it all back. I am starting over again and trying to get back on track.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Hey, I am 44 and did not start getting healthy until I was close to 40. I just achieved my goal weight this past spring. I did it by changing my habits a little at a time to ensure I did not fail. I would fall, but I got up, dusted myself off and trudged ahead.

    I am not a fan of the shake plan as they do not teach good eating habits. I have been very sick the past few weeks and my diary is not what it should be lately, but please feel free to check it out to get nutritious food ideas that will satisfy you and teach you good habits.

    I also have a healthy cooking facebook page, if you are interested, the link to it is on my profile.

    I am glad you are here, please remember that this is a life long journey, not a race to the finish line. Slow and steady beats fast and burnt out any day of the week.
  • I can relate. I am also in my 40s, and have lost weight in the past and gained it back. I am trying to learn from past mistakes and lose the weight for good this time. What are the alternatives? My Dad became morbidly obese in his mid to late 50s and recently died from diabetes and congestive heart failure. That is the alternative.

    I also drink shakes, but more as a supplement to solid food. I had a protein shake this morning, but also had a serving of oatmeal. I am all in favor of shakes, but try to also eat some solid food.
  • HuskyMan3
    HuskyMan3 Posts: 527 Member
    Hey, I am 44 and did not start getting healthy until I was close to 40. I just achieved my goal weight this past spring. I did it by changing my habits a little at a time to ensure I did not fail. I would fall, but I got up, dusted myself off and trudged ahead.

    I am not a fan of the shake plan as they do not teach good eating habits. I have been very sick the past few weeks and my diary is not what it should be lately, but please feel free to check it out to get nutritious food ideas that will satisfy you and teach you good habits.

    I also have a healthy cooking facebook page, if you are interested, the link to it is on my profile.

    I am glad you are here, please remember that this is a life long journey, not a race to the finish line. Slow and steady beats fast and burnt out any day of the week.

    lesasass you look stunning for any age. Keep up the good work
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    You are starving maybe you can fit in some solid food. :) add me if you want. I'm trying to lose about 50 lbs!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Hey, I am 44 and did not start getting healthy until I was close to 40. I just achieved my goal weight this past spring. I did it by changing my habits a little at a time to ensure I did not fail. I would fall, but I got up, dusted myself off and trudged ahead.

    I am not a fan of the shake plan as they do not teach good eating habits. I have been very sick the past few weeks and my diary is not what it should be lately, but please feel free to check it out to get nutritious food ideas that will satisfy you and teach you good habits.

    I also have a healthy cooking facebook page, if you are interested, the link to it is on my profile.

    I am glad you are here, please remember that this is a life long journey, not a race to the finish line. Slow and steady beats fast and burnt out any day of the week.

    lesasass you look stunning for any age. Keep up the good work

    Thank you so much! I actually look better now than I did 5 years ago. It is amazing at what happens when a person starts being kind to their body. No drinking, no smoking, eating healthy and some exercise, yep that is the magic pill.
  • HuskyMan3
    HuskyMan3 Posts: 527 Member
    Hey, I am 44 and did not start getting healthy until I was close to 40. I just achieved my goal weight this past spring. I did it by changing my habits a little at a time to ensure I did not fail. I would fall, but I got up, dusted myself off and trudged ahead.

    I am not a fan of the shake plan as they do not teach good eating habits. I have been very sick the past few weeks and my diary is not what it should be lately, but please feel free to check it out to get nutritious food ideas that will satisfy you and teach you good habits.

    I also have a healthy cooking facebook page, if you are interested, the link to it is on my profile.

    I am glad you are here, please remember that this is a life long journey, not a race to the finish line. Slow and steady beats fast and burnt out any day of the week.

    lesasass you look stunning for any age. Keep up the good work

    Thank you so much! I actually look better now than I did 5 years ago. It is amazing at what happens when a person starts being kind to their body. No drinking, no smoking, eating healthy and some exercise, yep that is the magic pill.

    Thats great and I hope your significant other takes notice as well. U look better than women twice as young as you. take care
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm 59 and on maintenance. If any of you kids need a cheerleader, feel free to add me. ;-)
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Hey, I am 44 and did not start getting healthy until I was close to 40. I just achieved my goal weight this past spring. I did it by changing my habits a little at a time to ensure I did not fail. I would fall, but I got up, dusted myself off and trudged ahead.

    I am not a fan of the shake plan as they do not teach good eating habits. I have been very sick the past few weeks and my diary is not what it should be lately, but please feel free to check it out to get nutritious food ideas that will satisfy you and teach you good habits.

    I also have a healthy cooking facebook page, if you are interested, the link to it is on my profile.

    I am glad you are here, please remember that this is a life long journey, not a race to the finish line. Slow and steady beats fast and burnt out any day of the week.

    lesasass you look stunning for any age. Keep up the good work

    Thank you so much! I actually look better now than I did 5 years ago. It is amazing at what happens when a person starts being kind to their body. No drinking, no smoking, eating healthy and some exercise, yep that is the magic pill.

    Thats great and I hope your significant other takes notice as well. U look better than women twice as young as you. take care

    He does! He treats me like a princess and spoils me rotten, tells me I am beautiful and he loves me several times a day, and I treat him like a king in return as he is HOT and looks half his age as well. We are two very lucky and happy people because of the decisions we make every day, first of which is the decision to be happy. We also exercise together and spend lots of time outdoors being active. We made this our lifestyle and it is way better than the days where we would go get drunk and then lay around hung over, eating crap and *****ing at each other the next day. Life is good because we choose a good life.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Welcome back! Doing shakes 3 times per day is great to take off weight, but not to KEEP it off and since you gained more than you lost the last time, you may want to take a different approach this time. You want lifestyle changes that you can maintain for the rest of your life so that a year from now, you won't have to say "I'm back again".

    I would love to help so feel free to add me! :)
  • kajohnson70
    kajohnson70 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 42 and struggling as well - it's much different trying to lose weight now as opposed to when I was in my early 30's. Feel free to add me.
  • ecmorales
    ecmorales Posts: 33 Member
    Yay! for you. It can be done. In my fifties and decided I needed to take off 150 lbs. I'm half way there.
    Starving stinks, and it can be avoided by eating more frequently, which the nutritionist tells me jump starts the metabolism to burn calories more efficiently. So I eat 5 to 6 times a day -- anywhere from 100 to 300 calories at a time.
    Best wishes, you can do it! Feel free to add me.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    Congratulations on your decision for coming back. Add me if you like.