20 Habits skinny people live by



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Regardless of what the negative nancy's say on here - thanks for posting. Definitely encourages a conversation (though I can do without the RAWRRRR YOUR WRONG!!!! posts). It's nice to read different perspectives and helpful hints on how to shake things up.


  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Wow...I just posted some great tips that i read that I think are helpful. Hopefully this information is taken in that light. With anything, take out the meat and throw away the bones if you don't agree. This article was a helpful reminder for me and I thought I'd share it with others who might find these tips helpful. I really didn't post this to start a debate or discussion on what's right and what's wrong.

    Cheers and i wish each and every one of you the best in your weight loss/maintenance journey.

    i hear you, but, MFP is full of ppl who enjoy polemics, even if someone says common sense ideas, given in the spirit of being helpful, somebody will feel a need to disagree. rofl!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Wow...I just posted some great tips that i read that I think are helpful. Hopefully this information is taken in that light. With anything, take out the meat and throw away the bones if you don't agree. This article was a helpful reminder for me and I thought I'd share it with others who might find these tips helpful. I really didn't post this to start a debate or discussion on what's right and what's wrong.

    Cheers and i wish each and every one of you the best in your weight loss/maintenance journey.

    i hear you, but, MFP is full of ppl who enjoy polemics, even if someone says common sense ideas, given in the spirit of being helpful, somebody will feel a need to disagree. rofl!

    My main issue is with the disinformation that was in the original article. Not an attack on the OP or you for that matter. Some of the things in there are just false, like breakfast and late dinners.

    All these rules muddy up what REALLY matters in weight loss/gain.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Hmmm, i don't see the need to criticize the OP's info, at all. A lot of the things you reply "duh" to, are NOT BEING DONE by some ppl, and this advice can help inspire them. You seem to feel as if self-control is just a given, no inspiration needed. This doesn't seem to be true for everyone on MFP, Peuglow.
    See, there are ppl who are struggling to learn new tips, new ideas to help them develop better health habits that they can live with forever, not just to lose weight as a fad diet, but trying to make an overall healthy lifestyle change permanently.
    The fact that *you* personally can play with a dog while eating, and not overeat might not be true of everyone, but, sometimes it is hard to imagine that one person is different than your own self, or faces different challenges, different goals, than you yourself are working on. but whatever.

    The OP here is buff as heck, and can do squats while holding 100lb weights, and anything SHE says, i listen!! This post can help some ppl. None of her ideas, (many are even backed by research) are unhealthy.
    If this doesn't work for whatever you are trying to do with your body, fine, but why mock someone who is trying to help others? Wha, does that make you feel smart or something?

    but sure, you are free to mock someone trying to help others or sharing what works for her, if that makes you feel smart(?) to mock ppl trying to help others or sharing health tips that HAVE worked for them....
    Sounds mad to me, saying that I was trying to feel smart, I was criticizing, and that I wasn't considering other people's feelings/experiences etc.

    Just because I offer counterpoints doesn't mean I'm mean, or have some kind of complex. Also, it's bad form to respond to EVERYONE in a thread, mainly because it makes it excessively long.

    ah, to me, using the word "duh" IS a form of mocking someone else's remark, and has a slightly mean tone to that reply, IMO. But perhaps for you, saying 'duh' has some other meaning to you.
    I feel free to reply to any post i wish, whether it pleases you or not. Didn't realize MFP had a thread length limit.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    No, it definitely doesn't, it just makes it hard for us to read along with the comments.

    Anyway, I think there was some good information in there, Just take everything with a grain of salt.

    And the OP wasn't written by the poster, it was an article she copied. Good luck on your weight loss journey, I hope you find some great infomation!


  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I've never been overweight. My responses:

    20. Skinny Habit #1: Eat an early dinner:

    Nope, doesn't matter what time you eat.

    19. Skinny Habit #2: Weigh yourself daily:

    Can't hurt, but several times a week is OK>

    18. Skinny Habit #3: Eat a boring diet:

    AGREE. Variety may be the spice of life, but it is the downfall of dieters.

    17. Skinny Habit #4: Reward yourself:

    But not with cheat days.

    16. Skinny Habit #5: Read diet and exercise tips:

    Of course.

    15. Skinny Habit #6: Eat breakfast:

    Nope, doesn't matter.

    14. Skinny Habit #7: Take snack breaks:

    Nope. You should eat when you're hungry and not eat beyond your calorie max. No enforced breaks for food.

    13. Skinny Habit #8: Drink water:

    Not sure it really matters.

    12. Skinny Habit #9: Order a la carte:

    Not sure I agree. Some people go overboard.

    9. Skinny Habit #12: Sleep for 6 to 8 hours each night :

    They claim it is important. Certainly you feel better if you'r e well-rested. Although there was an article in the New York Times yesterday saying that human beings did not always sleep for 8-hour stretches and naps are fine or may be better.

    8. Skinny Habit #13: Manage stress:

    We all do what we can, right?

    7. Skinny Habit #14: Take the stairs:

    I usually take the stairs. Some people will look at you as if you were crazy.

    5. Skinny Habit #16: Walk after meals:

    I think activity is what matters, not when you do it.

    4. Skinny Habit #17: Keep healthy food on hand:


    3. Skinny Habit #18: Learn to take a joke:

    But about the myth of the "jolly fat man"? A sense of humor and perspective are good for everyone.

    1. Skinny Habit #20: Avoid dinner distractions:

    That's sensible.

  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    20. Skinny Habit #1: Eat an early dinner:

    -false. What time you eat is irrelevant. WHAT you eat is what counts.

    19. Skinny Habit #2: Weigh yourself daily:

    -This can be helpful or a hinderence. Many here believe measurements are better, as the scale does not account for recomposition.

    18. Skinny Habit #3: Eat a boring diet:

    -Variety is the spice of life. I find more success varying my foods and fitting 'unhealthy' foods into my macros.

    17. Skinny Habit #4: Reward yourself:

    - Sure I guess...

    16. Skinny Habit #5: Read diet and exercise tips:

    -Or hop on the MFP forums. Lots of awesome people here, some with some knowledge. And it's free.

    15. Skinny Habit #6: Eat breakfast:

    -Big myth. See what I wrote for #1.

    14. Skinny Habit #7: Take snack breaks:

    -Sure, if it fits your macros. Not everyone needs to snack. I do, but I wouldn't push it on people.

    13. Skinny Habit #8: Drink water:

    -Good advice.

    12. Skinny Habit #9: Order a la carte:

    -Makes sense. But it doesn't fit into the 'boring diet' described above.

    11. Skinny Habit #10: Choose whole grains:

    -If it fits your marcos. I have found that whole grains are more filling than bleached/enriched stuff. So this is a decent takeaway I guess.

    10. Skinny Habit #11: Eat spicy food:

    -I can't speak to this. Could be true, could be malarky. I think we can use our willpower and minds to make smart choices without having to use spices to trick ourselves.

    9. Skinny Habit #12: Sleep for 6 to 8 hours each night :

    -Sleep = good

    8. Skinny Habit #13: Manage stress:

    -Sure why not.

    7. Skinny Habit #14: Take the stairs:

    -This is a sneaky way to creat a calorie deficit. If you are tracking well and understand your TDEE, additional 'sneaky' exercise is not necessary.

    6. Skinny Habit #15: Chew thoroughly:

    -Meh, still a self-control issue IMO

    5. Skinny Habit #16: Walk after meals:

    -See #7

    4. Skinny Habit #17: Keep healthy food on hand:


    3. Skinny Habit #18: Learn to take a joke:

    -This is incredibly misleading. Laughing is still part of your TDEE. I don't think it will have an effect on your weight. Positive outlooks are great though, and I highly encourage them.

    2. Skinny Habit #19: Eat protein:

    -The first REAL source of food advice so far. And worthwhile.

    1. Skinny Habit #20: Avoid dinner distractions:

    -Still a matter of IIFYM and self-control. Just because I eat dinner while playing with my 8 month old and dog doesn't mean I overeat.

    This article gets a 2/10 - but thanks for posting.

    I think you should write your own tips, because I agreed with you more than the original post. (and I didn't see where you were being rude at all)

    #1-I rarely eat before 7-730, it just doesn't happen with my schedule. I'm happy to see people who are contradicting this one

    #2- I stress over the scale too much when it goes up at all and that makes me want to throw in the towell, so it's so much better for me to not weigh daily

    #3- totally disagree with this one. I think having a variety keeps me from overindulging.

    #8- 'duh' actually went thru my head with this one. lol and Duh is just an expression used when the obvious is being stated....

    #20- I usually get up and down about 6 times per meal. lol

    (and I know my ticker shows I've only lost like two lbs, but this isn't my first rodeo)

    edit: typo
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    ^Thanks! Most of my info comes from other places, I'm merely a vessel lol
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    No, it definitely doesn't, it just makes it hard for us to read along with the comments.

    Anyway, I think there was some good information in there, Just take everything with a grain of salt.

    And the OP wasn't written by the poster, it was an article she copied. Good luck on your weight loss journey, I hope you find some great infomation!



    i probably shouldn't say this, as i am posting on the polemic world of MFP forums (shiver!) but, so far as the mantra "you are not different" i do disagree somewhat. Which always always causes an entire hailstorm of outrage if someone doesn't buy that idea 100%.

    When i was younger, for decades and decades, if i wanted to, (and sometimes i did) i COULD pretty much eat whatever i wanted.
    I was always slim/muscular. Some years i ate healthy, just to be healthy, some years, i ate junk. (long story). Either way, i was buff. Some years i was into exercise, some years, i didn't. Either way, i was buff and strong. Kind of naturally.

    Some of my pals had to severely restrict their calorie intake much much lower than mine to stay anywhere near their ideal body weights, even though some of them participated in far more exercise than i did.
    our metabolims WERE different. They used to watch me eat sometimes huge quantities of food in awe, as i sat there in a size 4/6 outfit, not a care in the world.

    we were NOT the same.

    another example, you say you can play with the dog, not focus much on your meal, and not overeat. Not everyone is capable of that yet. Maybe some can, but some might overeat, by not paying att'n to how much they ARE eating.
    People's att'n spans vary from one person to another. Some ppl have a twitter level of att'n span, and can't read a long post, or find it 'difficult' to read threads with too many posts,
    while some people enjoy reading entire books.:drinker:

    certainly we humans have much in common, but, like any other mammal, there can be differences in what one needs to eat. At a zoo where some pals of mine work, there are two tigers, both get about the same amount of exercise, but one of the tigers has to be fed much less to avoid obesity, the other one eats a lot more.
    My pal has two dogs, one eats TWICE what the other one eats, yet both dogs are fit and get about same amt of exercise.

    but yeah, sure, no one is 'unique'...sure. (ducks, as i know, on MFP, that idea, 'we are all just the same' is wildly popular accepted meme, but, i've SEEN the differences that two very similar mammals CAN have, in what they need to stay fit).
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    No, it definitely doesn't, it just makes it hard for us to read along with the comments.

    Anyway, I think there was some good information in there, Just take everything with a grain of salt.

    And the OP wasn't written by the poster, it was an article she copied. Good luck on your weight loss journey, I hope you find some great infomation!



    i probably shouldn't say this, as i am posting on the polemic world of MFP forums (shiver!) but, so far as the mantra "you are not different" i do disagree somewhat. Which always always causes an entire hailstorm of outrage if someone doesn't buy that idea 100%.

    When i was younger, for decades and decades, if i wanted to, (and sometimes i did) i COULD pretty much eat whatever i wanted.
    I was always slim/muscular. Some years i ate healthy, just to be healthy, some years, i ate junk. (long story). Either way, i was buff. Some years i was into exercise, some years, i didn't. Either way, i was buff and strong. Kind of naturally.

    Some of my pals had to severely restrict their calorie intake much much lower than mine to stay anywhere near their ideal body weights, even though some of them participated in far more exercise than i did.
    our metabolims WERE different. They used to watch me eat sometimes huge quantities of food in awe, as i sat there in a size 4/6 outfit, not a care in the world.

    we were NOT the same.

    another example, you say you can play with the dog, not focus much on your meal, and not overeat. Not everyone is capable of that yet. Maybe some can, but some might overeat, by not paying att'n to how much they ARE eating.

    People's att'n spans vary from one person to another. Some ppl have a twitter level of att'n span, and can't read a long post, or find it 'difficult' to read threads with too many posts,
    while some people enjoy reading entire books.:drinker:

    certainly we humans have much in common, but, like any other mammal, there can be differences in what one needs to eat. At a zoo where some pals of mine work, there are two tigers, both get about the same amount of exercise, but one of the tigers has to be fed much less to avoid obesity, the other one eats a lot more.
    My pal has two dogs, one eats TWICE what the other one eats, yet both dogs are fit and get about same amt of exercise.

    but yeah, sure, no one is 'unique'...sure. (ducks, as i know, on MFP, that idea, 'we are all just the same' is wildly popular accepted meme, but, i've SEEN the differences that two very similar mammals CAN have one, in what they need to stay fit).

    The only thing I'll respond to is the thread thing I mentioned. If you're just responding to people's posts that you agree with them, it just makes it tedious to read without actually adding anything to the conversation. That's all I was saying. I don't agree with your analysis as being different, but that's ok too. Anyway, good luck out there.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    If you're just responding to people's posts that you agree with them, it just makes it tedious to read without actually adding anything to the conversation

    oh, i dunno, sometimes, it's fun to be validated by another person for some ppl. I don't see where one member would get to tell another member how many replies is too many.

    And, of course you don't agree with the notion one person could indeed be, naturally slim for decades and decades and decades, without even caring what they eat, even overeating or eating junk foods laden with fats, etc. Or, that two dogs, or two tigers, need to eat different amounts of food, to stay at a healthy weight, although they get same amts of exercise. It is considered close to heresy on MFP to think such a thing.
    It IS a mind boggling concept to many MFP members, cuz the idea "you are not unique" is almost beaten into the minds at MFP. ( I DO love MFP, i am not criticizing it's effectiveness to help ppl focus on health and fitness, i just don't entirely agree all mammals have exact same nutritional needs as their very similar counterparts)

    PEACE OUT!:flowerforyou:
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I'm fairly skinny and I don't do half the things on this list.

    A lot of it is bull****. Especially the first one.

    Thank for sharing but take everything you read with a grain of salt.

    Well I'm skinny and do pretty much all the things on this list.... different strokes....
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh gawd. I needed that laugh. Will that make me skinnier?
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I agree with some of these, and some just in theory, but the one I disagree with is weighing yourself everyday. I don't care who is saying it, when you step on that scale and magically gain over night....it's a day killer for me. I barely weigh myself anymore.
  • Honeybear79
    Honeybear79 Posts: 2 Member
    Terrific tips-thanks for your post!
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    That is a great post, thank you.

    Some of the responses just baffle me. Nobody has suggested that eating breakfast or refraining from late night dinner make you skinny by itself. That would be crazy. This is just a list of the habits that slender people tend to have. I think it is worth paying close attention instead of poo-pooing it. After all, losing weight for a year or two and maintaining healthy weight throughout your lifespan are two different things. The latter being a much healthier option.

    I actually do all of those (with an exception of eating boring foods, but I get what they are saying) and I have always been slender (never skinny) with a BMI between 19.8 and 22.1.

    Some people on this forum sound unnecessarily agitated. Too hungry perhaps? :wink:
  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm very skinny and I have only 1 rule; burn at least as many calories as I consume, averaged each week.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    Some of the responses just baffle me. Nobody has suggested that eating breakfast or refraining from late night dinner make you skinny by itself. That would be crazy. This is just a list of the habits that slender people tend to have. I think it is worth paying close attention instead of poo-pooing it. After all, losing weight for a year or two and maintaining healthy weight throughout your lifespan are two different things. The latter being a much healthier option.

    I actually do all of those (with an exception of eating boring foods, but I get what they are saying) and I have always been slender (never skinny) with a BMI between 19.8 and 22.1.

    Some people on this forum sound unnecessarily agitated. Too hungry perhaps? :wink:

    Some of these suggestions (eating breakfast) are made time and time again in the face of evidence refuting them. I've never been overweight (lowest weight: 88; highest weight 112) I've maintained my weight for years and I do better when I don't eat breakfast.

    When someone posts an article like this they're inviting other people's opinions.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I agree, that's why I don't agree with the scale one. Muscles weights more than fat!

    No, muscle is more DENSE than fat. A pound of muscle = a pound of fat.