People say I look GREAT but not sure if I feel it..

Okay so I've reached a point now after 6 months of P90X, toning, eating healthy, exercising everyday that I feel like It's not good enough . Like it's in my head, I know that I look good, my body has formed into a wonderful toned body (minus the butt & little tummy buldge), I've lost weight and I've made a huge change in my life, but something keeps ringing in my head saying KIm you still have that jello and need to get rid of that or whatever, ..Idk how to explain it, I guess even though I've reached my goal, I still feel like It's not good enough,.. selfish of me? I know but It's all in my head. It's weird, like I told my mom, I know that I look great and anyone who is stuggeling would love to have my body, but I look at myself in pictures and still feel like I haven't reached that goal that I want and don't know if I ever really will. I guess I compare myself with other fit and toned women and want what they have, that it gets in my thoughts.. weird!
Am I the only one who feels this way or questions themself? I feel so selfish and idiot for even posting this.

My mom seems to think I look too skinny and she liked what I had before I started this journey.. um No MOm, I was chunky, and felt gross in my clothes! She is always telling me negative things, she says I look good but don't need to keep losing weight etc..
I haven't lost any more lbs, and if I do it's bc I'm eating clean and continueing to workout everyday but she doesn't understand. Believe she maybe a little jealous, sad to say that but I believe It's true.

Just need some support.. Thanks.. xoxo- Kim <3


  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    Hey Kim, I feel the same way ALL THE TIME. I feel like everything you wrote in your post is exactly how I feel. It's as if what I see in the mirror is not how others see me. It's discouraging and all-encompassing at times. I've met the goals I've set for myself but it DOES NOT match up with how I thought I would look. I've started to question everything I do in the gym, what I eat, etc. I'm also struggling with the tummy area. It's flat and that's great, but it's not what I busted my *kitten* for. When will it ever be "enough" for me to 100% be happy with how I look.

    So yeah, you are not alone. I hate that you feel that way because I know you've worked really hard. Do you tend to be a perfectionist? I know that is also part of my issue. I also know that I set my expectations way too high and thought I'd look a lot different than I do post-LiveFit. Trying to re-set expectations is a very challenging thing to do.

    You can always PM me if you want to chat in private. Hugs!!
  • eschrombeck
    If I can add anything to your guys' posts its only that becoming obsessed is easy and that your brain WILL trick your eyes. Last summer I was at my lowest weight which was technically in the 'underweight' category for my height. I thought I looked amazing, I had definition and was happy with the way I looked in my clothes. I gained since then and only now do I see that I had become obsessed and I couldnt even see it. I look back on my pics and can actually see that I was too thin.I constantly had people asking if I had an eating disorder and even though I didnt, I can see no why people worried. Thats not where you want to be. Not saying you guys are at that point at all just that its easy to lose sight and think that its never enough. You BOTH look great and from what it sounds like your making great progress, just be careful not to take it too far.