Weight loss and kids

Hi ,
I need some help and suggestion.As I go on with my journey i'm starting to notes things with my kids and there eatting habits. I know i haven't been a great example. |So here is the problem I have to beautiful girls one is 10 (4'11" 75 ibs) and the other is 12 ( 5'4" 124lbs). perfect height and weight . but my 12 year old seems to be eating all the time, everytime i turn around. Know i have expressed my concerns to her but it seems to going on deaf ears. I have also told her about the issuse i'm having and i see her following me in those issuse and i don't want that for her . I have tried teaching them about servings and nutrition etc. But know i just feel like a nage and I don't want the to get a body complex. ......



  • 76birdy76
    76birdy76 Posts: 44 Member
  • 76birdy76
    76birdy76 Posts: 44 Member
    no suggestions :(
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    You are right about the nagging - don't give her a complex. Think about how you developed your habits, and would you have done anything different with a nagging mom? Just like adults, kids have different metabolism rates and activity levels -- my 12 year old hardly eats a thing, and my 9 year old has to eat every 2 hours -- both are very healthy, fit and active. Just like planning for your own healthy meals, you need to do the same for them...... A few "tricks" that I use to get them a little healthier:

    *I make breakfast, almost every day for them - a warm, nutritious breakfast. Amazing, the sugar cereal in my cupboards has gone stale! I mix it up to find each of their favorites, and with 5 kids, there is always one that won't like it - hence - english muffin and peanut butter with a glass of milk as their back-up. -- my 12 year old has even commented she feels so energetic when I made her eat breakfast (she would often skip it). And I do mix it up and add sweet things as well -- today it was overnight caramel french toast! You can have the good stuff- just moderation!

    *I slowly cut down on the processed food in the house. If I run late at work, or something comes up - we have peanut butter or grilled cheese sandwhiches -- no corn dogs, chicken nuggets or fast food. When I go to the store, before I buy a food for their "snacks" i think, now would I eat that? Then why buy it!

    * I make sure I have at least one fruit or vegetable that every kid likes at my meals - I know not all 5 will eat everything, but If I make sure there is at least one thing for each.

    But number one -- be an example - I see my oldest daughter has picked up some of my good habits -- feels good!
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    It's a hard one to reply to--do you know if she's eating too much for her body to sustain or if she's in a growth spurt? What kind of food are you feeding her? What does she do for activity? What does her pediatrician say about her eating and exercise habits?

    Please don't spend too much time talking body concerns with her--it's such a sensitive age with so much physical pressures and changes already. Use your best judgment, and when that fails you, ask a pediatrician or other professional for advice, not the Internet.
  • Cristine78
    i think you have to change what you have to eat at home. if you give her some good habit,( no sugar cookie and cie) it will be helpfull. more good thing you have to eat more you eat ;) and dont forget she a teen she need more calories then us. btu if you choose good thing like, fruit, vegetable, apple sauce with no sugar, good cookies i think it cant help ( sorry for my poor english :tongue: )
  • 76birdy76
    76birdy76 Posts: 44 Member
    You are right about the nagging - don't give her a complex. Think about how you developed your habits, and would you have done anything different with a nagging mom? Just like adults, kids have different metabolism rates and activity levels -- my 12 year old hardly eats a thing, and my 9 year old has to eat every 2 hours -- both are very healthy, fit and active. Just like planning for your own healthy meals, you need to do the same for them...... A few "tricks" that I use to get them a little healthier:

    *I make breakfast, almost every day for them - a warm, nutritious breakfast. Amazing, the sugar cereal in my cupboards has gone stale! I mix it up to find each of their favorites, and with 5 kids, there is always one that won't like it - hence - english muffin and peanut butter with a glass of milk as their back-up. -- my 12 year old has even commented she feels so energetic when I made her eat breakfast (she would often skip it). And I do mix it up and add sweet things as well -- today it was overnight caramel french toast! You can have the good stuff- just moderation!

    *I slowly cut down on the processed food in the house. If I run late at work, or something comes up - we have peanut butter or grilled cheese sandwhiches -- no corn dogs, chicken nuggets or fast food. When I go to the store, before I buy a food for their "snacks" i think, now would I eat that? Then why buy it!

    * I make sure I have at least one fruit or vegetable that every kid likes at my meals - I know not all 5 will eat everything, but If I make sure there is at least one thing for each.

    But number one -- be an example - I see my oldest daughter has picked up some of my good habits -- feels good!
  • 76birdy76
    76birdy76 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi guess I did the repost wrong. sorry . thanks for your suggestions ladies.
  • 76birdy76
    76birdy76 Posts: 44 Member
    When comes to food in the house it is healthy and I cook most meals, when it comes to junkfood I dont have much that is store bought because my husband cant eat wheat So I do a lot of baking at home including the bread. and yes my kids are just like yours but mine eat about every hour and a half if she could . they do sports like cross country and they walk home everyday after school and that takes about 35 min.
  • liketheseaa
    My almost 4 year old is a HUGE snacker. She is a twig, BUT I know that can change as they grow. Rather than wondering if she is actually hungry and not giving her a snack I try to keep only healthy options around. My husband is supportive fortunately and so we snack on a lot of fruits and veggies. She has grown to love healthy snacks so much that she chooses a carrot over chips! I felt like that was a huge accomplishment because I was a junkfood snacker as a child! Try to slowly weed out all of the unhealthy choices so that maybe she will begin to make healthier choices :)
  • mdplopez3
    mdplopez3 Posts: 24 Member
    I've got three, but mine are quite a bit younger. I only have healthy option in the house now as opposed to junk. My youngest discovered that he really liked carrot sticks and ranch... who knew! I always have lots of fresh fruits available, they can have as much of that as they want. I also keep yogurt, nuts, whole grain bread, and string cheese. So long as they are choosing healthy options I don't limit them, I do occasionally let them have something sweet but its just that, its a treat. I don't want them to worship food the way I did/do I have a very unhealthy love affair with food. I was always told "NO SWEETS! EVER" growing up so when I became and adult I would sit and eat the whole box of cookies just because I could.