In my 40's & trying again!



  • sandcgordon
    sandcgordon Posts: 12 Member
    that is so true!!
  • missyd8971
    missyd8971 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone!!! Just to clarify...I am doing a shake for breakfast, 1 for lunch and a healthy fruits & veggies for snacks. I really appreciate everyone's advise!! :)
  • I am 45 and also starting over ... for the LAST time!! I'm on Day 2 as well and have much to lose.
    I've also tried Body by Vi, but found i like to eat my food, not drink it. LOL
    Been through a tragic time this year with the passing of my Dad, and could really use some help and motivation.
    If anyone is interested in going on this journey with me, please add.
  • Aplmark
    Aplmark Posts: 49 Member
    Hooray for coming back. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I just turned 50 and have about 80 more lbs to lose so I'll be here a while. Keep up the fight, remember it's not a diet It's a change of life style.
  • Renu1010
    Renu1010 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 41 and count me in too. I have tp loose 50 pounds. Doing zumba and eating right with 1300 to 1400 cal plus 5 hrs of zumba every week. I did not loose any weight in 8 months.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm with ya! I'm 43 and didn't really start taking this "getting healthy" thing seriously until I was 40. I've always been heavy and would try all of the fad diets and yo-yo up and down. I don't know what the trigger was that finally made me say "enough". I've lost 80 lbs and maintained it for a few years. Now I'm here on MFP to lose the last 10 or 15 lbs. We can do this!!!!!!!
  • Hi, congratulations on your weightloss journey; in regard to the protein shakes, I have one in the morning with lots of fruit and of course they are not that filling to keep you from being hungry. I also either do my 2nd one at lunch or at night after a good workout so i'm only doing two a day and I'm satisfied with a good healthy meal either at lunch or dinner. Good luck.
  • I know the feeling with the yo-yo weight!!! I have decided that I need to do this to be the healthiest I can for my family. Trying to not concentrate on how I will look...even though it crosses my mind alot...and concentrating on being healthy. Good luck!! Add me if you want.
  • m0ll3pprz
    m0ll3pprz Posts: 193 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am also 40, new to the forum and trying again, lol! I think we found a great place for encouragement! Best wishes!
  • jodymantx
    jodymantx Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, 42 year old male here, i am new. I havn't worked out much since early 30's, i have been excersing for 4 weeks, most every day. I havent seen much results, as far as weight loss, I hoping this program will help with that. I need to loose about 15 more lbs, but i am aware that i am replacing fat with muscle. Not sure what is expected there yet. Anyone can add me. I will post before and after pictures. On top of loosing weight, my goal is a 6 pack, and to get cut arms.
  • I'm 49 and starting over too. Feel free to add me.
  • virgogardener
    virgogardener Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I'm back too...I used to be under kimby72 but I wanted to reset all of my saved foods so I'm using a new name.

    I just turned 40 and I have gained 20 pounds over the summer...due to medication and lack of motivation and let's not forget bbq's and wine...Now off the meds, have motivation and want this weight off!!!!!!

    I want to find others who are very, very motivated and log everyday!

    Add me if you would like too.
  • virgogardener
    virgogardener Posts: 18 Member
    I lost 75 pounds about 16 years ago and I've been up and down lately and it's driving me crazy...I'm at my heaviest I've been in those past 16 years and it's torturing me.
  • SW 176
    CW 172
    GW 140

    I turn 40 on Monday and I have been struggling but the key is to never give up and because you came back - THAT IS A GOOD START !

    I have my shakes too but I only drink those as inbetweens - especially after my lunch walk at work as it cools me down. Yes, it feels like you are starving, eat veggies in between. I did extrememly well my first week and a half - I slipped on the food train but I am trying to get back on track.

    Keep the faith and keep on keeping on !

    Add me as a friend and we can do this together !
  • Dlacenere
    Dlacenere Posts: 198 Member
    I am 42 and am at goal weight and would love to help you any way that I can. I typically only do a protein shake after a workout but I have a lot of other good meals and snacks I make that are high in protein, healthy and taste good too. Feel free to add me or just view my diary for some good sustainable meal ideas. Glad to have you back!!
  • hi MissyD, I sent you a friend request.

    I too am in my 40's and it's much harder than it was at 20 or 30. Not just the fact that we are keeping a home, kids and all that, but our bodies are rebelling... ugh. Well I am going to keep at it this time and fight the clock!!

    Happy to have friends over 40 in my support group. Or PCOS / IVF mums to be as well... I've been there.
  • obxcrew
    obxcrew Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me. :) After many starts...and no finish...I've found that SUPPORT is the key!
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    Welcome back and fell free to add me. I am on everyday.
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Welcome. Also in my 40's, trying to lose weight. Have had a measure of successs with exercise, including cardio and lifting, and being accountable for my food choices. I found that moderation is what helped me, and finding activity that I enjoyed, and still allowing myself food that I like, just not all of it at once :)

    Good luck to you! *hug*
  • Welcome back to the MFP family. I'm 43 and have lost 30 lbs since June 18th of this year, and have another 30 more to go. You or anyone else can add me for motivation and support, since i log here every day. Best of luck to you on your journey!