Should I have a "weigh-in" whilst on my period?

Kirst30 Posts: 27
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Apologies to all the guys out there but this is a question I must ask!

I always weigh myself on a Saturday morning as soon as I get up; having began menstruating today (i.e. Wednesday), is there any point in clocking in on Saturday? Should I rather weigh myself a week on Saturday once I'm done? Or is it actually possible for weight loss to occur even when having a "fat week" for non-food reasons?

Hope to hear from you girls soon!

Crampy xx


  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    seconded. it will only break your heart.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I'm having my first weigh-in while on my period this week as well. I'm going to weigh in just for consistency's sake but won't be too discouraged if I don't like what I see. Also, I'd like to know what my body goes through (if I gain weight, or if I hold water anywhere) by recording my weight and measurements.
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    although it IS possible to have a loss, i would say don't stress over it. take the week off if you want. or step on the scale just to see how your body changes. don't log it if it's up a pound or two. wait for the week to be over. i am skipping my weigh-in this week and will just weight next tuesday at my regular time.
  • I don't think you should weigh in on your period - wait at least a couple days after, or the following saturday if you only weigh then. It will only make your period days worse!!! :O) But be very careful to watch sodium intake during this time, drink lots of water! You may even lose a pound! Good Luck!:bigsmile:
  • I recently read on a post in a different forum that someone claimed to lose 3-4 pounds right before her period and can typically keep it off during that dreaded time of the month if she eats right. With that being said, I probably wouldn't weigh myself during that time because of the excess water weight I seem to retain, but I guess to each their own.
  • Thanks for the advice folks... think I'll give this week a miss until I'm feeling a little more myself!

    Off to fill up my hot water bottle! xx
  • I say definitely "yes!" It is good to see the patterns of loss or gain, and if you can "see" the gain on a scale, you will be motivated to not veer extremely from your diet and you can add drinking a little more water (with lemon for the water weight), exercise, like a brisk walk, and the next time you weigh in, you will probably be surprised with a loss.

    I just think if you give yourself the five days off, and know that the next weigh in is not for a while, that can mess with your head, and you might give yourself a little leeway with the items you crave during that time.
  • I gain between 2 and 5 pounds every time - and around ovulation I bloat like a water balloon! I have found that avoiding wheat near my time of the month and cutting back on salt helps reduce bloating but I still gain regardless. You could weigh just to see out of curiosity, and mark it on the calendar with a star so that you know. 2 weeks later do the same thing for when you ovulate. Do not let it dishearten you weight is something that will naturally fluctuate on a day to day basis - if you feel you have gained one day and you weren't expecting it, try weighing again two days later to check if it was just fluid.

    stay positive and drink lots of water that will help water retention. Hope this helps lv debs :-)
  • I weigh in as normal

    Some months I have gained 0.5lb that week (like this month), mostly I maintain my weight and occasionally I will even lose!

    Really hard to predict :)
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    I would weigh in but not count it as well. This way you will know how your body acts. I typically gain 3-5 pounds! :noway: The first time I saw it I was quite upset. Now I know, when aunt flo comes it's just my water weight.
  • LOL i JUST came on here to basically write the exact same question LOL

    I was sooo excited yesterday when I was down my -2 lbs this week and then this morning (after lovely showedup) i was up again and soooooo disappointed. I'm definitely not weighing in this week, i'll wait and hopefully have a good surprise after.
  • i posted something similar earlier...i think i'll weigh-in and try not to get discouraged. if i could get a hysterectomy with no side effects, i would totally do it. damn TOM.
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    I weighed in this morn and didnt like what the scales said, and then TOM came later during the day, which made it understandable. I'll prob still weigh just to see what my body does, but i wont record it till it's gone.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I always weigh in at the same time, regardless of if I have my period or not. If you do, don't be surprised to see a gain!

    It just makes the NEXT week's weigh-in all the sweeter. Because between the weight you lost during period week (which is often 'hidden' by retention) and the loss from the week after, you often see a huge dive! I've gone down 5 pounds from my period weigh-in to my post-period weigh-in. And even though I rationally know a lot of it's water, it still makes me feel good. :)
  • I still weigh in while on my period, BUT I know I will probably see an increase because of water weight so I don't let it bother me. If you think it might bother you it might not hurt to wait till after TOM leaves.
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    It depends on how you react to gains. I'm pretty immature about them. I get angry, decide that all this diet and exercise crap has been a complete waste of my time, and end up bingeing and pouting for two or three days. If you are not such an idiot, and can use a gain for motivation, weigh yourself and get motivated!! :happy:
  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    I weigh on those days, knowing that is gonna be over, usually not more than a couple of pounds. Then the following week weigh in is there is a bigger loss. Boosts me to keep on going!!!
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks girls - feeling better about the 1.5 Kilo ( 4 pounds) i seem to have gained over night ....... GO AWAY FLO I AM TRYING TO FEEL BETTER
  • Weighed myself today just as a matter of interest and was only up 0.4 lbs since last week! I was expecting a lot worse since I'm right in the middle of my period... here's to a good loss next Saturday! :)
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