Weird things nobody tells you about losing weight



  • tonightokayalright
    Sitting in the bath tub is not as comfortable as before. My tail bone and hips do not have the cushion they use to have...oh well, I will take that side effect...I sit on a folded towel if I plan on soaking for a while.....

    Same, but it's when I'm sitting in the old lecture halls at school that have the hard plastic bucket seats. I'm constantly shifting because there's not much fat padding my bones against the seat anymore.

    Also, I'm ALWAYS cold. My body hasn't adjusted to the lack of fat, I guess.

    And I can't stack my knees when I lay on my side. Again, because no padding on the bones.
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    Not weird but, new to me. Collar bones showing, and when laying down I got surprised feeling my ribs and hip bones.
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    1. Being cold all the time
    2. Pants try to fall down so much more, I have no butt!!
    3. Sitting at booths in restaurants. I used to not be able to fit in a booth and now there's so much of a gap between me and the table that I have to kind of sit at the edge of the booth or risk food droppage...eek!
    4. Watches don't fit and have to get links taken out of them
    5. Having a bony butt and getting sore if I sit too long on a hard floor
    6. That the last 40 pounds is the HARDEST thing I have EVER attempted to lose in my life. and I've lost a lot of things. 220 pounds, car keys, wallets, cats, men, hair.....
  • OdeToEmma
    OdeToEmma Posts: 31 Member
    Me too on the rings! My wedding ring is now perilously loose, and I've only lost 20 lbs since my wedding two years ago. Money is tight so I haven't been able to resize it and I already lost it once in the snow this past winter and (miraculously) found it a week later when things thawed out. I'm thinking of wraping it in string or something so I can at least keep it on my finger!

    Just a tip on re-sizing rings: find a goldsmith instead of going to one of the box stores like Peoples or Spence. Box stores often just send a ring to a goldsmith anyway - but they also charge a fee for arranging the service. I was able to have both of my rings re-sized for $40 at a goldsmith - where the box store was going to charge anywhere between $80-$120.
  • fairykelly13
    fairykelly13 Posts: 79 Member
    Me too on the rings! My wedding ring is now perilously loose, and I've only lost 20 lbs since my wedding two years ago. Money is tight so I haven't been able to resize it and I already lost it once in the snow this past winter and (miraculously) found it a week later when things thawed out. I'm thinking of wraping it in string or something so I can at least keep it on my finger!

    You should get these things called "Ring Snuggies" on Amazon - that's what I used to keep my rings on my hand while I was losing weight. Now my rings are at the jeweler being sized....
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    It's all the everyday things that you notice, getting in and out of cars, reaching all your bits and pieces in the shower, trimming your toenails, putting your socks on etc

    My hands are definitely looking less "pudgy" and a lot more defined

    (And the extra inches in the bedroom area is true..I've lost 50 lbs altogether and there's a significant difference there..If that ain't an incentive I don't know what is! :bigsmile: )
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Yes! I was laying on my back recently and put my arms on my body and actually felt hip bones. Not in a super gross overly pronounced way, but in a "wow, that used to be totally squishy!" kind of way.

    Another thing is my relationships have changed... a lot. Best friends are no longer best friends, my boyfriend has noticed that my confidence has improved (which makes me not quite so shy/timid/bashful), and I am much more assertive. I hope it's not in a not-so-nice way, but more of a proactive sort of way. I didn't expect my relationships to change as much as they have, but for anyone who isn't supportive... I figure they weren't that great of a friend to begin with!
  • KeegansMomma
    That my stomach feels all squishy now. That I had to adjust the seats and mirrors in the truck. The weirdest is that I want to run! Not quite capable yet, but I really really want to run. People look at me like I'm crazy when I say that.

    I'm not the only one! I want to run as well. But I'm not quite there yet (at least I don't feel I'm ready to yet). I see the women working with the trainer at my gym and she has them run 3 minutes on the treadmill...and I think to myself every time "that WILL be me some day". :) My goal is to start C25k the 1st of the year.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I was wondering what the uncomfortable thing I was lying on was and kept smoothing the sheets when I finally realised it was my tailbone making me uncomfortable!

    Also, my best friend sells bras and she was fitting me for some new ones ( with the gel in them as I have lost all my boobs) and she told me I should buy my bras a size bigger because women who are lean don't have cushioning so need bras less firm so they don't dig in! Nice to be told I am lean by someone who sees a lot of bodies and she was right about the bra!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    This isn't weird and should have been anticipated but when I wear my "old clothes" I look like the last scene in the movie Big when Tom Hanks turns back into the 13-year old boy but he still has adult clothes on. It's sad because I've had to abandon some of my favorite shirts because they look like I'm wearing a tent.

    ^^ YES! I noticed the other day that my work shirt (a slightly loose tshirt when I was at my SW) is literally *hanging* off of me. I've only lost 14 lbs total and yet it looks like I am some kid wearing a grown up's shirt! The bad part about this is that it's a work tshirt and I just spent $60 on them not 6 months ago.. I can't afford to buy new shirts every 15-20 lbs lol.
  • Katz135
    You can get a ring sizer from a jewellery store. They aren't that expensive and can be used while you lose the weight until you are at your goal weight. then get it resized. These sizers clip inside your ring on the back and reduce the size of the circle. Hope this helps.
  • Katz135
    One the plus side .. we get to try new styles as we lose. I agree, I can't afford to replace my clothes every couple months so I go to reuse stores for most things.. but am saving to GO SHOPPING when I get to goal.

  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,014 Member
    Oh I am sooo hoping my feet get smaller - that's something that they don't tell you when you get pregnant, that your feet will get a size bigger and it didn't go away............... LOL

    Ive lost over 100lbs. My feet are the same size (10/11)
    Im also 8 months pregnant - and that hasnt effected my shoe size either

    Best of luck ; )
  • normanmac
    I am cold all the time too! and I now love hot weather instead of dreading it.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I realized how much extra skin I have on my stomach. I know it could be worse, and part of it is from having two children, but it's still disheartening. :tongue:
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    Haha I'm cold all the time and my mom kept telling me it's because I don't have enough fat to keep me warm. I didn't believe her but I guess a bunch of people are going through the same thing! Will I adjust back to normal temperature? it's beginning to seriously affect me haha

    Also i didn't realize how clumsy i could be until I started hitting my hip bone on things...Really hurts when there's not much there to protect it...
  • spangey13
    Me too on the rings! My wedding ring is now perilously loose, and I've only lost 20 lbs since my wedding two years ago. Money is tight so I haven't been able to resize it and I already lost it once in the snow this past winter and (miraculously) found it a week later when things thawed out. I'm thinking of wraping it in string or something so I can at least keep it on my finger!

    Hello, just one little thing - my mum got these little rubber inserts put into her ring which might be a cheaper option if you can't afford to resize it. Then you wont risk losing your ring again :-)
  • almarsala
    almarsala Posts: 168 Member
    I never knew what it felt like to bang a boney part of me against a hard surface till now. Life hurts a lot more now lol. And frick am I freezing after this weight loss *shivers*
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I recently noticed that I can wear my belt on the second hole - that's after noticing that I could wear a belt at all ;-)
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    My eyes are more prominent now that there's less fat on my face. I like this change!

    My glasses no longer grip my face so there's no mark on my temples at day's end.

    One measuring session might show an inch or so off of several places and apparently no losses from the other places I'm tracking. And this can happen again and again. Not complaining. I just find it really odd because people say that the fat is lost from all over the body and this isn't my personal experience. :)