Looking for friends losing 50+ lbs!

TRThurston Posts: 21
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hey all, I am on my journey of losing 65lbs and I thought it would be nice to befriend some folks that were trying to lose a similar amount of weight, it's nice to have similar struggles and stories. If you are interested, please request me to be your friend. I would LOVE to support you along your journey and the same you for me :D Thanks!


  • I fit in that category! And I would love to have extra support and give support! Feel free to add me. :)
  • My journey is 40 lbs. close enough? lol
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Request me!!!!! Pick me, Pick me!! LOL
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    That would include me! I'm looking to lose the 80lbs I've gained since I lost my job. Y'all feel free to add me! :)
  • Would love to be added as a freind. My journey is 70lbs and the of a support group we have the better we can all help each other.
    Thanks Greg
  • I have about 90 pounds to go! It seems a daunting task, would be nice to share with others who have lot's of pounds to lose...please add me!

  • :noway: ME 2 ME 2 .. I looking to get about 80 lbs off and would love the support and to give support!
  • Hey I'm looking to lose quite a bit I would love to help support you if you would like to do the same!! Bigger support net helps me push myself. Let me know what you think!
  • This sounds like a great idea! I need to lose about 75-80 more lbs to be where I'd like to be. Anyone on this post feel free to add me!
    Also supporting each other is definitely easier if we make some type of guide on how often to check in with one another. Maybe we should agree to sign on this post at least once a week to see how everyone is doing? Or just post on here about problems we are having that week to get some additional support? Just some ideas I know that having some type of challenge or some type of guide on how often to check in with everyone and our progress has helped me before.
  • I got about 55 lbs to lose still. I would love to have more people on my friends list to keep me motivated.
  • I have about fifty more to go. Fifty three to be exact :bigsmile:
  • I'll add you I still have 70 more to go.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I started out at 294 so I had a total of 154 lbs to lose. I've lost 44 so far so have another 110 to go. I'm rocking with the Food Lover Fat Loss Program. I eat all day, exercise everyday and am doing things I've never done before. This is not a diet to me, it's a lifestyle change. I can actually cross my legs again! WHOOP WHOOP!!
  • stacey76
    stacey76 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm looking to lose over 100 pounds...long way to go....Add me if you'd like!:drinker:
  • You can do it!! Add me if you would like!!
  • Hook me up!
    I've got 50 that has to go. This year!
  • Hi

    My name is Debbie and i would like to lose 60lbs. I just started doing this program about 2 weeks ago. At work we started exercising 3 days a week for 1/2 hr but had to stop because it is being painted. It is a dance studio. This studio we cannot get back into until early March due to clean up and the cast for Franklin the Turtle tour will be rehearsing before they go on tour. I work in the entertainment business but in the accounting Dept.. So get to go some good concerts through work. I am 48 years old. I have one son who is 25yrs old. My husband was married before so he has two children who i consider mine as well. They are 32 and 30 yrs old a boy and a girl. I have two grandchildren 2 & 4 years old. I would be happy to help you with your weight loss journey. It would be nice to share our stories and also use each other as a sounding board.

    Hope to hear from you.
  • I would be glad to join you. I have about 60 lbs to lose and definitely could use the support!
  • I have 105 to lose and really need someone to keep me honest. Would love to take this journey with you.
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm on the same quest... I've already lost 93 pounds in 10 months and I'm looking to lose 55 more. I can tell you that it is possible to lose weight, you just have to keep your motivation and determination and, most important, smiling!
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