Have I permanently ruined my brain?

BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
I'm a 20 year old female and I've got some real concerns about my brain.

I used to be a binge drinker, 2-3 nights a week from the ages of 16-19. I also smoked from the ages of 16-19 as well. I have now cut both out completely. At my worst last year I tried to OD, taking 3 months worth of antidepressants, 1 months worth of sleeping pills and a pack of panadol. I didn't tell anyone, didn't go to ER, didn't tell my parents or my GP- I was too scared they would commit me. I vomited for 2-3 days pretty much nonstop and for the next 2 weeks I only woke up for 1-2 hours each day, was so fatiged I had to sleep the rest of the day.

I feel as though I've done some serious damage to my brain. Right now I can't think straight, I've got some serious 'brain fog', my short term memory has gone to absolute ****, I can't concentrate, and I can't work out complex (or sometimes simple) problems. This is very concerning to me, as I was once an extremely bright person. For school exams, I have been studying for months on end and then still end up forgetting everything I studied the next day.

I'm not looking for empathy or attention, I was in an extremely dark place at the time and if I had known my life would turn around so majorly I would not have done it. Just looking for some insight, if anyone has any? What should I do? Should I tell my doctor, and see if there are any tests they can run? Is there another way to improve memory, or change it back to how it was before this happened?


  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    there are exams that one can take to assess cognitive ability and memory function among other things.

    I have known guys who I was sure smoked themselves stupid. I think it is possible. If it is a concern I would suggest you go get it checked out.

    Will your INS cover it?
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I think you should definitely speak with your doctor. It was last year, and you sound like you're in a much better place now, so I wouldn't worry about being committed. But, you're going to need a professional to assess what damage was done and how best to try to repair it.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    :o doc now!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    alcohol does kill brain cells. brain cells are not replenished. however you can retrain your brain, but it does take work.


    best site I know of to work your brain, and lay down neural pathways to get your brain working again.

    good luck
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Another resource is Dr Daniel Amen and his work on brain health. This is just one link with info http://www.anewdayanewme.com/ANewDayANewMe/dr-daniel-amenyou-can-reverse-the-aging-process-in-your-brain/
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    This sound like a question for a doctor. Not random strangers on the internet. Whatever advice you get, just remember that none of us are qualified to give you advice on this and it may be harmful in the long run.

    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.
  • LetMeBeFrankWithYou
    As a former hard-core "pot head" (among other things), I can relate. Drugs (of all kinds) will damage your brain in some way, shape or form. The good news is the resilience of the human body and it's ability to heal itself. There may be parts of your brain that are fried and will remain so for the rest of your life. BUT, your brain has the ability to "re-wire" itself. It will take time, but you can recover. I know this first hand. And thank God you've realized what you were doing to yourself.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    There are definitely tests to measure cognitive ability. There's probably no way they'll be able to gauge where you were before all that, but they can assess you now and you can get help. Something like occupational therapy may help you. I had a stroke, and while I don't he any lasting physical problems, I do have issues with my short term memory. They can't "teach" you how to get it back, but they can show ways to live with it, since ya can't really fix it.

    Good luck!
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    Definitely see a dr and be brutally honest about everything you did. Explain what you're looking for and hopefully they will be able to help.
  • stephmo86
    I'm sorry you went through all that. Please go to your doctor. Get checked out so you know what's going on in your brain chemically and physically. Maybe you can return to the doctor who prescribed you the antidepressants, at least they'll know some of your history. Good luck, I hope you feel better.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Neuropsychological evaluation PRONTO.
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    This sound like a question for a doctor. Not random strangers on the internet. Whatever advice you get, just remember that none of us are qualified to give you advice on this and it may be harmful in the long run.

    ^ What elisabat said.

    See a doctor about it if you feel like your brain function has f*d up since you tried to OD.

    As for this comment (refer below), if the doctor says you've screwed your brain up but there's treatment and you're seriously concerned - insurance probably won't matter.
    Will your INS cover it?
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I don't know anything about the long term effects on your brain, but just posting to say that I'm SO glad you're doing better!
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    As for this comment (refer below), if the doctor says you've screwed your brain up but there's treatment and you're seriously concerned - insurance probably won't matter.
    Will your INS cover it?

    it will if we have to pay for it.
  • cblevitron
    As a recovering addict (prescription pills), all I can offer is my own experience. I have the same issues with processing information and memory as you do, and I largely attribute it to my drug abuse. See a doctor. That's the only way to know for sure. There are ways to help rebuild your memory.
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    Not wanting to frighten you, but in those two weeks that you were really tired after OD'ing, you may have in fact (worse case scenario) stopped breathing temporarily and have acquired a mild brain injury from lack of oxygen.

    But there could be a whole range of things that could be wrong with you, it might not even be physical, it might be a psychological deterrent. Best bet is to speak to a doctor about getting a cognitive assessment if you are worried about anything. Be honest with your doctor (if they don't already know) about what you did, and the after effects because they may well indeed want to send you for in-depth tests to see if there is any irreversible damage.

    To be honest I would be more concerned about the damage potentially done to your liver after taking that concoction of pills....
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Okay: done is done. Just plain clean living may help to bring back some cognitive function that has been lost..
    I would worry about going forward from where you are right now.
    The more you study and try to learn the more you will learn.
    If your brain has changed than you may need to learn new techniques to learn things. These techniques may be different than what worked for you before. In many ways your brain is like anything else; it can be trained to do what you need it to.
  • kristenstejskal
    kristenstejskal Posts: 107 Member
    I am also a young alcoholic (I'm 22 now) and drank heavily up until January. My dad is also an alcoholic who has been to rehab several times, and the last time he went (which worked! he's been sober 9 months!), he was in a medical rehab (associated with a hospital and combining the biological and neurological components with the holistic approach of AA). While he was at the medical rehab, we attended the family program and learned a ton of great information! I think some of it pertains to you and I both!

    When an alcoholic quits drinking, s/he often goes through whats known as P.A.W.S.- Post Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. P.A.W.S symptoms can include "brain fog", forgetfullness, inability to concentrate, and mood swings among other things. P.A.W.S can last up to 3 years after the alcoholic quits drinking, but it does go away. I imagine since you are young, it would go away more quickly. I experienced P.A.W.S for only a few weeks after I quit drinking, but my dad is still experiencing it after 9 months. He drank HEAVILY (20+ drinks/day) for over 40 years. Right now, he literally has to write everything down on sticky notes so he doesn't forget. He sometimes even forgets what he has said to us.

    P.A.W.S can be very scary because it mimics the cognitive effects of intoxication. It can also be discouraging because we quit drinking in the hopes that things would get better for us, and then we have to deal with this *kitten*?! Trust me, I understand, I'm a college student...I know its rough. Someone earlier said that brain cells don't come back...And that is true, to an extend. Any brain cells that are dead will not "come back to life". HOWEVER!! Neuro-pathways that carry information in the brain that were pruned (essentially meaning they died) while we were drinking will be regenerated during extended periods of sobriety. So there is hope!

    I hope this gives you some encouragement :) Message me if you have any questions or if you need support :)
  • emtron500
    emtron500 Posts: 102 Member
    I just wanted to add that I think you should feel safe talking to a doctor about this. Make it clear that you are feeling much better and no longer have any desire to hurt yourself and just want to get better and feel normal. They will probably want you to get psychiatric treatment (which is probably not a bad idea, but which you can refuse) but you shouldn't worry about being committed against your will. Definitely go in, tell somebody the whole story, and stop stressing out about it by yourself!
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    talk to your doctor sweetheart! and pray. Put your faith in God that everything will be okay