How can people stand being on low-carb diets?



  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm not on a low carb diet, but I have cut out bread completely from my diet.
    Try to eat minimal pasta/ rice (I HATE brown pasta/rice, so ya it's white)

    I don't find it bothers me too much though.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    If you stick to a low carb diet for more than a couple of days, your body adjusts and you start getting energy primarily from fat, not carbs, and the energy issues go away.

    Interesting! I will admit that I've been eating too many carbs lately and I have been feeling a little bit lazy, but when I don't eat carbs for breakfast, before exercise, and after exercise I get really weak and tired. Those are the only times during the day when I like to eat bread or pasta. Today I kind of went overboard with the carbs and I feel extremely full and tired.

    Even though I love breads and pasta, my body reacts very differently when I have a lot of those types of carbs as opposed to fruits and veggies. I used to think that I had to keep my carbs high since I would crash and have hypoglycemia until I realized it was the kind of carbs that was was causing that groggy feeling. I still treat myself, but getting majority of my carbs from veggies and fruit has actually helped with those energy spikes and curb the cravings. I guess you have to find out what works for you. It is a balance, some people can tolerate more than others, figure out what your body needs.
  • Ellas_Time_4_Change
    I try to eat under 100 net carbs a day. At that level I don't crave them. At 200 grams are higher, instead of being full, I want more and more carbs which for me often leads to hypoglycemic episodes.

    Don't get me wrong, it was up to me I would eat pasta and bread everyday, oh and cake, but that wouldn't be smart.

    Exactly! 100 grams carbs tops for me and for the last month, I believe I've averaged at 50 grams, I have more energy now than before but I agree with another poster, you need to get over the initial shock which sometimes takes 2 weeks.
  • NanoBear
    the low carb idea tends to be an example of a little knowledge being dangerous. Unless you're going for full on ketosis (you think reduced carbs are hard now!?), carbs are actually required for the chemical reaction that burns fat. I currently aim for about 180g carbs per day (it's gone down a bit as my weight dropped), and I'm 77 pounds down so far, but I love protein rich foods anyway. Getting most of your energy from fat still requires some carbs for the chemical reactions to go ahead.

    The extreme end of low carb is ketosis, where the body changes the chemical reactions it uses to burn fat. In my opinion it should be a last resort, but some people love it. It really requires a lot of planning and dedication, especially in the 1st month or so when your head feels cloudy and slow as the brain adapts.

    Something else to keep in mind: the average 'commercial' diet (atkins, etc) only works for about 6% of people. It takes some time to work out what is going to work for you, and chances are it will be different to what works for the haters.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    When i'm eating "right" according to how I want to be eating the only carbs I consume come from fresh fruits, veggies, and some dairy. I stay clear of breads, grains, pasta's etc. The theory behind that is carbs drive insulin and insulin drives body fat. On a lower carb diet (80ish carbs) I feel better and my body fat percentage drops more quickly with my weight. When I consume over 100 carbs I still drop weight but my body fat percentage moves slower. So, I'm a believer. I dropped 60 lbs and went from 22-16. When I switched my diet to lower carb i dropped 9 lbs and went from 16-12. the sizes changed much more rapidly. I think the key to doing well on a lower carb diet is the right fats and lots of fiber from the carbs you are consuming.
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    Not sure. I LOVE the taste of carby foods.

    Trying to reduce at the moment - but don't think I could completely cut back!
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 354 Member
    On my lowest day I'll have like 100 some carbs. No idea how others do it either.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am just glad to be one of the ones that thrive on carbs! I eat about the same number as you, OP.
  • refinley2
    refinley2 Posts: 52 Member
    I think it's interesting how some people strive off low-carb and others fail. I only allow myself whole wheat pasta and brown rice every once in a while (though I had spaghetti two days in a row this week), and I eat at least one piece of whole wheat bread a day. Most of my carbs are from fruit though. :)

    That's actually the best way to consume carbohydrates. Carbs get a bad rap because consuming excessive amounts of highly complex, chemically enriched starches is often the cause of excessive weight gain (honey buns and bagels.) But the carbohydrates found in fruit, whole wheat, and rice are great for healthy growth and metabolism. They store energy that is used throughout the day, and make great building materials for proteins on a cellular level. However, It is true you can survive perfectly well without bread and pasta, and many people find they have more energy as their body learns to adjust to a carb free diet.
  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    I used to live on high carb, but good quality foods. Didn't understand that it was still high carb and therefore affecting my blood sugar levels. MFP helped me understand that a cup of rice, a cup of beans, or 2 pcs of whole wheat bread are Expensive on many levels. So portions are down to 1/2 a cup of carbolicious stuff per meal. Last year I lost a pound a month, and it was hard to do. This year I'm losing 2 pounds a month, with it being sometimes challenging & sometimes easy. My blood sugar (A1C) is down to normal. I eat about 100-110 carbs a day now.
  • StephanieEmpson
    I try for under 100 carbs per day, but I am type II diabetic. A lot of Carbs are no no's for us
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    I think it just takes a bit of getting used to.

    I always stick to under 100 carbs. It's not "low" carb, but I guess compared to most people it is. I never feel tired, and I mostly just eat meat and vegetables.
  • jtakingcareofherself
    Insulin is the hormone that regulates storage of excess calories into fat, and it also prevents your fat stores from being used for energy. Insulin is elevated when you eat carbs. So, in order to access your fat deposits, you need to have a low level of insulin in your system. If you eat a so called conventional, balanced diet, fat burning will likely occur only at night (when your insulin levels drop sufficiently). If you go low carb, your body can use fat for energy all day long because your insulin will never spike very high. That's why low carb works so well. And it works especially well for people with so called "insulin sensitivity".
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Low carb diets leave me hungry, anxious, and grumpy.

    But, I try to avoid simple carbs as much as I can. I prefer whole grain carbs, veggies and fruits. I eat over 200 grams of carbs a day, almost all of them complex carbs.

    Then I feel good, not hungry, and in a much better frame of mind.

    I think everyone just needs to find what works best for them.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I've JUST started low carb the last week (today is day 8!). And yes, I went through some carb withdrawals of not feeling like I had the energy I used to in my workouts. And I upped my protein goal. I am still hammering out the right balance for me but I NEVER thought I could do it and I AM!
  • Brian_VA
    Carbs make you fat. Fat makes you full. Protein repairs your cells and helps you maintain your muscles - VERY important for men AND women as we age.

    Eliminate bread (except occasional low carb), white potato, rice, cereal, sweets, pasta, crackers, etc. Eat a piece of fruit (apple, few strawberries, blueberries) every day before 3:00 or so. Exercise. This is not a diet but a new way of eating. Eat steak, chicken, eggs, fish, humus, veggies, cheese, nuts. Never go hungry!

    It works!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,565 Member
    Whenever I eat less than 200 carbs I feel so weak and I have literally no energy. I always try to have some complex carbs for every meal because without them I'm never satisfied. If I could I would live off toast, oatmeal, and bananas. :) I was just wondering what everyone's opinion on low-carb diets were because I know a lot of people swear that carbs are the enemy.

    It's because your body hasn't adated to it. Low carb diets, are usually modeate protein low carb and high fat.

    Carbs arne't the enemy. I rather do low carb, instead of not being on low carb. Low carb meal might be a nice fatty steal with some broccoli covered in cheese.

    Do the non low carb version of that, probably some chicken breast, with a potato and a side of broccoli. Where is the flavor?

    I don't do low carb right now, i used to, it doesn't improve fat loss.

    PU is drunk in this response.

    I'll translate.....

    "I like carbs! When I dont eat lots of carbs I eat lots of fat and meat!"

    From my understanding at some point the low/no carbers will want to have their blood tested for pH issues that occur in Keto type diets.
    Check ur breath and if its bad then you better come out of your low carb diet for a while.
    Unless you have food allergies you shouldnt avoid carbs or cut them excessively.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Whenever I eat less than 200 carbs I feel so weak and I have literally no energy. I always try to have some complex carbs for every meal because without them I'm never satisfied. If I could I would live off toast, oatmeal, and bananas. :) I was just wondering what everyone's opinion on low-carb diets were because I know a lot of people swear that carbs are the enemy.

    From what I've read, the reason you feel that way is BECAUSE you eat carbs. When you've switched your diet, you lose the cravings for carbs.You maintain a more stable blood sugar so you don't get that ravenous feeling. I can only really talk about my own experience. I don't eat "low-carb" specifically, but I try to only eat what I call "real" foods, ie: meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds and some limited full-fat dairy. My MFP settings are set on 15% carb and I rarely go over. That gets me about 40-80 g of carbs. I was the original sweet-tooth-from-hell person and if I could get past it, anyone can. No more cravings for carbs specifically. I might have a banana on a high cardio day a couple times a month, but other than that, I don't feel the need to seek out carb-specific foods. They absolutely do not tempt me.

    ETA: Forgot to mention, if I ever have a old-style couple days, like a weekend away of eating all the "standard" high-carb bad foods, that next Monday, Tuesday is seriously hard to get through, I'll be craving (carbs) sweets all day long. Really so much more enjoyable to not put myself in that position.
  • char_char_piper
    Some days I want ALL THE CARBS, some days I don't. I just eat what my body wants and call it a day. I know some people swear by low carb diets and it it works for them, I say great, it wouldn't for me in the long run so I don't think too much about.

    I totally agree with this! :)
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Never really think about the amount of carbs I consume as long as get my protein and fat as well. But most of my carbs do come from fruits and veggies and there is no way I will decrease those just to maintain carbs below a certain level.