
Okay so I am now back at work ( I drive school bus and am up at 6:00 am sharp uggg)...haven't had the greatest days for food..but they aren't horribly bad...can't figure out why I am sooooo tired. I have to keep on the go constantly otherwise I feel like sleeping...which isn't a good thing when your driving lol

Any ideas for energy? I am Type 2 diabetic on insulin and metformin...thanks for any advice!


  • Hi, I am also a diabetic type 2 on insulin pump. I looked at your diary and it looks good, but I try and eat all of my protein, maybe you need more. I also noticed that you don't track your sugar intake on your food diary, that might help you a lot also.
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    You might want to have your B12 checked. Mine was very low last spring, so the doc put me on B12 tablets once a day. I have felt like a new woman, lol!! I teach elementary and I'm up at the crack of dawn, too. Make for a loooooong day. :)
  • You might want to have your B12 checked. Mine was very low last spring, so the doc put me on B12 tablets once a day. I have felt like a new woman, lol!! I teach elementary and I'm up at the crack of dawn, too. Make for a loooooong day. :)

    Yes, you are right! She needs to have B12 checked.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    the protein goals mfp sets are ridiculously low -- eat more protein.
    eat more protein - and eat MORE BREAKFAST. make oatmeal out of the big canister instead of those stupid little packs. they are pointless. I use 1/2 cup dry oatmeal, 1/2 scoop protein powder... i add other stuff in, but that right there is only 220 calories and way better than what you're eating now.

    maybe 1300 calories or whatever you're eating isn't enough.

    my fiance always complains about being tired and he'd fall asleep on the couch by 8pm..... (we get up around the same time every day 530 - i usually get up to work out - and just because i wake up - he gets up that early for work) -- i started giving him vitamin b12 -- I have noticed significant improvement in how tired he is..... he doesn't eat as well as he should, but the b12 really helped him.

    also, are you sleeping enough? I'm usually ready for bed at 9, and I usually go to bed then too, and get up between 530-6am
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    Well I'm not sure about the fatigue per se, but how often do you check your sugar? My boyfriend is type 2 diabetic and by my feeding him healthier he is off the metformin all together and has never had to have insulin. He checks his sugar 3-6 times a day. I know when his sugar gets high he gets very sleepy. It's kind of scary that you are on both of those medications and by the looks of your food diary you don't consume THAT many carbs!
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    How are your blood sugars running? How often are you checking it? Do you work with an RD or a diabetes educator to help you manage your diet?
    Ask your MD to check your B12 and Vit D status.
    I am an RD and Cert Diabetes Educator and I see low vit D status a lot. Also have a thyroid and anemia blood panel checked to rule out some obvious issues there.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member

    This is a BAD idea for a diabetic on insulin.
  • larnocky
    larnocky Posts: 8 Member
    In addition to the B12 supplements, I would try to take an iron supplement - you could be anemic, which also causes fatigue. Be sure to take the iron supplement with food, as it may cause upset stomach.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Okay so I am now back at work ( I drive school bus and am up at 6:00 am sharp uggg)...haven't had the greatest days for food..but they aren't horribly bad...can't figure out why I am sooooo tired. I have to keep on the go constantly otherwise I feel like sleeping...which isn't a good thing when your driving lol

    Any ideas for energy? I am Type 2 diabetic on insulin and metformin...thanks for any advice!

    I take Metformin and hate it........I also take Insulin. I went thru this same thing about 18 months ago. I was falling asleep at work ....sitting at my desk. Even talking to people my freakin eyes would be rolling. I was so beyond tired it scared me. I figured I was "just tired".......I only sleep about 4 hours a night MAX. I wasted a lot of time.........

    Finally I started having trouble breathing......ALL the time. I couldnt walk 50 feet without being outta breath. My doc suggested seeing a Pulmonologist.>sp< Who did thousands of dollars worth of tests.....heart, lung, blood etc etc etc. They found NOTHING and me and my insurance company were thousands poorer.

    We sat in his office chatting one day and he said "Why do you get up so early" I couldnt answer him...other than to say "because I hurt so bad". I take massive doses of pain meds every day just to function but the pain in the night woke me........every SINGLE. night. He ordered a 2 night Pulse Ox home test. It took two nights because I dont sleep long enough at a time for an accurate reading. This test showed my Oxygen was dropping into the 50s for prolonged periods of time....I wasnt breathing deep enough or fast enough. For every 5 breaths most people take....I take 1. I also dont exhale enough. All of this prompted a sleep study. The sleep study showed even worse. Here they discovered I have UARS and SDB (GOOGLE it).

    I now use O2 when Im home and I use a BiPap at night with O2 bled into it. ALL of that to say.....since these diagnoses....I dont have trouble staying awake anymore. I still dont sleep worth a *kitten* but I dont doze off at the wrong times anymore. Since Ive lost some weight my breathing is 90% better and I hope to be off the O2 and the BiPap by the first of the year..........time will tell.

    Please...consider being tested for Sleep Apnea and other Sleep Disordered Breathing "illnesses"
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I couldn't function on your diet at all, but that's me. Certainly, you do have some good stuff in there, but the sugar/artificial sweeteners, high carbs and low fat and protein wouldn't work for me. In my opinion, MFP defaults are way too high for carbs and way too low for fat and protein.

    You could try changing your macro goals and see if eating a different way could help. Vitamin deficiency sure is a likely culprit and that can be improved with dietary changes.
  • sweetpeas2000
    sweetpeas2000 Posts: 42 Member
    I had this issue and then found out I have hypothyroidism. It would be worth checking into.
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    Oh my goodness, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes a couple of weeks ago. My A1c was a whopping 10.5 (297 avg blood glucose). For years I felt like I was just going to die. It was awful. No energy, inability to sleep well, couldn't exercise, couldn't lose a lot of weight. My doctor put me on Metformin twice a day. But, I didn't see or feel too much of an improvement until I researched and researched and researched and found the diabetic low carb diet. Within 3 days my blood sugar plateaued in the 80's and 90's! My doctors loved it, my nutritionist hated it. My nutritionist said to increase my carbs, and I felt like death all over again. Apparently the ADA is way behind in their research. But, reputable doctors back the diabetic low carb diet... and now I have energy! I am losing weight so quickly, and I'm finally feeling positive about life and the world and my family and.. life! All of those symptoms that dragged me down, the incredible fatigue, the blurry vision, the bad memory... all of it gone.. and getting better. Message me if you're interested in finding out about it. In fact, I would love to have friends who go through the same challenges with diabetes as I do. We need to stick together. Friend me! Anybody! :)
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Maybe you're not getting enough magnesium.
    Your body needs it for all processes.
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    You might want to have your B12 checked. Mine was very low last spring, so the doc put me on B12 tablets once a day. I have felt like a new woman, lol!! I teach elementary and I'm up at the crack of dawn, too. Make for a loooooong day. :)

    Wow never thought of that..for sure I will! Thanks
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    the protein goals mfp sets are ridiculously low -- eat more protein.
    eat more protein - and eat MORE BREAKFAST. make oatmeal out of the big canister instead of those stupid little packs. they are pointless. I use 1/2 cup dry oatmeal, 1/2 scoop protein powder... i add other stuff in, but that right there is only 220 calories and way better than what you're eating now.

    maybe 1300 calories or whatever you're eating isn't enough.

    my fiance always complains about being tired and he'd fall asleep on the couch by 8pm..... (we get up around the same time every day 530 - i usually get up to work out - and just because i wake up - he gets up that early for work) -- i started giving him vitamin b12 -- I have noticed significant improvement in how tired he is..... he doesn't eat as well as he should, but the b12 really helped him.

    also, are you sleeping enough? I'm usually ready for bed at 9, and I usually go to bed then too, and get up between 530-6am

    Probably not enough sleep for sure. I was better before I went back to work but now with this crazy schedule. Gotta get to bed earlier. I agree with what you said about protien...I find I feel better with more protien too! Thanks!