It's all relative..

The last time I weighed this much was a year and a half ago. I'd lost about 25lb to get here, and I stopped losing because I'd reached my goal and felt great. I got to buy all lovely new smaller clothes, people complimented me it was great. Then I slowly put back on 11lb and enough was enough so I'm back here. But this time I'm fitting slowly back into the clothes that became tight, no feel good shopping. The people who were to polite to tell me I'd got fatter don't want to mention I'm looking ' back to normal' for fear of offense. So all in all for all my effort I feel... A little depressed not elated like last time, I never realised how relative this game was.


  • lizettye
    Thats exactly why the royal we should never loose weight for anyone but ourselves! People are fickle haa haa - politeness be damned! Your doing fantastic ! Each inch you feel more comfortable in is power to you and your hard work- who cares what they think! You know you look great! Well done on beating the fat again!! Keep it up, dont let people let get you down, thats the same power you need to build yourself up and we all need as much of that as possible!
  • bob99
    bob99 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey that was a lovely response! Thanks x
  • deez2015
    deez2015 Posts: 75 Member
    ditto! :)