Getting to know you



  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Name: Lucia
    Age: 24
    Where you live: Boston
    Relationship status: Single
    Kids: Not yet
    Occupation: Administrative
    Fave film: This is tough, im a movie junkie - Mystic River, All the classic gangster movies, anything with BATMAN, The Notebook....
    Fave food now dieting: Granola bars!
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: ive only lost 5 pounds so far, but Im hoping to lose around 50-60
    Motivation: Myself, I want to be happier and healthier - once I do that I think everything else will fall into place!
  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Name: Crystal
    Occupation: STNA (Nurse's Aide) - getting ready to start school for social work

    My dream would to be a social worker, good on you hun :)

  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Name: Lucia
    Fave film: This is tough, im a movie junkie - Mystic River,

    I lovvvvve Mystic River!

  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Name: Bobby Beefcurtains
    Age: 27
    Where you live: In a van down by the river
    Relationship status: Single virgin
    Kids: Decamom
    Occupation: Motivational Speaker
    Fave film: Dial M for Midget
    Fave food now dieting: Nut butters
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: Hope to lose 50
    Motivation: Sex

    Yes, Love your motivation !!!
  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Name: Melissa

    Now my motivation is my mom and friends who seem to depend on me to keep pushing. When I feel like giving up and yes after so much I sometimes still feel like giving up, I am reminded I have a lot of people who are rooting me on and a lot of people who are also waiting on me to give up and go back to fat so they can say "I knew it wouldn't last." I have actually been told I won't be able to keep it off by people who have never been for anything I've done. I just look at those people and use them to keep me motivated to prove them wrong.

    People can be such jerks. They're probably just jealous you're actually acheiving something you always wanted too. KIP, you're doing amazing!

  • angrybutterfly
    angrybutterfly Posts: 9 Member
    Name: Melissa
    Age: 40
    Where you live: Pennsylvania, United States
    Relationship status: married
    Kids: 13yr old son & 16yr old daughter
    Occupation: registration in a hospital laboratory
    Fave film: any Harry Potter film
    Fave food now dieting: strawberry/banana smoothies
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: I've lost 11 I have 99 more to go
    Motivation: I want to look good again for my husband and I also don't want to buy my
    clothes in the plus size section anymore!
  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Name: Lucia
    Fave film: This is tough, im a movie junkie - Mystic River,

    I lovvvvve Mystic River!


    Its a great movie, I swear we dont all have that thick accent though! lol
  • mcfc4tony
    mcfc4tony Posts: 107 Member
    Name: Tony
    Age: 49 (50 in a few months) :sad:
    Where you live: Manchester UK
    Relationship status: Married (and loving it) :smooched:
    Kids: Nope
    Occupation: IT :yawn:
    Fave film: Bad Santa :love:
    Fave food now dieting: Tesco Peas and Ham soup
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: lost???? (don't weight myself) 4st or 8 inch approx.
    Motivation: Sick of not being able to see my junk :laugh:
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,337 Member
    Name: Juliette
    Age: 26
    Where you live: Australia (born in NZ)
    Relationship status: got a boyfriend
    Kids: no kids
    Occupation: Receptionist
    Fave film: Anything Horror
    Fave food now dieting: same as before "dieting"... just dont eat it as much or often - pasta and cheese
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: I have lost roughly 50kgs over the past 5-6years (10 being current).. and have 10more to lose
    Motivation: to never be the person i was again!!
  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Name: Lucia
    Fave film: This is tough, im a movie junkie - Mystic River,

    I lovvvvve Mystic River!


    Its a great movie, I swear we dont all have that thick accent though! lol

    Aww don't shatter the illusion, I love that accent haha.

  • rladd6421
    Name: renee
    Age: 34
    Where you live: connecticut
    Relationship status: have a boyfriend of 3.5 yrs
    Kids: have a 15 yr old son
    Occupation: senior aircraft mechanic
    Fave film: gonna go with rocky horror picture show
    Fave food now dieting: nonfat cottage cheese
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: lost 38 hope to lose 11 more
    Motivation: initially it was to look good a wench outfit for the ren faire, now i just want to hit my goal and be healthy.
  • BrandiL83
    BrandiL83 Posts: 100 Member
    Name: Brandi
    Age: 29
    Where you live: New York State
    Relationship status: Married
    Kids: 2
    Occupation: Stay at home mom (for now)
    Fave film: Dirty Dancing and Footloose
    Fave food now dieting: Greek yogurt with cut up bananas and strawberries
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: 134 lbs for my first HUGE goal, then will decide from here if I want to lose more or maintain.
    Motivation: My kids and my overall health.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Name: Lauren
    Age: 20 - until Monday :)
    Where you live: Memphis, TN, US
    Relationship status: committed relationship - dating 3 years
    Kids: none
    Occupation: transcriber for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, grad student
    Fave film: Casablanca, Serendipity, or Crazy Stupid Love
    Fave food now dieting: chocolate will always be my favorite :) no diets here
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: down 40 pounds
    Motivation: fitness
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Name: Amber
    Age: 32
    Where you live: Southeast MN
    Relationship status: Married
    Kids: 2 ACTIVE boys.
    Occupation: Stay at home Mom
    Fave film: Real Genius
    Fave food now dieting: Eggs
    How much have you lost/hope to lose:around 30
    Motivation: Right now? Fit back into my clothes comfortably :/, long term to stay healthy! I've watched my Dad go through a lot due to his weight and health, and I never ever want to do that.
  • sunshineshica
    Name: Sheek
    Age: 32
    Where you live: atlanta
    Relationship status: married
    Kids: 1
    Occupation: credit assistant
    Fave film: Talladega Nights
    Fave food now dieting: watermelons
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: lost 10 pounds/hope to lose 10 more
    Motivation: seeing the scale go down
  • Kaydoggie
    Kaydoggie Posts: 98 Member
    Name: Karyn
    Age: 32
    Where you live: Alberta, Canada
    Relationship status: Married
    Kids: allergic to people children, have 2 dog children instead.
    Occupation: Sales
    Fave film: Moulin Rouge
    Fave food now dieting: Overnight oatmeal
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: 28/75 initially
    Motivation: My health, happiness, confidence :)
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    married 25 years
    3 grown children 30, 22, 20 and 1 son in law and 1 daughter in law
    Dispatch for large grocery store
    fave film too many?
    fave food ... so much! Chicken, shrimp
    My goal 98 lbs maybe 10-15 more when I get to 160.
    My motivation is my bones not hurting and I am really tired of not feeling well and looking horrible!
  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Name: Tony

    Fave film: Bad Santa :love:

    Motivation: Sick of not being able to see my junk :laugh:

    Bad Santa, another great and hilarious film haha.

    Your motivation made me chuckle.

  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Name: Juliette
    Fave film: Anything Horror

    What's your favourite? I'm a horror movie buff - sad as it is lol.

  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Name: Alli
    Where you live:Dayton, OH
    Relationship status: Single
    Kids:Not yet
    Occupation:Customer Service
    Fave film: It's a tie between Rocky, Jaws & Die Hard
    Fave food now dieting: String Cheese, 100 Cal packs & Lean cuisines
    How much have you lost/hope to lose: I've lost 16 lbs, I hope to lose 100+ more.
    Motivation: Every past relationship I have been with someone who was not good for me or motivated me. Now that I am single, I have the power and I want to get this weight off so I can be healthy and happy. It's only going to get harder the older I get. What was I waiting for??