Quick, packable lunch ideas needed!

BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
I'm sick of sandwiches and I'm trying to stay away from frozen meals, but they are so easy to grab in the morning. I'm packing for myself and getting three kids ready for school.

You guys always have the best suggestions!


  • hunter624
    carrot and celery sticks.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I know you said sick of sandwiches, but I love nutella! I actually made myself 2 nutella sandwiches today (breakfast and lunch) with some Fiber One honey squares to snack on. I add some cinnamon to the nutella sandwiches and sometimes fruit, like strawberries or bananas! It's tasty and filling and kids will love them too!
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    I have to make my son's lunches every day for school. I hate buying GF bread, so I try to come up with subs. Keep in mind though, he's also dairy free, so it makes it a little harder.

    Crackers and (ham, pepperoni, turkey, tuna fish), boiled eggs, salad, applesauce, yogurt, carrots, celery (with PB to dip in), apple slices, healthy muffins (blueberry, cinnamon, etc), blueberries, raspberries, grapes, mandarin oranges, water or juice.

    Today his lunch was: a cinnamon muffin, 2 hard boiled eggs, grapes, applesauce and a juice box.

    Also, for ease, I make lunches at night. It's just easier that way! And he's PICKY.
  • efarester
    My hubby has been packing leftovers the night before - or making something the night before. He does a lot of stir-fy/one pot type dishes with rice. Salad is also a great option - you can pack some chicken/egg to go with it. I think packing the night before is really what makes it easier!! :)
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    Good ideas!

    I should have clarified...the lunches are for me. :smile:
  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    Nothing easier than a salad: cabbage, carrot, cucumber, capsicum, baby tomatoes, beetroot, light cheese and some shredded chicken. I make them up for the week ahead. Cook a roast chook on a Sunday, chop it up, and divide it into 45gm portions (without the skin) and freeze. Then take out a pack each morning to put in the lunch box and it's defrosted by lunchtime. Add a little canister of fat free dressing and you're done.
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    NPR just did an aritcle on using rice wraps as a sandwich substitute - I find them to be so light and almost sweet I can't compare them to a sandwich at all!

    take a look!
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    NPR just did an aritcle on using rice wraps as a sandwich substitute - I find them to be so light and almost sweet I can't compare them to a sandwich at all!

    take a look!

    This looks tasty!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I never pack sandwiches. They always getting soggy. =(

    I tend to pack fruit, cheese, and crackers. It's one of my favorite "easy" lunches.
  • GardenDelight
    GardenDelight Posts: 71 Member
    Although this IS a sandwich, it's pretty easy to make and SUPER nutrient filled. It's the avocado sandwich. I posted the recipe recently. If you can't find it, let me know and I'll zip the recipe to you! Hope you're day is wonderful!
  • tripn404
    tripn404 Posts: 109 Member
    meat loaf muffins! veggie steamers! chicken wraps! crock pot chili/soup!
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    Although this IS a sandwich, it's pretty easy to make and SUPER nutrient filled. It's the avocado sandwich. I posted the recipe recently. If you can't find it, let me know and I'll zip the recipe to you! Hope you're day is wonderful!

    Sounds good! Thanks
  • mommajoans
    mommajoans Posts: 13 Member
    If you don't mind cooking ahead, I like to make soup for lunch. An easy one that is a staple to my diet is :
    chicken broth, frozen mixed veg for soup, frozen chopped spinach, garlic powder, black pepper and hot pepper flakes. I often will eat a cup of this along with a lean cuisine for dinner or by itself for lunch. For a heartier version add some quick cook barley for the fiber fix that will keep you full and/or stir in some cooked chopped or shredded chicken or beans.
    At work it just needs a quick zap in the microwave. If it is too thick I add another can of chicken broth. Pair it with some fresh fruit and you are good to go.
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    meat loaf muffins! veggie steamers! chicken wraps! crock pot chili/soup!

    They all sound yummy. Great ideas!
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    If you don't mind cooking ahead, I like to make soup for lunch. An easy one that is a staple to my diet is :
    chicken broth, frozen mixed veg for soup, frozen chopped spinach, garlic powder, black pepper and hot pepper flakes. I often will eat a cup of this along with a lean cuisine for dinner or by itself for lunch. For a heartier version add some quick cook barley for the fiber fix that will keep you full and/or stir in some cooked chopped or shredded chicken or beans.
    At work it just needs a quick zap in the microwave. If it is too thick I add another can of chicken broth. Pair it with some fresh fruit and you are good to go.


    I should not have posted this between meals...all of this talk about food is making me hungry! :laugh:
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    bring pretzels and hummus as a side or even carrots and hummus.. hummus fills me up a lot! i also reccomend soup! soo good for lunch.
  • mommajoans
    mommajoans Posts: 13 Member
    Referring to the rice paper wraps: How do you know which are higher in tapioca? Are there typically directions for use in english on the wrapper? I certainly like the idea. wondering about the calorie count too.
  • karlos988
    karlos988 Posts: 28 Member
    I never pack sandwiches. They always getting soggy. =(

    I tend to pack fruit, cheese, and crackers. It's one of my favorite "easy" lunches.

    Wrap your sandwiche in a piece of papertowel, I find this absorbs any excess moisture without drying out the bread.
  • lizchristine
    lizchristine Posts: 42 Member
    I like baked potatos with chili, broccoli and cheese (you can usually find these in the frozen veg section), or black beans and salsa. You can bake the potatos ahead of time in the microwave and oven and then heat up at work.

    I also like greek yogurt with fruit, cereal or granola, and some nuts. (Pack separately and mix at work).
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    Spring green salad with whatever veggies you want, with 3oz of chopped chicken breast. For extra calorie reduction I bring lemon juice in a separate container to use as dressing. I make these in advance in glad ware and they are great for me.