To: All the (WOW) Gamers on MFP



  • I played from about 3 to 5:30. While it was laggy (expected) I loved it. Herbing's already at 560. Things are spawning fairly quick. I find that my BIGGEST problem, say after about 5:00, was the spawn rate. With population dying down, things were spawning TOOO fast for the lack of competition. OK... (SORRY FOR MINOR SPOILERS) There is some technical difficulty, all of it too many people based at this point) IF you get stuck in the 5 MILLION helicopters, /reloadui or /loadui (I forget with, sorry) It pans the camera out so you can see something other than 5K choppers!

    I'm enjoying it. Probably will go to the gym when the kids all get off school today. (edit) not MY kids..wowkids

    Another reason I left WoW - those kids. I do not want to play with a bunch of disrespectful kids I want to play with adults as we done during Vanilla WoW. The game was fun, not stressful, and there wasn't harmone - enraged fights going on as has been in the past few years.

    I want to go back and play my chars enjoying the game, but it's hard with these kids. If you played vanilla WoW then you understand. If not sorry you missed the best of WoW.:frown:
  • randomgirlusa
    randomgirlusa Posts: 45 Member
    So I logged in for about an hour last night. Decided to create a panda so I could see the new continent. Got in a a few levels and spent some time looking at the dungeon guide. I'll admit... it's still a pretty game, but after playing some other MMO's over the last 4-5 months like Tera and GuildWars2, WoW still has room for improvement. Oh and once my one month expires, I probably won't renew. I don't feel like grinding 20 trillion XP to get from level 85 to 90 on my main. The little bit of free time I have on my hands is too precious to invest in games anymore. I'll continue to play Gw2 casually because there's no monthly fee... and only for a couple hours on the weekends, if I have nother better to do.... that's about it. It makes me a little sad, but with a 4 hour commute, that's life right now.
  • Come on f$ckers! Someone must need a guild! /plea
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I caught myself staying awake for this on Monday night. I was watching the live stream, getting all hyped up (had bought MoP online the week before)...and then at 11:30pm, I thought "WTF am I doing? I'm sitting here, so tired I could cry. But I'm staying awake for what? So I can try to log on at midnight like all the other nerds, then spend an hour yelling at my laptop because the game will crash every five minutes and I can't complete quests?" So, as hard as it was, I switched my comp off, went to bed, got a healthy eight hours of sleep, then logged on before work in the morning and played for an hour while everyone else was asleep or at work. :D

    So far, I really like MoP. I haven't played enough and I'm not enough of an expert to really have a professional opinion but I really like the new zones, the Pandaren and their low level quests. I was also pleasantly surprised by the much nicer "Create Character" screen and some other changes like not having to buy new abilities from a teacher.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    I'm a newer WoW player, but I really enjoyed the beginning of Mists... until I chose my faction & am now doing the same freaking quests I've already done with my other characters. WTF?
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    PS what monthly fees are you guys talking about? I bought the expansions through MoP & haven't had to pay any sort of monthly fees...?
  • hypocrisy8
    hypocrisy8 Posts: 26 Member
    WoW sub is 15 dollars a month, unless you do the contract thing.. I forget the rates for that
  • Paying £8.99 at the minute on contract... Roll on November.

    Stupid shiny spider horse made me take the annual pass :cry: