I have lost my way.....

Hello everyone! I am not new to MFP but as the title says, I have lost my way and need help, motivation, support to find myself again. When I first started on MFP I weighted roughly around 205 (this was 2 yrs ago). I have dropped down to 170ish which is my profile picture (in Vegas Oct 2011 after husbands deployement) , but I have since then gained a lot back. As of right now I don't know what I weigh. We are a military family just moved back from overseas and still waiting on our household goods (and scale!) but I'm guessing I have hit the 190s maybe even pushing 200 :( ..... I don't want to be that person again. I was very sad and depressed with how I looked which also puts a damper on my marriage because I just want to hide under my clothes. Anyone willing to help motivate would be greatly appreciated!


  • alyson513
    alyson513 Posts: 8 Member
    Been there done that! I sent you a friend request :)
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    Me too.
  • MariaAkeroyd
    MariaAkeroyd Posts: 96 Member
    Friend request on the way!
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    request sent:wink:
  • STWP90
    try doing excersizes that help with muscle gaining i heard that muscle burns fat.
    what are you doing to gain the weight back? broke your diet? are you excercising enough?
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    Feel free to add me. I know exactly how you feel
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I can definitely empathize. I have lost to a good weight so many times, only to gain it back, plus more. It is so depressing. I'm right with you. I had gotten to my highest weight ever and finally got the strength to do something about it. I started my weight loss journey to health on August 20, and found MFP two and a half weeks ago. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I log in everyday.
  • imarn1ab
    Thanks everyone for the request!
    try doing excersizes that help with muscle gaining i heard that muscle burns fat.
    what are you doing to gain the weight back? broke your diet? are you excercising enough?

    As far as gaining the weight back... 2 months after we got stationed in Guam, my husband recieved orders to Afghanistan, and was deployed most of 2011. During that time, I kept myself busy with work and lost weight. Once my husband came home, depression really kicked in because of my working night shifts we were lucky if we got to see each other 30 mins a day. It's tough enough being stationed overseas away from family and friends but when I don't even have time to spend with my husband, it really started to effect our marriage. In march of this year I made the decision to resign so I could spend time with him, but along with that i adopted his eatting habbits again. My husband, though I love him to death!, has the worst eatting habbits ever. He has a weird palate, there for any fruits and veggies he gags on. So most of our meals consist of pasta, pizza, bread.. CARBS! Therefor the weight has come back with full force :( .... Right now we're still waiting on our housing goods, so it's empty walls in here, and one huge floor to ceiling mirror in the hallway so everytime I head to the bedroom I can see just how big I have gotten and I don't like it at all!!!! Time for a change and hopefully with the help of you all i can do it!! :)
  • chynatowngirl44
    chynatowngirl44 Posts: 94 Member
    I know the feeling all too well, friend request on the way
  • hnsiler
    hnsiler Posts: 25 Member
    Looking for friends to keep me motivated as well! Friend request on the way! :) You can do this!!
  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Friend Request sent! I know the feeling, I am 193 and would like to get down to about 130. We can motivate eachother :)
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    You will get a lot of support on here,welcome.:wink:
  • iluvchad4
    iluvchad4 Posts: 30 Member
    In the same boat as well. Lost 55lbs a few years ago only to gain it all back plus another 40!! I need to get it together & stay consistant with it!! Good luck and I will send you a request!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Take all new starting measurements today.
    Splurge on a new scale, find your measuring tape and get to it.
    Create a space on a wall somewhere - with chalkboard paint, with poster-board, whatever you need - and make it YOU central- where you can track your progress nice and big and colorful and most importantly VISIBLE

    Its a project.
    Its the only hobby that makes you more amazing every time you do it.
    Decide you love it.
    Decide to become one of the fanatic and the obsessed ones that people whisper about.
    Decide to be someone that people whisper about because you grabbed your life by the kiwis and turned it around
    Decide that you love this new adventure so much that its going to seep into everything you do
    And you will suddenly be this always improving goddess of metamorphosis - your own butterfly.


  • rboudiab
    I trailed off for a while too, then i realized that it simply wasn't worth it! You're not a dog, so don't treat yourself with food!! This is your moment to shine! DO IT! <3 Gd Luck! I'm alrdy 22 pounds down!
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Take all new starting measurements today.
    Splurge on a new scale, find your measuring tape and get to it.
    Create a space on a wall somewhere - with chalkboard paint, with poster-board, whatever you need - and make it YOU central- where you can track your progress nice and big and colorful and most importantly VISIBLE

    Its a project.
    Its the only hobby that makes you more amazing every time you do it.
    Decide you love it.
    Decide to become one of the fanatic and the obsessed ones that people whisper about.
    Decide to be someone that people whisper about because you grabbed your life by the kiwis and turned it around
    Decide that you love this new adventure so much that its going to seep into everything you do
    And you will suddenly be this always improving goddess of metamorphosis - your own butterfly.



    And I will add: Decide that you love yourself enough to put your needs (healthy foods, time to exercise, solid sleep, etc.) FIRST. Above all. Above everything else that puts demands on your time and your energy. You'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel just from doing that.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Take all new starting measurements today.
    Splurge on a new scale, find your measuring tape and get to it.
    Create a space on a wall somewhere - with chalkboard paint, with poster-board, whatever you need - and make it YOU central- where you can track your progress nice and big and colorful and most importantly VISIBLE

    Its a project.
    Its the only hobby that makes you more amazing every time you do it.
    Decide you love it.
    Decide to become one of the fanatic and the obsessed ones that people whisper about.
    Decide to be someone that people whisper about because you grabbed your life by the kiwis and turned it around
    Decide that you love this new adventure so much that its going to seep into everything you do
    And you will suddenly be this always improving goddess of metamorphosis - your own butterfly.



    ^^^ What she said^^^
  • SpiritRockBernie
    you can add me if you'd like. I always try to motivate my mfp friends and love receive the motivation back. welcome back !
  • bmiller03
    bmiller03 Posts: 9 Member
    The hardest part is starting again. Once you do your muscle memory will swiftly help you get back into the swing of things. Focus on progress and not perfection. This way if you have a bad day you don't feel like you have failed. Just get up the next day put on your gym shoes and do your thing!

    I have lost 47lbs so far over about three months doing nothing but watching what I eat and walking on a treadmill. (Too hot here in Fl to exercise outside) If I can do it while fighting Leukemia you can do it with whatever struggles you are facing. Everyone can do it if they want to.

    I was motivated by two quotes that my PT posted on her FB page. "Find a way instead of an excuse." and "You can't get much done in life if you only work on the days you are feeling good." These became my mantra as I dragged myself to the gym every day. initially walking for about 15 minutes and working my way up to 60 as time wore on. There were days I missed, days I ate too much but every new day was just that. A chance to do better than I did yesterday.

    You can do this!

  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    Almost everyone who's human has been where you are now. As much as you love your husband YOU are not HIM.
    You have got to eat the food and commit to the activities/exercise that are suitable for YOUR weight loss journey.
    Start today and maybe just maybe by the time your scale gets "home" you'll be back in a zone that you are happy with.

    You dont have to know exactly what weight you are to commit to healthy eating and moving more.You can do this,just take it one day at a time.
    I wish you every success.:-)