Calorie Help/Advice - Ate 1207, Burned 1467

So I need help with this. I didn’t set out to burn more then I ate. But I was trying out two Jillian Michaels dvd’s because one helps me with inches, the other with weight.
No More Trouble Zones – 744 calories
Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism – 723 calories

So is this healthy?
Should I bump up calories ate to 1500 when doing both dvd’s?
Should I eat back calories, and if so how many as to still lose weight?
Should I only do the BFBM 6-7 days a week, and eat 1200 calories on those days. But for the days I add (3-5 days) in NMTZ bump it up to 1500?

MFP said in 3 weeks I should lose 23.8 lbs which is ridiculous. I don’t want to go crazy I just want to lose weight and inches.


  • lunnay
    lunnay Posts: 66 Member
    How are you measuring the burn? HRM or MFP estimate? How long is each of those workouts?
  • ascotton80
    ascotton80 Posts: 56 Member
    How are you measuring those calories? I did NMTZ last night and burned 396. And about that many on Monday.
  • coffeerunner
    coffeerunner Posts: 26 Member
    I ould eat at least to your bmr -- after that just do based on hunger.
  • callikelly
    callikelly Posts: 31 Member
    Oops I meant in 5 weeks it said that.
  • callikelly
    callikelly Posts: 31 Member
    I have a heart rate, calorie counting watch that I got from Walmart. It also tells me that 30 minutes on the treadmill I burn about 350-400 calories. Do you think I should get a new watch?
  • baronessashley
    My guess would be that your calories burned are a bit off. How are you measuring them?
  • callikelly
    callikelly Posts: 31 Member
    Should I stop by a Target or a Walmart after work and get a new watch?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Should I stop by a Target or a Walmart after work and get a new watch?

    If yours doesn't have a chest strap, then yes. An HRM with chest strap is a lot more accurate than one without.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Should I stop by a Target or a Walmart after work and get a new watch?

    I would say yes but a better guess would be to get one like the Polar FT4 on line. The ones at those big box stores..well you get what you pay for. I got a Polar this week cost about $60 and arrived in less than a week.

    Although it might not be that far off depending on your size and age do you mind posting your current weight and heigh and aget?

    Also not sure why no one said this but if you burn 1400 you need to eat your BMR + the 1400. You burn your BRM jsut being alive you added another 1400 burned on top of that so you need to eat more to compensate. My BMR is low (cause I'm short lol) so for me if I did those workouts everyday with those calorie burns I'd need to be eating 2700 calories a day. if you like the workouts then by all means keep them up but you need to eat more if you're going to do that.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Oh oops just peeked at your profile. So not knowing how tall you are your BMR is 1600-1800 a day.

    Honey you need to eat way more than 1400 especially with that workout routine.
  • callikelly
    callikelly Posts: 31 Member
    I currentlly weigh 220, am 5'6 and MFP is telling me to eat 1200 calories to lose 2 lbs a week.
  • nerys72
    ok is there a good url to read up on the ins and outs of this.

    the program suggests I eat 2930 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week.

    thats insane. so I set my goal at 2000 calories. (I am bring brutally honest in my diary so even the bad stuff is recorded :-)

    what is BMR? how do I figure it out? I thought this was a simple math problem that you had to eat less calories than you burned in order to lose weight ??

    I would like to push for 3 pounds a week so I can "average" 2 pounds a week (I don't expect continuous loss)

    I am NOT worried about health concerns that might "harm" me I AM worried about health concerns that might maim or kill me.

    I am over 450 pounds 6'4" tall. people can say "that might hurt you" all they want being 450 pounds is guaranteed to KILL ME

    I have reached my limit I MUST do something about it and it has to be efficient. I will accept a certain level of risk for that goal.

    I mean what is the level of risk of gastric bypass surgery. it nearly killed my father. twice. and I don't have insurance he does.

    SO suggestions? is 2000 cals a day ok? my profile/diary is wide open. let me know what your suggestions are.
  • callikelly
    callikelly Posts: 31 Member
    Okay. So MFC says I should eat 1200 calories to lose 2 lbs a week by exercising 6-7 days a week at 60-120 minutes each time.

    So in reality I should be eating around 1500-1800 calories if I'm going to work out like that so I will lose weight, correct?

  • RandomMiranda
    That burn is probably really high. I'm 5'8" and was in the 160's when doing those same videos regularly and my burn with a Polar FT4 monitor was 500s for one and 400s for the other. These numbers are different for everyone, but probably not THAT different.
    You are still getting an amazing burn though. Maybe refuel with a protein shake or rice cakes with peanut butter or something like that a little higher in calories but still healthy and filling.