Plateau already?

I have been at this now for 3 weeks. Roughly losing 2lbs a week. Now my weight seems to be fixed! Is it possible im on a plateau this early??


  • EmilyStrick
    are you anywhere near that time of the month???? or are you eating a lot of sodium?? could just be water weight...
  • DTFaaron
    that happened to me, I lost a bunch of weight fast at first but then it slowed down. Look at it this way, you're ahead of the game already. I've read it's safe to lose a pound a week. So if you lost 6 already, you're good.
  • artichoke420
    your body may be getting used to the way you are going about things daily. Try changing up your meals a bit and changing your workout intensity.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Your body could be in shock since you have attacked it with watching Calorie intake and exercise. Drink extra water, cut down on sodium and sugar in take and you should see a loss again. Eat more protein and try more resistance/weight training (if you haven't been).

    6 lbs already is awesome! Don't stress!

    Are you measuring yourself? Sometimes when the scale doesn't move we still lose inches. You could have just done a muscle/fat exchange.

    I was stuck at the same weight for 4 weeks but went to 2 pants sizes. You'll get there! It takes time.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Sodium may be key! The foods I eat dont have much sodium (i eat mostly fresh food) but I add A LOT of salt. And I mean A LOT! I know its bad for my health but food without it sucks! I can hardly taste the amount of salt I put on, meanwhile my husband is almost puking with the amount I use when he takes a bite.

    I have been drinking a lot of water, and will measure myself in a week or so.