Who's doing Turbo Fire???



  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    I'm on week 6, and I love it so far. There are a few moves that are still way too fast for my uncoordinated butt to do (like the first finale in Fire 55 EZ, with the fast punches) but I feel MUCH stronger and healthy now than I did when I started. After I finish week 12, I think I'll get CLX and start the hybrid program. I've heard lots of good things about it.
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I'm getting ChaLEAN Extreme afterwards too! And yes, I agree about the Sculpt 30, but I did really enjoy Tone 30 when I did it. The moves in Sculpt 30 though are awkward and I definitely don't feel like I'm doing them right, I have thought about just using free weights instead of the band, I don't feel like I get enough resistance for a lot of the moves, like rows and stuff. Today is technically rest day but I might do stretch 40, have a great day guys! :)
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    I am starting the TF/CLX hybrid schedule on the 1st. anyone else?
  • ShellBell4281
    ShellBell4281 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm doing it! I just started lastSaturday. I love it :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I am starting the TF/CLX hybrid schedule on the 1st. anyone else?

    I started this on Monday. I'm loving it so far :) It's pretty bad *kitten*.
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    Working through the prep schedule right now! :happy: My stamina seems to increase with every workout. Woohoo!!! :bigsmile:
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm in the middle of month 4 of the hybrid program... it is SO amazing!!! The results have been crazy and I've gotten so much stronger. Add me if you'd like, and good luck!!!! :)
    I am starting the TF/CLX hybrid schedule on the 1st. anyone else?
  • tayg30
    I am doing Turbofire now and then on Monday my sister and two friends are going to start it. We are starting a facebook group for it too so we can motivate each if you want to join.
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Hey guys, which workouts did you do today? I got up at quarter after 5 and did the FIRE 45, man I really like that one now that I've done it a couple of times!! Tomorrow morning it's Fire 30 and Tone 30, can't wait to hear how you're doing! Much love!! <3
  • Princessmoe333
    Princessmoe333 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey guys, I just recently started Turbo Fire this past Monday and just wanted to make some new friends that were doing it as well. Thought it might also be fun to check in on here and see how we are all doing and share our thoughts on the workouts! Please add me as a friend, I can never have to many! Thanks, Dianne.

    I'm starting on Monday. I'm nervous. Let's be friends!!!!
  • swalkerauditor
    Starting Turbo Fire OCT 1 and can't wait!
  • lhatt83
    lhatt83 Posts: 33 Member
    The moves in Sculpt 30 though are awkward and I definitely don't feel like I'm doing them right, I have thought about just using free weights instead of the band

    I did Sculpt 30 this morning for the 1st time and hated it. I couldn't even do 1 bowlers lunge without falling over. It was so awkward! I was also thinking about just using free weights next time. I think resistance bands are good for people who don't have a lot of experience strength training, but I am way more comfortable with the weights than I am with the band!
  • emilyia
    I did two weeks of the prep classes and started week 1 of the "real" schedule on Monday. I love it so far! :)
  • jocybee83
    jocybee83 Posts: 155 Member
    TurboFire is so much fun! I had a really hard time picking up the moves as I am probably the least coordinated person I know. I think it was during the third week that I really started getting the moves down and started having fun with it. I did the 5 Day Inferno plan a couple weeks ago and lost 4 pounds and am now just trying to get back into making it a priority.
  • Alynus70
    I haven't tried it yet either, but I'd also love to hear from anyone who has or that knows someone who has. It looks intense. I haver her ChaLean system and occassionally throw the workouts in and they are fantastic! I think this one looks like it'd be hard but a ton of fun!
  • NotReadyForMomJeans
    Curious what everyone is wearing for sneakers doing turbo fire. I was most recently using the Reebok Flex Transition (in hot pink - so cute) and they were great for a while but I've worn them out by week 5 of turbo fire. I figure I'll burn through shoes faster given the high intensity/impact of the moves, but before I go out and buy a new pair just wondering what everyone else is wearing, and if you'd recommend them? I loved the Reeboks - expecially at first as the cushioing was great - but I did find the treads to be sticky on my carpet, so some of the pivoting moves weren't ideal....
  • IdaMarie78
    IdaMarie78 Posts: 15 Member
    HI! I am about to wrap up week 4. I LOVE Chalene. (girl crush) She is so motivating.

    Feel free to add me.

    Will post my results on Sunday.
  • blasian603
    blasian603 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I started out doing the Turbo Kick class at my gym. One of my girlfriends is a certified instructor so I'd practice with her whenever she was learning the new rounds. I love, love, LOVE Turbo!! I have been pretty consistent with going to the gym regularly and working out for many years now. I typically do group exercises like Turbo Kick, Les Mills Body Pump, Cycling, and Step Aerobics. However, my diet was crappy so I never saw any results! As a matter of fact, I joined MFP last year and had gained 10 pounds!! I decided to look into a program that I could incorporate good eating habits with working out. That's when I found Chalene's TurboFire program. I didn't have any problems with learning the moves since I had already been taking Turbo Kick classes and the moves are very similar. It's just different music and choreography. I love it just the same.

    I am wrapping up week 5 right now. When I did my weigh in at the end of week 4, I had lost 10 pounds. (super excited!) For the most part, I am following the 12 week program, but I also still do my workouts at the gym a few times a week -- sometimes I substitute a TurboFire class or it'll be in addition to doing a TurboFire class. I plan on extending it to the 20 week program by purchasing the advanced classes.

    It's encouraging to see others doing TurboFire and hearing about their experiences. Thanks for posting!

    Please feel free to add me. I have been good about logging in almost everyday and my diary is open. I also make an effort to post on my MFPs statuses because I think that's why we are all here...to be encouraged by others with the same fitness/health goals!

    Good luck to you (and everyone, too!)!!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Anyone else find the Tone 30 and Sculpt 30 to not be very effective? If I could get the right posture perhaps I'd feel it more but the most burn I feel is that darn band diggin into my arms for any overhear extensions, etc. I think on Scupt/Tone days I'll swap it for a Ripped in 30 or Killer Buns and Thighs workout from Jillian Michaels - those are killer for me, so I might stay motivated and less frustrated! Into Week 5 now - it's going by fast!!

    Yes! I'm glad I'm not alone. I use other resistance workouts in their place also. Even when I use free weights, I just don't feel like I've worked out when I do either of those routines. There's too much focus on the arms, especially the biceps, for my taste and the lower body work is a joke. I barely feel it in my legs.

    I got the advanced DVDs when I initially ordered TF because I couldn't fathom paying $120 for them later. Upper 20, Lower 20, and Abs 10 are markedly better resistance routines. Lower 20 makes me want to cry for my mommy.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    What are your favorite cardio workouts from fave to least fave? Mine are:

    Fire 45
    Fire 60
    Fire 45 EZ
    HIIT 25
    HIIT 20
    HIIT 15
    Fire 55EZ
    Fire 30

    I haven't done HIIT 30, so I don't have a verdict on that one.