Got married, gain 10 lbs. oops :)

Looking for any friends! I gained about 10 lbs in a few months (leftover cake!!! :sad:). I've been counting calories for about 3 years with success, and fell off the wagon. Back at it now and ready to rumble. Set my goal for my high school weight, but I'd be okay with losing 15 and seeing how to go from there. It's all in the bootay, yaknowhatimssaaayin'

Friend up, y'all! :drinker:


  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    Congratulations. I gained about 30 lbs. when I got married, just 6 months ago. :)
  • jamface11
    Thanks for the friend request!
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    Oh man! It must be all those home cooked meals. ;) I definitely eat more with him here. But, I'm gonna fight it!! I know he's gained too, but at least he's got an active job. -- ty ;)
    Congratulations. I gained about 30 lbs. when I got married, just 6 months ago. :)
  • charmingopal
    charmingopal Posts: 49 Member
    why is that relationships make people gain weight, i'm always skinnier alone!
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    Cooking for him, instead of eating broccoli with a leftover piece of what-have-you from yesterday's meal. I used to eat a lot of random things for dinner... and I'd exercise more after work, but now I spend time with him instead.
    why is that relationships make people gain weight, i'm always skinnier alone!
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    With me, we ate out a lot. Both during the dating process, and at the first part of our marriage. Luckily my employer started a weight loss program that will save me money on insurance if I lose weight. That was a good motivation to get back on track.
  • charmingopal
    charmingopal Posts: 49 Member
    yes eating out is really what did it for me too. Also it does not help when your partner loves all things fatty and unhealthy and easily pulls you into this.