feeling down and being destructive.

the last few days i have felt really down and upset like a real creeping depressions was trying to set upon me... i have known this feeling before and i know it does not bode well for my eating. It makes an urge to binge eat, and to be honest make me want to do anything to try and feel better, like aswell as overeat, i want to drink too much and in honesty, have a smoke and chill out (i think i am allowed to say that here, please moderator delete if not, i mean no harm). I know it doesnt help and these are bad habits but i feel myself getting like that when i am down. That is also why i have been real erratic in my behaviour.

BUT I feel like I am on the up today, I got up and out and try to turn it around. I hope that blip is over! I think I am unkind to my body because when i am down I try to make myself better with all kinds of things that are bad for me. I have to try and find other ways to bring my mood up! I don't want to be a drunk or anything like that as well as being fat.

Sometimes I worry if I get more control of eating, what if I rely more on other bad habits. I guess I am not a strong man and I need some crutch... hmmm


  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    Bad habits are hard to break, but it's all just a matter of practice. The more you do something the more normal it becomes. You shouldn't expect it to be easy, nothing worthwhile is.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    today is sooo much better than the last couple so i think I am on the up, i just keep on keepin on... I just got to keep it in check because I know how much i love stuff that makes me feel good!!
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    The best thing u can do is to check in here! i come in here and read the success stories and think why not me? im the only one holding myself back! dont give up you can do it!
  • Iamjulianna
    You could go to church this Sunday. Some things are more than food.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    You could go to church this Sunday. Some things are more than food.
    I will because I always do! I am a good catholic, if nothing else :D xxxx
  • amyrebtx
    amyrebtx Posts: 27 Member
    Have you ever been screened for bipolar disorder? It sounds like you are experiencing pretty wide mood springs. Keep in mind, bipolar disorder can be over, or mis-diagnosed quite often, but it would be worth talking to a trusted doctor to see if this might be your issue.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I have some destructive urges now and again. I take them out on my body in the gym, not the kitchen, as often as I'm able. I also take them out on my problems. I turn it outward and blaze a swath of destruction through any obstacles foolish enough to stand before me.

    True story.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Can't really beat Beastette's response, other than to add - everyone has their crutches, whether they admit to them or not. It comes down to deciding what you will put up with in your life and what you won't. Choices, every day. Tough ones, sometimes. Easier to make the right decision the more you practice doing so.

    Translation: It gets easier, but addictions and crutches will always have that whispering voice in the back of your head. It's up to you to resist it. You can if you decide to.

    Best of luck.
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    hhmm church vs food?? uumm wont answer that one... get a new hobby, start taking some martial arts class and take out your frustrations..maybe do some volunteer work.
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    You could go to church this Sunday. Some things are more than food.
    I will because I always do! I am a good catholic, if nothing else :D xxxx

    time for cathohaulics anonymous. any one up for an intervention??
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    I don't think food or even overeating make me a bad catholic, I mean it helps me, no good rejecting my faith. God knows am not perfect haha!!
    I am too fat for martial arts, i do finding making things with my sewing and crafts helps though, like distraction. It is my job and hobby
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    To combat self-destructive behaviors when I was depressed (binging, overeating, self-injury), I had to learn healthy coping methods. I had to start doing things that were helpful, not harmful. It's also about gaining higher self-esteem and self-compassion.

    So, when I feel the depressed mood striking, I go do one of my hobbies, or workout, or read, etc. The darker mood passes, even if what I'm doing feels like I'm going through the motions only.

    As already said, crutches and bad habits are hard to change. Keep working it, though, and it will get easier.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    The best thing u can do is to check in here! i come in here and read the success stories and think why not me? im the only one holding myself back! dont give up you can do it!

    ^^^^^^ This. I get depressed and sabotage my program all the time. sugar addiction. Today was getting antsy and instead of eating candy, I went to this board and found this message.

    Thank you thank you thank you

    Why not me, too?
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    The best thing u can do is to check in here! i come in here and read the success stories and think why not me? im the only one holding myself back! dont give up you can do it!

    ^^^^^^ This. I get depressed and sabotage my program all the time. sugar addiction. Today was getting antsy and instead of eating candy, I went to this board and found this message.

    Thank you thank you thank you

    Why not me, too?

  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member

    I am too fat for martial arts, i do finding making things with my sewing and crafts helps though, like distraction. It is my job and hobby

    really? to fat for martial arts...hhmm wonder why i can do it and u cant.... will power ..if ur interested in it at all stop being lazy and get over ur own personal drama and do it.....

    dont mean to sound like an azz but saying ur to heavy is a cop out.. that is why we get to the point we were at..
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461

    I am too fat for martial arts, i do finding making things with my sewing and crafts helps though, like distraction. It is my job and hobby

    really? to fat for martial arts...hhmm wonder why i can do it and u cant.... will power ..if ur interested in it at all stop being lazy and get over ur own personal drama and do it.....

    i guess you must be slimmer or fitter or just better at martial arts. i just could not do it myself. But as i say, i have a different hobby (well it is my job and hobby!) making accessories for home and to wear, with sewing. Craft stuff, that is my thing. It is no better or worse than any hobby for sure it is better than just dong bad habits. I never have been a lazy person! But I do hate basically all sports, inidividual or team. not having a go at people who do like them though, different strokes for different folks! :)
    (And a i love a little DRAAMAAAA in my life, this i cannot deny!!)
  • martamierzejewski
    Whenever I am feeling down and want to shut up that feeling with food, I realize that whether I give in to temptation or not, the next day I feel better about what was bothering my in the first place. The only difference may be that I am 2 lbs heavier ;)
    What I am trying to say is: food never fixes it anyway...
  • Unumshabai2012
    Well if that last comment isn't a true definition of Motivation and Support than I don't know what is !

    Hang in there ! We all hit walls, barriers and obstacles and faith will surely pull you through ! We all have our crutches and I agree that it takes practice. It took me a long time of practicing quiting smoking and drinking and now I am a few days of 10 months being clean and sober. I thought I would never be smoke and drink free. Now I am practicing eating healthy and exercising in which I have to start all over again more than I would like but I never give up because eventually - I will get it right.

    Be easy on yourself. You are a wonderful person inside and out ! Never forget that no matter what anyone says.

  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    How about some amateur dramatics if sport is not your thing?? It will get you out & about & with people who equally enjoy your drama. In the mean time keep logging & doing what you can each day. One step at a time, one day at a time, one mouthful at a time.........
  • Sistanorfolk
    I found this site to be the best place to express how I'm feeling...most if not all of MFP will give good advise and sometime it's just good to know that you are not alone in your struggles...I truly felt your pain and was there just a few weeks ago. So keep posting and just remember WE ALL FALL DOWN BUT WE DO GET UP