How have you gained confidence since losing weight?

newhabit Posts: 426 Member
I am interested in knowing how everyone has felt since losing weight. Have you felt more confident right away or did it take time for you to feel confident enough in yourself? What have you struggled with the most in your new self image? How do you see yourself now that maybe you didn't before?


  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    For me I have realized I don't have to wear baggy clothes all the time anymore, that it is ok to wear things that are a little bit more form fitting. I used to shy away from that kind of stuff because I was worried about what others might think. Now I am looking forward to my fall wardrobe being more trendy and confident. What I have struggled with the most is seeing myself how I am now. I got used to the frumpy mom image and now that I look the same as I did in my early 20s, it is pretty surprising! I am trying to embrace it, but some days I feel like the frumpy mom again. I finally see myself as looking good enough to wear nice clothes and that feels great.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I am interested in knowing how everyone has felt since losing weight. Have you felt more confident right away or did it take time for you to feel confident enough in yourself? What have you struggled with the most in your new self image? How do you see yourself now that maybe you didn't before?

    I did not feel more confident till actually recently. Or at least I was not able to see my confidence till recently.

    I think for me what has caused me the most struggles is getting use to all the compliments. The good and the bad. I've gotten "OMG HOW have you done it" and the "Oh you'll just gain it back, no one loses that much and keep it off for good, you're doomed to be fat forever." I struggle with accepting compliments without making it sound as if I don't believe them. I'm finally getting better at this. Just yesterday I had a guy look me up and down and ask my why in the world I would be needing to count my calories. After I told him why, his jaw hit the floor. He told me how great I looked and without even thinking I was able to say "Thanks" without the usual "Psh ok, well thanks"

    Another struggle would have to be my mind catching up to it all. Once in awhile I'll still catch a glimpse of the old fat me in the mirror. It doesn't happen often anymore but I have tried to let that be a positive reminder that, that is my mind not letting me go back to that place.

    I now see myself as I have always been told I was, strong, beautiful, and able to do anything I want to do. For the first time in my life I think I love myself more then ever before and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm beautiful, I'm not ashamed to admit I look good. I know this to be true now. I might not be where I wish to be yet, but I've worked hard to get to this point and that gives me the right to love myself because for the past 2 years I've loved myself enough to change myself for the better. I am now more happier all around with my life then ever before. Yes I still have moments of self doubting, I believe that is natural. But all and all I rock my own socks :D.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I am interested in knowing how everyone has felt since losing weight. Have you felt more confident right away or did it take time for you to feel confident enough in yourself? What have you struggled with the most in your new self image? How do you see yourself now that maybe you didn't before?

    I did not feel more confident till actually recently. Or at least I was not able to see my confidence till recently.

    I think for me what has caused me the most struggles is getting use to all the compliments. The good and the bad. I've gotten "OMG HOW have you done it" and the "Oh you'll just gain it back, no one loses that much and keep it off for good, you're doomed to be fat forever." I struggle with accepting compliments without making it sound as if I don't believe them. I'm finally getting better at this. Just yesterday I had a guy look me up and down and ask my why in the world I would be needing to count my calories. After I told him why, his jaw hit the floor. He told me how great I looked and without even thinking I was able to say "Thanks" without the usual "Psh ok, well thanks"

    Another struggle would have to be my mind catching up to it all. Once in awhile I'll still catch a glimpse of the old fat me in the mirror. It doesn't happen often anymore but I have tried to let that be a positive reminder that, that is my mind not letting me go back to that place.

    I now see myself as I have always been told I was, strong, beautiful, and able to do anything I want to do. For the first time in my life I think I love myself more then ever before and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm beautiful, I'm not ashamed to admit I look good. I know this to be true now. I might not be where I wish to be yet, but I've worked hard to get to this point and that gives me the right to love myself because for the past 2 years I've loved myself enough to change myself for the better. I am now more happier all around with my life then ever before. Yes I still have moments of self doubting, I believe that is natural. But all and all I rock my own socks :D.

    you are definitely an inspiration! and i agree, you should love yourself no matter what. but i was just wondering if anyone felt more confidence. i know that sometimes we feel less confidence even when we look physically better, because there is always stuff inside to deal with too.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I am interested in knowing how everyone has felt since losing weight. Have you felt more confident right away or did it take time for you to feel confident enough in yourself? What have you struggled with the most in your new self image? How do you see yourself now that maybe you didn't before?

    I did not feel more confident till actually recently. Or at least I was not able to see my confidence till recently.

    I think for me what has caused me the most struggles is getting use to all the compliments. The good and the bad. I've gotten "OMG HOW have you done it" and the "Oh you'll just gain it back, no one loses that much and keep it off for good, you're doomed to be fat forever." I struggle with accepting compliments without making it sound as if I don't believe them. I'm finally getting better at this. Just yesterday I had a guy look me up and down and ask my why in the world I would be needing to count my calories. After I told him why, his jaw hit the floor. He told me how great I looked and without even thinking I was able to say "Thanks" without the usual "Psh ok, well thanks"

    Another struggle would have to be my mind catching up to it all. Once in awhile I'll still catch a glimpse of the old fat me in the mirror. It doesn't happen often anymore but I have tried to let that be a positive reminder that, that is my mind not letting me go back to that place.

    I now see myself as I have always been told I was, strong, beautiful, and able to do anything I want to do. For the first time in my life I think I love myself more then ever before and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm beautiful, I'm not ashamed to admit I look good. I know this to be true now. I might not be where I wish to be yet, but I've worked hard to get to this point and that gives me the right to love myself because for the past 2 years I've loved myself enough to change myself for the better. I am now more happier all around with my life then ever before. Yes I still have moments of self doubting, I believe that is natural. But all and all I rock my own socks :D.

    you are definitely an inspiration! and i agree, you should love yourself no matter what. but i was just wondering if anyone felt more confidence. i know that sometimes we feel less confidence even when we look physically better, because there is always stuff inside to deal with too.

    Yes I do feel a lot more confident. I was a stay at home mom for 8yrs, January of this year I got my first job in a long time because for the first time years, I felt like I should be in the work place, I should have friends, I should not hide in my house.

    I use to hate myself which you already know this. But I hated myself so much and the things I had to deal with inside me have healed and I am a much better person inside out. The scars have healed and I'm better for it.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I am interested in knowing how everyone has felt since losing weight. Have you felt more confident right away or did it take time for you to feel confident enough in yourself? What have you struggled with the most in your new self image? How do you see yourself now that maybe you didn't before?

    I did not feel more confident till actually recently. Or at least I was not able to see my confidence till recently.

    I think for me what has caused me the most struggles is getting use to all the compliments. The good and the bad. I've gotten "OMG HOW have you done it" and the "Oh you'll just gain it back, no one loses that much and keep it off for good, you're doomed to be fat forever." I struggle with accepting compliments without making it sound as if I don't believe them. I'm finally getting better at this. Just yesterday I had a guy look me up and down and ask my why in the world I would be needing to count my calories. After I told him why, his jaw hit the floor. He told me how great I looked and without even thinking I was able to say "Thanks" without the usual "Psh ok, well thanks"

    Another struggle would have to be my mind catching up to it all. Once in awhile I'll still catch a glimpse of the old fat me in the mirror. It doesn't happen often anymore but I have tried to let that be a positive reminder that, that is my mind not letting me go back to that place.

    I now see myself as I have always been told I was, strong, beautiful, and able to do anything I want to do. For the first time in my life I think I love myself more then ever before and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm beautiful, I'm not ashamed to admit I look good. I know this to be true now. I might not be where I wish to be yet, but I've worked hard to get to this point and that gives me the right to love myself because for the past 2 years I've loved myself enough to change myself for the better. I am now more happier all around with my life then ever before. Yes I still have moments of self doubting, I believe that is natural. But all and all I rock my own socks :D.

    you are definitely an inspiration! and i agree, you should love yourself no matter what. but i was just wondering if anyone felt more confidence. i know that sometimes we feel less confidence even when we look physically better, because there is always stuff inside to deal with too.

    Yes I do feel a lot more confident. I was a stay at home mom for 8yrs, January of this year I got my first job in a long time because for the first time years, I felt like I should be in the work place, I should have friends, I should not hide in my house.

    I use to hate myself which you already know this. But I hated myself so much and the things I had to deal with inside me have healed and I am a much better person inside out. The scars have healed and I'm better for it.

    sounds like things are going so much better now! i'm glad you gained the confidence to work again and also dealt with some things inside, that can be the hardest part!
  • donnas144
    donnas144 Posts: 49 Member
    yes definately. ive lost 15 lbs and feel so much better and healthier. feel like im making that time for me. also feel that im strting to feel like me. (prior children ish lol!). ive still got some weight to loose but its in sight now. feel alot happier
  • amberrr20
    amberrr20 Posts: 14 Member
    ive lost 16 lbs so far and i have gained some confidence. my belly doesnt bulge over my pants anymore... better yet my pants are starting to get baggy! i feel much more healthier and have more energy.
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    Running with a sports bra and walking around my college campus in just shorts and a tank top. That's so new for me!
  • whittlelauraann
    I still have a LONG way to go... but I finally sort of feel like a "normal" weight. I know I am not thin yet but I am finally see myself as possibly not the fattest person in the room, parent at a meeting, at the office. I don't know about confident yet but much less self concious.
  • jenjersnapco
    jenjersnapco Posts: 206 Member
    I am only 2/3s of the way but I don't feel more confidence yet. My skin is not rebounding at all, despite BodyPump and other strengthening, and I am so embarrassed by my arms especially. I wear the same-now huge-shirts to avoid my arms being seen. Thankful we are headed into fall and winter. Hoping that with time and more loss, the skin might recover a little and/or my pride makes me care less about my flaws. I want to be confident!
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I can definitely say that losing weight and firming up does build up my confidence. I have a PILE of pants that once I fit into...I will be beaming with confidence. Once I hit goal I'll also be walking around in shorts and a that gives me until spring/summer to lose 20 lbs. PLENTY of time. :) Can't also wait to run on a treadmill without things jiggling, lol.
  • DexterDarko
    Years ago when I was "insecure" I would rarely leave the house for fear of what people thought of me.

    After awhile I stopped caring, but that's because I hadn't left the house in like.... 4 months....

    Then since starting this journey, I'm a changed person, and I'm glad to leave the house and when I do the thought of other people doesn't even come into my mind. Perhaps I'll actually talk to somebody outside of my family in the months coming ... lol
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    so great to hear everyone's stories! it is amazing how it can change you. changing that feeling inside can be a different battle though. some of you touched on this but something i think changing that "inside" image of yourself is the hardest.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I am only 2/3s of the way but I don't feel more confidence yet. My skin is not rebounding at all, despite BodyPump and other strengthening, and I am so embarrassed by my arms especially. I wear the same-now huge-shirts to avoid my arms being seen. Thankful we are headed into fall and winter. Hoping that with time and more loss, the skin might recover a little and/or my pride makes me care less about my flaws. I want to be confident!

    sometimes the skin takes a while to go back. sounds like if your'e doing strength training that should help... just might take longer than you thought. :( hopefully you will see some changes soon
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    I definitely notice a change in my confidence level. It's interesting to notice how I am much more chatty and apt to banter with salespeople and waiters. I smile more at strangers. I guess because I am not so concerned that they are judging me as the fat woman. And I'm only a little more than halfway to my goal. So I can only imagine what I will be like when I get there!
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    So much has changed in the way I view myself. I spew confidence 24 hours a day. I find it a pleasure to wear smaller, more fitted clothing instead of always wearing baggy things. It actually took a while to get used to how clothes are SUPPOSED to fit because I had been wearing huge things for so long.

    I have confidence when speaking to people face to face. I no longer feel inferior when standing next to a "fit" person. I can also see the stigma attached to overweight people now. I see how much differently people react to me and treat me now that I am not 290 lbs. They seem to be more comfortable and engage in "normal" conversation when before it seemed like they would say the bare minimum so they can get away as soon as they could.

    I walk around without a shirt and feel just fine. Because I am starting to show muscle definition in my arms, legs, and chest, I don't feel uncomfortable with sleeveless or tighter shirts or a little bit shorter shorts.

    I look at 7 flights of stairs to get to my office as absolutely nothing when before I took the elevator to go 2 floors.

    I feel great, I look great, and I can conquer the world with my new health. I have a little way to go as I want to continue shedding fat and building muscle, but I have nothing but confidence that I will do it and that I will look and feel better every day from here forward.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I feel the same. Some days I'm brimming with confidence, others I'm riddled with crippling self doubt and neurotic insecurity. My clothes fit better now though so I'm physically more comfortable while suffering my neurotic breakdowns, which is nice.
  • OnMyWay4
    I did not feel more confident till actually recently. Or at least I was not able to see my confidence till recently.

    I think for me what has caused me the most struggles is getting use to all the compliments. The good and the bad. I've gotten "OMG HOW have you done it" and the "Oh you'll just gain it back, no one loses that much and keep it off for good, you're doomed to be fat forever." I struggle with accepting compliments without making it sound as if I don't believe them. I'm finally getting better at this. Just yesterday I had a guy look me up and down and ask my why in the world I would be needing to count my calories. After I told him why, his jaw hit the floor. He told me how great I looked and without even thinking I was able to say "Thanks" without the usual "Psh ok, well thanks"

    Another struggle would have to be my mind catching up to it all. Once in awhile I'll still catch a glimpse of the old fat me in the mirror. It doesn't happen often anymore but I have tried to let that be a positive reminder that, that is my mind not letting me go back to that place.

    I now see myself as I have always been told I was, strong, beautiful, and able to do anything I want to do. For the first time in my life I think I love myself more then ever before and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm beautiful, I'm not ashamed to admit I look good. I know this to be true now. I might not be where I wish to be yet, but I've worked hard to get to this point and that gives me the right to love myself because for the past 2 years I've loved myself enough to change myself for the better. I am now more happier all around with my life then ever before. Yes I still have moments of self doubting, I believe that is natural. But all and all I rock my own socks :D.

    "Oh you'll just gain it back, no one loses that much and keep it off for good, you're doomed to be fat forever."
    THIS...sounds like someone needed a slap in the face or maybe put a plug in it. Sadly I can put a face to that quote because I can totally see her ( EX BOSS) saying something like that You look fantastic and I've seen you on many threads. YOU are an inspiration to so many people. Haters are going to hate always I guess. You should feel super confident because you have come a VERY long way!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I lost weight in 2009 and kept it off. I still don't have confidence in myself.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    Nope. Weight has nothing to do with confidence. Unless you have lots of confidence even when you're overweight. You have to work on both separately. This is from my own experience though.
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