oh silly advice please....

Silly advice please...
My husband asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner Saturday night for V-day. This is huge because my hubby isnt a "holiday" kind of guy and the fact that he even realized it was Vday this weekend is amazing :noway: :smile:
Do I want to go out to dinner YES! But I dont know if I really do- I dont know if I want to agonize for the next few days about calories and what to eat and waht not to drink and how much to have and where to go blah, blah, blah....Im wondering if I should tell him no and just plan to hang out and rent a movie together (after the kids go to bed of course) for the night.
The other thing that is effecting my decision is that next week I have a very busy social week. Monday Im going out for breakfast (meeting), Tuesday night is my wine tasting event (and there will be a lot of food) and then I have a birthday party later in the week...so I will have to be aware over and over...
anyway - silly advice.....what would you do?


  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    I am a big family person, so I dont like to dissappoint my man, I am going I reasearched the menu ahead of time so that I can plan out what I will eat! hope this helps

    Good Luck!
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    i would go and just have a main course, no starter, maybe share a dessert between you both, very romantic! lol

    and fill up on water throughout the meal :heart:

    spend time with your husband, life is too short :heart:
  • melanieann48111
    I would go because it's very few anf far between that Hubs and I get time away alone together. It's the people and moments that we'll remember the most and not the calories we consumed. :heart:
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    I wouldnt suggest not going out on V-day with the hubby:) Every restaurant has meals that are lower in calories. Just monitor what you order, have self control and enjoy!!:)
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Without any doubt or hesitation I would GO! Why pass up some quality time with your husband (especially if you have kids at home) because you're worried about calories? Look up the menu before you go and make a plan. Sounds to me like your hubby is trying to make a gesture and show you his appreciation - I say take it!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    If you don't go out w/ each other often, I would postpone it til a week after all those social eatings you mentioned. If you go out all the time, I'd stay in.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Go out with your husband and have a wonderful time.
  • sno_flakee
    sno_flakee Posts: 11 Member
    Go with your sweetheart!!! Just be very aware at each event. You don't have to try everything. Even though you will be busy, don't forget to fit in your exercise.
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    I HAVE A GREAT WEBSITE that shows every restaurant you can possibly imagine, and shows all the menus and cals/fat/fiber/trans fat! it is www.dwlz.com/restaurants.html

    just scroll down, find your restaurant and you can plan ahead what your going to eat!!
  • egust01
    I totally agree!
  • liziedawn
    If your husband is like mine you can't pass this up. It won't happen again any time soon! I have started asking for a to go box as soon as my meal comes. Then before I start eating I put half the meal in the to go box. Cuts your portions down and your not as tempted to eat the entire plate! Which is easy to do. And you have a nice lunch for the next day. Enjoy your dinner!
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Well, if my husband asked if I wanted to go out to celebrate V day, the first thing I would do is have a freaken heart attack. Of course, I would still have to drive (he drives all week for work so refuses when we go places together) and I would have to pay (cause he says I'm in charge of the finances and that means the actual paying of bills) and I would have to keep up the conversation too. ugh

    However, in your case, I'm sure your husband isn't a piece of crap! LOL

    So go and have a great time. Research the menu ahead, plug it into your diary and figure out what works for you. Enjoy!!
  • farmgirlh
    Go, have a nice evening and just make the best choices that you can. Most places will have an online menu so you decide what you are having before you get there. That always helps me. Have a great evening!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Definitely go! You're not going to look back on your life and wish you not eaten the cheesecake, but you may wish you had taken up the hubby when he wanted to go on a date! Just try to make the best choice you can while there! Have one glass of wine and water with the meal, share an entree but order a salad before... Just because we are all watching our weight doesn't mean we have to miss out on life. Besides, one night will not hurt you. As for the busy social week, just try to eat lighter at the other meals. We all deserve a break every now and then so cut yourself some slack!
  • lwarner73
    I would go. Just plan ahead. Applebees has a new reduced menu(under 550 calories), I think Ruby Tuesday has a weight watcher menu. You can also try Olive Garden-soup and salad (my fave!!!) And they now list their nutrition facts ont their web page. I hope this helps. Good Luck.
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    GO! Enjoy! I love Valentines Day. <3
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Research ahead of time what is on the menu if you can - and then go and enjoy yourself. And ....if you can....get a workout in so that you can burn off some of the calories that you are going ot eat.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I'm in agreement with everyone else...GO! Assuming this is a healthy lifechange for you and not a "diet", you're going to be living this way forever! There are going to be V-days every year, might as well take advantage of them and get out with Hubby :) HAVE FUN!
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    I don't know about fitness level, but what if you threw in some"exercise" with dinner? Like go out to eat, then go to a roller or ice skating rink. You have fun and burn off a lot of calories. Or have dinner at home and them maybe catch a movie together, if you never get to go. Just a couple ideas. Either way, it is okay to enjoy the company of your husband...sometimes :wink:
  • TwentyTen
    Some things are more important than a single meal's calorie count. Enjoy the holiday, and your hubby!