I'm ready to give up.



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Well, I'm 5'6 and 158 pounds and age 49 and I'm eating 1600 ish calories. This will depend on your stats and activity level. You could join the IPOARM group and ask for more specific help there:

  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,077 Member
    Set smaller goals. Tell youself your first victory will be 155. When you get there, take a few weeks to practice maintaining it. Then get back in the game when you are ready.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,077 Member
    My BMR/TDEE was the same as yours. A relief, right? The weight may come off a tad slower, but it will be more permanent loss and you will be healthier!
  • ChrissyWCU
    I haven't necessarily been where you are, but I understand it. There are days when I just don't feel like exercising, but I make myself do it. How?

    1) I talk to someone and say I really need to work out, and they push me on, and then if I don't do it, I feel like I am not only disappointing myself but the other person who was supporting me. (Guess I am a people pleaser!)

    2) I try to be the motivator to friends- and how can I motivate them if I don't do it myself? If someone is looking to me for support I don't want to let them down by not being a good leader. Makes me feel that I have a responsibility to help others, and by doing so, I am helping myself. (I have quite a few friends that have just started on their journey, and I have been at it for 8 months, so they look to me as the experienced one! It's kinda funny.)

    3) Ok, so this is super cheesy, but I googled fitness quotes/motivation images and saved a ton of them. If I am feeling a lack of motivation, those usually pick me up and remind me of why I am doing this (and we all have different reasons). My reasons at first were to lose weight, now it is to get strong and fit. Sometimes I just look at them, sometimes I post them on FB so my other friends can see them and be inspired. Plus, it is another way to hold yourself accountable. Don't post some fitness quote if you aren't going to back it up:)

    4) I changed up my workouts. I was doing strictly cardio for a long time, and I hated it. Dreaded that hour on the machine. So, since I had been thinking of doing it for awhile, I finally went ahead and added strength training. After two weeks on my own, I met with a trainer today (free at Planet Fitness!) and we sat down for an hour and came up with a four day per week lifting routine. I am already excited about it. And then instead of climbing on the stairmaster, I took my run outside. Kind of making up my own couch to 5k routine. Change is good:)

    5) When I work out- I find junk food much less appealing. I think of how I sweated my butt off in the gym and think to myself, no way I am putting junk in my mouth now. So, exercise is a plus- I am getting strong and fit, and it helps out with my eating habits. For me Working Out=Healthier food choices. I'm not angel though- sometimes working out means I can have that third glass of wine! (Or gasp, fourth!) They say that weight loss is 80% diet/nutrition, 20% working out. For me, doing that 20% is what makes me do that 80% much better.

    These are things that work for me- it's different for everyone. You just have to find that motivator. If you want it bad enough, I know you can start to make changes to a healthy lifestyle. One of the biggest things I hear from you is that once you start to eat badly- you just say screw it. It doesn't have to be like that. So you had a bad meal. Enjoy the meal- then move on. Try to clean it up for the next day. I indulge, definitely. But I try to plan for it. And if I haven't planned for it, I plan for the next meal after it, or the next day, or the next week.

    I read something the other day- In moments of doubt, imagine yourself a year from now, then get back to work.

    I wish you the best of luck. You are on here and you are opening up a dialogue, which means you are moving in the right direction. You can do it!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    DON'T give yourself that out! You're making excuses girl. Sorry for the tough love but if I can do this, ANYBODY can!! How bad do you want it! Don't give up before the miracle happens! Please friend me if you need support and if you're on FB, add me there too, Robyn Hooven Wilson
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    When you drop your cell phone, do you stomp on it since it's already down there or do you pick it up, dust it off, and put it back to good use?

    Please try not to let one slip up ruin your entire day or even week.

    You can adjust your food diary. I have given myself more calories than MFP proposed. It makes it easier. It may take longer, but I'm in it for the long run.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    MFP also has me on the same amount of calories and I get super pissy when the scale won't budge..... I have lost a few pounds but it seems everyone loses faster than me and that's my dilemma so I kinda feel like you do somewhat. In the end though, I know I must bust *kitten* for this accomplishment and I'm bringing everything to myself. Try and have a better outlook and don't give up. I started at 165 and am now at 156... I guess I'll be here awhile...lol...
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    The TDEE will probably work better for you. It gives you more calories to work with, so even if you "slip up" a bit during the day, it won't completely derail you. You'll be happier and not as hungry. Since you run so much, I assume you're getting enough carbs and such?
  • strela32
    Why don't you try the almased diet? It's a diet good for people who exercises, but do not let lose muscle mass, because is a protein shake. Go to GNC and buy 1 can and try. It's a little expensive, but they are lots of good reviews online. The way your post says, you are not bad at keeping the weight off, but you want to keep losing weight a little more.

    This diet is said to be good to give you a boost, a kick start to lose weight because speeds up your metabolism without the hunger.

    After you lose your remaining pounds (remember, they are the hardest ones to lose), you get back to counting calories and exercise daily.

    One tip you could use from me: I do 3 miles a day like yourself, and some strength training as well. But if I am not hungry, I try not consume back this calories that are added to the calculations. Or at least not all of them. When I do that, I lose a lot faster.

  • Sandy307
    Sandy307 Posts: 70 Member
    Oh yes, I am 5-4 also, and I would definitely kiss the ground if I could weigh 168. to me, thats skinny

    Me too.! Haven't seen 168lbs since I was eight years old!!
  • noriri
    noriri Posts: 74 Member
    I have always had that "all or nothing" mentality and I have come to understand that is one of my greatest failures. Over the passed year, that idea has really come to light and slowly I have begun to change it. It is so pervasive in my life...so many areas, and what I have come to really recognize is that I am not really living, I am merely existing. So I chose to do something about it...and it's not just my weight. For me, I really had to look inward and work from my core. For me, spirituality is a large component, once I began to address that and change that negative mentality it allowed me to move on to the next thing and so on. I am a work in progress, but so isn't everyone else! We are more alike than we are different, essentially. Know that many of us are on the same journey, you really are not alone. Best wishes, and the desire to succeed are the crux of all these encouraging comments. "Enjoy" your life!
  • dominique2118
    I love this suggestion, thanks!
  • anniebelle26
    anniebelle26 Posts: 43 Member
    My trick is to only weigh every MONDAY morning. That way, when Im tempted through Sat. and Sun, I think..nooo...Im weighing on Mon. Better not. It really works for me.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member

    First off, you need an attitude make over. You say you're an all-or-nothing gal. FIRST THING - That's gotta go! You gotta get into the mindset of NO MATTER HOW SLOW YOU'RE GOING, YOU'RE STILL LAPPING THE PEOPLE ON THE COUCH!!!

    No matter what amount of working out you do, no matter how small the good eating decisions you make are - IT'S BETTER THAN NOTHING. You have to be proud of the little things, and KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.


    This is really good advice. I've become a lot more forgiving of myself (and less "all or nothing") since focusing on little victories. Some recent credit I've given myself:
    1. I made it all the way through the grocery shopping without buying anything "bad" to stuff my face with in the car.
    2. My weight loss has been going frustratingly slowly for the last few weeks, but at least I'm still trying and still working out.
    3. I'm not going to make my mini-goal by September 30, but I realized that it was unrealistic to think that I could drop 10 whole pounds in 4 weeks.

    So every time I'm feeling down on myself (which is often!), I force myself to think of at least three positive things. It's really helped me! I hope it helps you too. :)